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VA Form 2"325 (Home Loan) <br />December 1973. Use Optional. <br />Section 1810. Title 38, U.S.C. <br />Acceptable to Federal National <br />Mortgage Association. <br />r" <br />Q110U2 <br />MORTGAGE <br />Ll <br />THIS MORTGAGL, made and executed this day of NOL, -'(?-4 13 CQ ; A. D. 19 75 <br />by and Vetween Daniel S. Puckett and Sandra K. Puckett, husband and i -rife, each in his <br />and her oi-m individual right, and as.spouse of the other, jointly and severally <br />d the C611 lity of Hall aud State of Nebraska, hereinafter. called the Mortgagor, and <br />FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN <br />a corporation organized aiid existing uhder the laws of 'United States <br />the <br />liereinaf ter called the k1ortgagee, <br />WITNESSETH.: That Mortgagor, for and in consideration of the * sum of SEVENTE EN THOUSAND NINE <br />HUNDRED AND NO/100 ----------------- Zollars;($17,900-00 ),paid by Mortgagee, the receipt of <br />which is hereby acknowledged, has Granted and Sold and by these presents does Grant, Bargain, Sell, <br />Assign, Convey and Coufirin unto the 11fortgagee, its successors and assigiis, foreN,er, the *following - <br />described property, situated iii the County of Hall , and State of Nebraska, to wit: <br />The Westerly Half of Lot 6 in Block 142 of Union Pacific <br />Railmy Company's Second Addition to the.the City of Grand <br />Island., Hall County, Nebraska. <br />of the Sixth Principal Meridian, containing in all 7 <br />together with the appurten ances thereto belonging and all fixtures now or hereaf ter attached thereto or <br />used in connection with the premises herein described and in addition thereto the following -described <br />household appliances, which are, and shall be deemed to be, fixtures and a part of the realty, and are a <br />portion of the security for the ijidebtediiess herein mentioned: <br />6 /7 <br />