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255-2 (Spe;;ial) <br />MORTGAGE—Savings and Loan Form—Mireect Credlit Plan) <br />1 MICROF111,11:1) <br />011058 MORTGAGE <br />Loan No <br />THIS INDENTURE, made thisl 24th __��day of November <br />19 75, by' c-ind between <br />RONALD J. ETHINGTON AND EILEEN E. ETHINGTON, husband6n,d yiVfe eaJ in his'an*d her <br />own right and as spouse of the otherl, <br />Of Hall ounty, Nebraska., as rtgagor S and Home Fed ral 'a��vings and In Association of Grcmd Island, <br />o 1 j <br />a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Nebraska witl� its principal ffico-and place of business at Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />as mortgagee; <br />WITNE�SETH: That said mortgagor__�_ for and in consideration' of the sum of i <br />:THIRTY THRFF THOIIS'ANn ANn No/ioo ---- ----------------- - — — — ollars (S -i, nn:n on <br />the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do— by those presents mortgage and war!a.t unto sail mortgagee, its successors and <br />Ha'l I <br />assigns, forever, all the following described real estate, situated in the' county of <br />and State of Nebraska, to -wit: <br />LOT TWELVE (12), IN BLOCK TWO (2) IN JACK VOS'S�SECOND SUB IVISION, <br />BEING A PART OF THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OVSW-L) OF <br />4 <br />SECTION TWO (2'), TOWNSHIP EL'EVEN (li) NORTH R*G�:TEN (I WEST OF; <br />THE 6TH P.M., IN HALL COUNT), NEBRASKA. <br />Together with all heating, lighting, qnd plumbing equipment and fixtures, including t., ers'cm'd burners, creens, awnings, storm windows <br />and doors, and window shades or bl,inds, used on or in con' nection with said property, ',m� iethe: r� the same 'a o now located 6n said property <br />or hereafter placed thereon. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with all and singular the tenement, here ditam6nts and appurtenances t I hereunto belong - <br />Ing, or in anywise appertaining, forev'6r, and warrant the title to the same. Said mortg alq :)r_�i hereby qoi enant with, said mortgagee. <br />that --Lh.y-- arp. , at the�. delivery hereof, the lawful owner—a of the prernis a above c:)nveyed and described, andcl re <br />t <br />seized of a good and indefeasible estate of inheritance therein, free and clear of all erilbrqnces, and th t he y will warrant and' <br />defend the title thereto forever against the claims and demands of all persons whomsoever I <br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and this instrument is executed and delivered to secure the 1, crymen:t ol the sul of <br />.THIRTY THREE THOUSAND AND NO/100---.- -------- ---------- �nn I 11mra (S_ 33, 000. 00 <br />with interest thereon, together with such charges and adva�cos as may be due and �p I ageo under, the'terms and <br />y ble' t6 said :in rtg <br />conditions of the promissory note of' even date herewith and secured hereby, executed by aid mcrtgagn'rl-, -Do, payable' <br />as expressed in said note, and to aLcure the performance of all the terms and conditioris conialned� therein The terms of said note are <br />hereby incorporated herein by this reference. <br />It is the intention and agreement:of the parties hereto that this mortgage shall aliio' j3o6uro 'a <br />ny future advances made to said <br />mortgagor by said mortgagee, and any and all indebledness in addition to the aml I t:above'stated which said moi tgagors, 'or . any <br />of them, may owe to said mortgagee, however evidenced, �vhethor by note, book accoiinl�Tr bther�lse. T s mortgage shall remain in full <br />force and effect between the parties. hereto and their heirsi personal representatives, u.cessors and ass! ns, until all amotints secured <br />hereunder, Including future advances,. are paid in full with interest. <br />The mortgagqr_�__ hereby assign— to said mortgagelo all rents. and Income _�.L 4 ig at ani, and al, times from said property and <br />hereby authorize said mortgagee or Ma agent, at its optionj upon default, to take charge of said p j ropertk and collect all renWand Income <br />therefrom and apply the name to the�payment of interest, principal, insurance premiums,� � xeii; assessmentsl4airs or imp�ovomenta necos. <br />mary to keep said property in tenantpblo condition, or to other charges or payments pr6v ded for herein or the note hereby secuired. This <br />rent assignment shall continue in force until the unpaid bal I once of said note in fully p . all I * The taking of ossession hereunder shall In no <br />manner prevent or retard said mortgagee in the collection 6f said sum� by foreclosure 'or itherwiso. <br />The failure of the mortgagee to :asmert any of its rights hereunder at any time shall not be construed as a waiver of It I s, right to assert <br />the same, at any later time, and to Insist upon and enforce 'strict compliance with all ihi terms aAd provi Ions of said te and of this <br />mortgage. <br />If said mortgagor S shall cause to be paid to Bald Inortgageo the entire amount1d is It hereunder, and under the terms and provisions <br />of said note hereby secured, including future advances, and any extensions or renewals t6i eof In' ac�ordcmce with the tormi and provisions <br />thereof, and if said mortgagor G. sl�all comply with all the' provisions. of said note and! c� this mort I gags, th n theme present I s shall be void: <br />otherwise to remain in full force and effect, and said mortgal goo shall be entitled to thol I oissession of all a said property, cind may, at its <br />9ption, declare the whole of maid note and all indebtednessi repremented thereby to be Imii edlately due and ayable, and may foreclose this <br />mortgage. or take any other legal action to protect Its right, and from the date of such default all Its I indebtedness' s�cured hereby <br />shall draw interest at 9% per annum. Appraimement walvad.1 me <br />This mortgage shall be binding -upon and shall enure to the benefit of the heirs, a: ecutiirii, a Inlitralors, successors and assigns of <br />the respective parties hereto. <br />IN WITNESS" ve d iyear first above <br />WHEREOF, said Mortgagor S__ha2 _— hereunto Not the I �r the day an <br />wr Itten. <br />H na I d 1'� nq on <br />Eileen E.!;; (Eth ngton <br />-.77 <br />