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10 71 Il <br />To HAVE AND To HOLD the same unto tile Mortgagee, as lierei i provided. Mortgagor rep�esents. to, <br />and covenants 'With,. the Mortgagee, that the Mortgagor has good riglit�to sell all convey said :premises <br />that they are free from eiieumbrance, except as IiL-einotlierwise ii-elcite'd; t�,hat the Mo-rtgagor will warrant <br />and defend the same against the lawful claiins of all persons Nvlion�spev6r. MortgAgor hereby relinquishes <br />t! all rights'of homestead, all marital rights, either in hiw or in equi 1� anc a I ot iei contingent hiterests of <br />the Mortgagor in and �o tile above-described premises. <br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and these presents tare executed and deli��-red: up,on. thefollowing conditions, to <br />wit: <br />Mortgagor agrees to pay to the 111ortgagee, or order, the aforesa, d principal stim with interestfro'm date <br />at the rate of Nine percehtum (- 9.()'b) I)ei.-,.nntimon:tIICLliil)aidbalance,uiitill)aid. <br />I heofficeof Firs -i. Feder'' 1 Sa * ' & L6a I n <br />The said principal and interest shall be payableat t A,, sociatalorl 8 lHnholn <br />ti U <br />in Lincoln oratsuchotherplaceas ie-holderof ienotemaydesignatein - <br />writing delivered or mailed to the -Alortgagor in monthly instlalliti its of 0�e: HUXAlred F orty - F.,, -i <br />01 2 : , I ght and 86/100 <br />DolWs �omniencing oil the first daX, of Janue ej 1 76, and coiftinuing oil <br />$148.86 Lr� <br />T <br />the first day of each month thereafter until !said note is fully paid,!( xCept 'that,' f hot sooner paid, the final <br />I)aymeiitofprincil)al.iiidil'itereStSI1,11lbC(ILiein(II)ayzibleoiitliefii.t(i,�yofI Dedamber 2qO5. all <br />according to the terms of Z,t certain promiss�ry note of.evell (1,11-0 Ito -Cwltli Cx6cu te'd by the said Moirtgagor. <br />The Mortgagor f urther agrees: <br />as li�ii 'hibef s re <br />1. He will pay the indebtedness, e ore provided. :F rivile g e'': i � rved to prepay at any <br />thild, without premium or fee, the entire ii I idebtednes,s oi- any pai�t tller:el of' not le84 than 'the amount of one <br />installment, or one hundred dollars ($100.00), whichever is less.� rep�yn�iqnt in.-. full shall be credited on <br />-the date received. Partial 'prepayment, other than oni an installmellt due date, ni� ed not be cr6dited until <br />the next following installment due date or �hirty days:after such pr, payment, whi hever is earli�'r. <br />2. Together with, an� in addition to, the monthl3t payments 'p. principal aii� interest payable under <br />the terms of the note securi�ed hereby, Mortgagor will p'ay to Mort�a�ree;,IS trustee: (under tile te'rins' of this <br />I <br />trust as hereinafter stated) on the first da�'of each month until s' I lid noteis full paid: <br />(a) A sum equal to the ground rents, if any, next, due, plus t,li premiums th it will next become due <br />and payable oil policies of fire and other liazard iiisui�al ice ;coveirinig Ile mortgaged property, <br />plus taxes an(hissessnients next due oil the mortgagedbrobert� (allal estimated bk the Mort- <br />gagee, and of which the Mortgagor is notified) less all; .9unis:already I:aid therefor divided by <br />the number of months to elapse before One month prioil to the date NN lien such ground rents, <br />premiums, taxes and assessitien I ts will become delin ne it, sucli�sums to be held by ! Mortgagee <br />intrust to pay said ground rents, preinitutis, taxes an(i pec,ial,-1t§,s,essn11 ts. <br />(b) The aggregate of the aniountsJ)'13iable pursUant to subpa -agraphi (a) andthosepayableonthe <br />note secured hereby, shall bo -paid in a single paynient�e icli:uiontli, tobe applied to the follow- <br />ing items in the order stated: <br />(I) ground rents,'laxes, assessnients,"fire and other lia7ard hisura ice premiums; <br />(ii) iiitei-ostoiitliciiotesecure(Iliereby;aiid <br />(III) anior6zation of the priincipal of said note. <br />Any deficieneS., in the amount ofl any such'aggregate mc iAhly pAymen shall, unless'illade good <br />. I ! I' I <br />gor prior to the due date of the next su It ; ment cons <br />by the Mortga' C. pay, itute all event of default <br />under this mortgage. At k1ortgagee's option, 111ortga Yor ill! a'� c <br />w, 1.) a late 'harge" not'exceed-- <br />ing four per centuni (417o) of any install ment when. l3a, d ihord than J teen 15 (ays'afterthe <br />due (late thereof to cover the extra expeiiseiiivolvedh� andling (lei in( tient payments, but such <br />"latecharge shall not be payable out of'the I)rocecd§lo'f.',Il�3,sA]eiiia(li�tosati§fytliein(lebted- <br />ness secured hereby, unless such, procceds'are sufficient I o'dfPchalyge th entire indebtedness and <br />all proper costs and expenses secured thereby. <br />3. If the total of the payments made by the Mortgagor undAr. f paragraph 2 <br />(a preceding shall. <br />exceed the amount of payments actually made by the Mortgagee, s trusi�e, fol ground rents', taxes.and <br />assessments or insuranc6 premiums, as the' case may be, such excess sliali be credited by tlie.,Mortgagee <br />I J1 <br />on subsequent payments iobe made bythe Mortgagoj: for such itel� oi., at1,Mortg*)agee'soptioni as trustee, <br />1 11 rl � � :i <br />shall be refunded to Mortgagor. If, however, such monthly paYrrents'zlila'11 not b ufficient to,pay such <br />a <br />items when the same shall become due anl� payable, then the mo -tga., <br />gor shall-,��aeystlo the Mortgagee, as <br />trustee, any amount nece§sary to make up �he deficie ' ncy within thi rty �(30 days. �fter written notice from <br />the Mortgagee stating the amount of the.deficiency, which noti�e may be! given by mail. If �'t any time <br />the Mortgagor shall tender to the Mortgagee, in accordance N%tli thelprovisillons of the note'secured <br />hereby, full payment of: the entire indebiedness represented tlileby,� the Mortgagee, as trtAstee, shall, <br />in computing the amount of such iiid6btedness, credit to the accbti I lit of the Mortkagor any credit balance <br />accumulated under the provisions of (a) of paragraph 2 liereofl If there slial I I be a default under any <br />of the provisions of this mortgage 'resulting in a public sale of ':t e premises c vered hereby, or if the <br />Mortgagee acquires the property otherwise after default, the 1)tfoj -tgAg�ee,: as trL stee, shall apply, at the <br />time of the commencement of such proceedings, or at the time tie� prbp6rty is otherwise aqquired, the <br />amount then remaining to credit the Mortgagor under (a) of pa * graph� 2 preceding, as a credit on the <br />interest accrued and unpaid and the balance to the principal then remaining tin aid on said no,te. <br />4. The lien of this instrument shall remain in fall force and 6fl ect duriiig any postponement or exten- <br />f <br />sion of the time of paymdiit of the indebtedness or any part thereo ectired hereby. <br />5. He will pay all round rents And! 6ther overnmental,br munici- <br />9* , taxesj assessments, water r,�t ' 's, 1 , <br />pal charges, fines, or impositions, levied said pi;emises and titAt he 'vill:pay.., 11 taxes levied upon this <br />"Poll er Nvith a . ny other j1es ;, sses me its which levied <br />mortgage, or the debt secured thereby, t ta% -or a' ssme <br />ogelith <br />under the laws of Nebraska againsttlie Mortgagee, oi- the legal liold6r of �sal principal note, on account of <br />this indebtedness, excep� when payment for all such items has thpretoforel:; den' ade-under (0 of para- <br />graph 2 hereof, -and lie N)',ill promptly deliv I er the official receipts:: t ierefor� o tl: Mortgagee. In default <br />thereof the Mortgagee indy pay the same.:' <br />