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011051 <br />'I'll(- Mortga gve may colfect I "late charge- no( to e\ceed Cvnts'� 5c) NO w I ach do I'll- ($1.00) (If vavli tot'll montillY <br />paymelit more thall 1.5 days in arrvars to the -xtr:i expense involved ilill, Indfing ( lit . I i I I q I I it -Iccolints. <br />undor the provisions -of jhis rilortgago or the notell o.'IlYed. w lich Illav Ilk. coll'strut'd as interest. <br />All paYments madc St. <br />�41;111 not. in the aggrogate over the terni thereof, oxlceod tilt, rotv that niaY iv�)\ ))I. Inwfullt., contracted for in writin'. <br />It is further agreelool) th;W In (,;Is(, am. sult is , It"'on to for( close this 1116r th Mort.,: gee, it.,; reprez4eritatives or a�;signs. <br />'llillf ,It ojj(.(� 1)(. tilt, <br />po�4syssion of said )reniises. ;nId upon tilefor. th*� court in Nvhich�such action shall <br />III, hrought or any Judge of such court. either in tert I time or vacation. is herel authorized to� ippoint ;I re'ceivler'to take posse­ <br />,;ioll of Said proillises, or to collect the rt,nts tli(-r(,fr( III. and to (to and perfori',Il such othl,r acts; as maY Ito requ;ired bv the order <br />of the court making thc appointment; and said Nlor gagor hereby waiwas anv: otici. of ap flivatioll. and to tilt, <br />pointrilent of a receiver llpoll the :production of this ri'lorigage. without other vo�i, <br />'I'lle Mortgaget. Shall he %ullrogated to all of the iights, privileges. prio�ri ies, a'nd equitif" of any lierlllold�q- liell Ilia.\, <br />have becil discharged from the proci,ods of ihi� Imn. or by ;ijf%l funds heri,11% imi 1�or furnis] Ild by the <br />IT IS EXPRESSLY AGRET-1) Hint if'tll(, \lorh4agor slmll Sell, crllfv� v � o s;ilid properIN. ortaw, part tlwro�of. <br />Or any interest therein, or simll liv divested of his tille or :in%- ifiterest therein in !III\- inanner or whother voluntarilv: or <br />-involuntarilY, without writtell coji�;(.Jlt (if the 'tlortgm,'ev lm-ing, firl had and ol')t inwl. Nlqri,,_,�igee sluill have Ilie right, :it it., option, <br />to declam. '111Y indebtedliess or obligations su " ured lwrebv, irrespective of t he I inturit.v ite "p( cified ill any note eviriencing, tliv <br />same, inimediately (ILIC Mid JM.�','11)10 Without notic (,. �Ind *Said deht Shall theretil )n It "Li,o 111P ah�olllto. If tho owlw,r�zhip of tht, iiiort- <br />gaged property licconics vested iji a person other thlin tht- :Oortgagor, t I it, Nl� t ga, '6 - T III I y. . w it I ( III t not ire I o t I' iNlorfgngor, deal <br />With SUCII SUCCv�;sor or succcs�zors in interest with. re,crence to this illortg'age ait I lh'e�del I li'erel v secured ;I,, Nv�th the INTortgagor. <br />and mav forbear to sue or nlaY 6.xtend lime for III(- A)aYnit'lit of the debt 1wreltv lecil , red i I liou t orill :111Y \%;IY affectill" <br />tilt- liabilitv of the origiiml %Iort,�w,,or livrcundt,r oi- 11poil the debt. <br />III this instrunicnt the shwular includes I�e plural and the niasculi:i, the fel linim. mid tilt, l,'wliti-r and thi� iii- <br />'11-11111clill slmll Iw binding, lipon the uiidvr�zigncd. his wir�;. person-il r(-pr(�senta�i I*, !�ll (I as,iglls. <br />cce �,or� :it <br />IN WITNEISS WTIP'REOF, we luive herem to ;ot our hnn(k and �,oa� I fit, (I'l-1v I iid- -c; r firt ;ilmvc wi�ittvn. <br />I n the prv�erwe of:' <br />Dallas L Ki bu2: z <br />- I Tancy <br />L: Ur 2 <br />STATE, 011� INEfIRASKA <br />S. <br />Hall <br />. .. .. ..... <br />m�,J dlll��. of A16, V 61m C oii'idor4igi'(�d ;I NoUirt, Ilublic' in ;III([ for s I i (I <br />Oil this befort, niol lic I <br />Cimnly, personaliv canle ...... L.... . Kib.ur z and. N.a4py 1. ..... Kibur: hi�sbland <br />personally known to nie to ho the identical 1wi-solit; ho.,w 11,1711cs are affixed td'l I e abovo and fo� I goiml instrunitInt, as <br />,in(] each acknowledized said instrunlent to he ll(.r volunt <br />his 0I �,iry act and (1 (1, <br />Grand Island, ..NebrL ka:' <br />Witness my liand and notarial seal at- ... .. <br />the date kist above written. <br />'C <br />1. fll�?Ae <br />CVTE OF Nolar% I'llb iL'. <br />lission e 1 <br />My coinn xpires ..... ...... ... Octuber 13, djo <br />2 <br />STATE OF... . . <br />14 ........... <br />11 red on numerical in(lex an(I fi e(I for record in the Ri!j Js[(�r� 6unty the <br />of Dee(I.4 ffice of said C. <br />k and ...... 111inutes'! .......... m'. <br />27X41,IV of.. a L 6 , Um X? <br />an(I recor(le(l in Book. ........... f'%­16rtgl­eS at page_ .... nent No <br />Its <br />................... <br />Reg. of Deeils <br />........... ..... ... ...... .. . :.Deputy <br />When recorcled to: be returned' :o tile <br />FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSMATION 0 LINCOLN' <br />LINCOLN OFFICES: Phone 475-0521 1435-2111 <br />I S,:.,� E] 2 341 No. 1 1th St' <br />n 1235 "N" Street E] 135 No. Cotner Blvd. E] 70th and i root <br />OMAHA OFFICES: Phone 558-4323, <br />8706 Pacific St. E] 2101 So. 42nd St. E] 3205 No. 9 0 1 St. 13920 -West Dodge Rd. <br />ney E] 513 "E" Strel t, Fair�burly Lj -1�� "M" Street, !Ord <br />REGIONAL OFFICES: F] 2120 First Aye., Kear 9: 1 <br />Phone 234-2473 Phone 72 2� 02: Itione 728-3218 <br />E] 1301 Main Ave., Crete E] 223 Box Butte AVe., Alliance <br />1811 West 2nd St., Grand Island <br />Phone 826-4349 PlionIb 762-2160 <br />Pl16ne 1384-4433 <br />FIRST rLDEIIAL SAVINGS AND LOAN <br />1974 - <br />ASSOCIA71ON OF LINCOLN. �EURASKA <br />