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01105-1 <br />THIS MORTGAGE IS ALSO TO BE AND CONTINUE TO BE, FROM TIME TO TIME, SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT OF, SU , CH <br />SUM OR SUMS OF MONEY AS THE MORTGAGEE MAY FROM TIME TO TIME IN THE FUTURE ADVANCE TO THE MORTGAGOR, AND <br />EVIDENCED BY A SUPPLEMENTAL NOTE OR NOTES, BUT THE TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS SECURED -BY THIS 'MORTGAGE SHALL NOT <br />EXCEED ONE HUNDRED TWENTY (120) PER CENT OF THE AMOUNT NOW OWING, EXCEPT FOR ANY ADVANCES THAT MAY BE MADE <br />TO PROTECT THE SECURITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS MORTGAGE. <br />THE MORTGAGOR FURTHER COVENANTS AND AGREES: <br />That the Nfortgagor will pay the i ndub led ness as liervinbefore provided. <br />That tlie� Nfortgagor is the owner of said property fit fee simple and has good right, and lawful �,iuthority to sell and <br />conve.v the santo.and that die same is free :fit(] clear ofany lien or onctimbrance:.atiff that. 'lklortgagor will warralit. and defend tli(,* <br />title to said prepikes against tile claillis of all persons whoillsovver. <br />To pay immediately whell due and payahle all gencral taxes, special taxes, special asses.snients, watercharges, sewerseyv- <br />icu, charges, and other taxes and charges against .Said propert , V, and .111 taxes levied oil the (](!Ill sectired hereh ' v, and to furnish the <br />iNfortgague. upon request, with fit(! original or duplicate recoil)k therefor. 'I'll(, Nlortgagor agrve.; that thev-shall he added to <br />each 111oliflily payment required hereunder or under the evidence of delit ';evilred li,,r(,]).v :Ili amountestimated by Iliv %lortgagev <br />to be sufficient to ellable fit(. IN'lortgagee to pay. as they become dile, all taxes. assessments. Ili(] similar charge., upon fit(, prein- <br />ises subject thereto; any deficielicY hevallse of' tile inslifficiellcN. (if such additiolia'l payments shall If(, forth%vith deposited hy (ho <br />;�Iort"�a gor 1poll fletlialid bv the Any default under this paragraph ,flat] he det-nied a defatlit'ill <br />with the INIortgageo I Nlortg <br />payllient of taxes, assessments, or similar charges required hen!mider. <br />The INIqrtgagor agrees that there sliall also be added to cach monthly payniviit of pri'ncipal and interest requin,d here- <br />under ;Ili aniount estiniated 1) ' �, tile %Iortg,,lgee to 1)(, mifivielit, to enable (he Nlorigagee to Inly, ;[.� it hecoril"s dife% fit(- insuran . cf, <br />premium oil anv insurailce policy delivered to the Nlorfgagee. Any deficiency becallse of fit(- ill-�ufficielw , v (if such additional -paY, <br />Illefik shall be forthwith deposited by tli(- ;Nlortgagor with the Nlortgagee upon demand 1) ' v fit(, An ' v defatiN unfler this <br />paragraph sliall be deemed I defalilt ill Ill(' J)a�'IIIL'llt of insurance premiums. If the policy or aresuch as home- <br />owners or all risk policies. and fit(, deposits are insufficient to pay fit(- entire proinium. the maY :fill)[.\, the (1(-p().� <br />pay pcvmium� oil risks required to he insured by this niortgag(l. <br />Pavilivills Illade bv tilt, %lortgagor under the above paragraphs may. at tilt- option of ill(- Nlortgagoe, ho hold hv it nild <br />commingled with other SLICh fund., or its own funds for the payment of Such it('111S. ;111(1 Lilltil SO ij)j)Ii4'fl, �;[Wh pay.-Tionk nry heroi).%- <br />pledged n.-� sectirity for fit(- unpaid balonev of fit(, mortgage illdebti�dlless. <br />To proctire, deliver to, and maillklill for tho 1wilefit of the \14)rtgagee during, fit(, life (if' this wor(gage original policies and <br />renewals there(if. delivered at least ten dn.vs before the expiration of ,III.\- such policies, In.,;i1ring against fire 'Ind in.-mrable <br />hazards, casual ties, and coil t ingencies as the Nlortgagee may require, ill fit amount equal to tilt! indebledness secured I)v this <br />Nlortt�age, and ill companies acceptable to ill(- Nlorigagec, witil loss payable clall."o ill favor of and ill form accept"ible to the Nlorlga- <br />gee. '111 the all.v policY is not, renewed oil or'befoie ton daYs (if its cxpiration. the \Iortgagee may procure imstiranct- Ili the <br />improvenients, 1),iy fit(- Im-mium therefor. and such' suill -diall illifilvdiatei ' v flow and payable with ilitere't at till- rate �k <br />forth ill said llot.(. Illitil paid and -dinll k, secured 1")Y filis mortgagn'. Failure on -the part of tho Vloitgagor I,) furnisli �;uch ri,nw.vak <br />;I.,; are hert,in required of- failure to pay any sums :I fivnilcod herounfler shalL at fit(! option (if tilt- cml�tihlft- it (h.falllf <br />mid(,r fit(, tvi-nis of this mortgage. The deliver,v of such policies simll" ill the (-\'(-fit (it' deratill. collstitille :Ili (if the Im- <br />varned promitini. <br />Aliv lit- 1.1-tailwd hv the <br />suill"; recciv(,d hv the "\Iortgagee by renson (if los�4 of- daimue jm�urcd ag;1ill.'t HNII <br />and I lent <br />applic( toward fit(- paYn oil" the debt herebY sceured. or, all tilt, option (,f fit(- such �ulns oitlwr whoillY tir ill <br />part may be paid over to t1w INIm-Igagor to he used to n -pair stich buildings (it- to buil(I'llwx b.t1ildings ill Hicir placo of- kir aliv <br />othor purpose or object satisfaclory to ill(, Nlortg:igee 'xithout afft-ctim'! ill(- li('Il oil ilw f(ir fit(, full ntlimlill �;vcllrod hi -ye <br />bY beforo slich lia.vill"Ilt ever took place. <br />To prompttY repair. restort, of- rebuild Ill.%, budding,', or improvenients now or hercaf(Or oil t1w �%hich mitY I),— <br />conit, daniaged or dc.Aro , ved: to keep said promises ill good conditioti and repair mid frc(� front anY moviumic's lien orothor lien or <br />clailli of liell not vxprc�'�dy siihordittated to till, lien lion -of: not to Stiffer ()I- 1wrinit 'InY unlawful Its(, fit of. ally lllji'�allcv to oxist on <br />said prolwrl ' v nor to permit waste (Ili said premises, flor to (to ;fit.\- other act witerebY the propertY livreh.v conveYed shall becoille <br />less valuable. nor to diminish or impair it., value 1) ' v ;it)%' ;let or oillli�.-;�ioll to act: to oilliplY with 'Ill 1.(.(l Ili rolnellt�; of law with rospewt <br />to� tilt- mortgaged premisi,,s and fit(? use thereof. <br />That. should the preiniso.-; or an , v part thereof be taken of- damaj,"'d hv reasoll of all * v public improvement of- colidellillati'm <br />proceeding. or under the right of villilit'lit domain, of- ill fit ' v other manner. the \Iortgagev �lialP he entitled to :111 comp-lisatioil';. <br />awards, and any other payment or relief therefor. and shall he entitled. at its option. to ('0111111('11CO. al)[War ill alld j)r0.1'((!UtV ill �t�z <br />owil flame any action or proceeding,, or to make any compromise or settlement ill connection willi such taking of- (Inniage. All such <br />c(Impensation. awards. datllag(-.-�. right of actioll-alld proceeds al'o hereby as�igjied to fit,, 'Oortgagee. who may. after dcdu(:ti'ng, <br />therefrom all its expenses, �(Avase allY lilolleYs So recoived hY it o.r applY the saille oil allY illdebt."diless st,cured livrehY.The Nlort- <br />gagor agrees to execute SLICII further n.-�-;ignrneflts of all.v compensation, awank, daniages. and rights ofaction and provecds"I�z the <br />Nlortgagee may require. <br />That ill case of failure to perform anY of the covonant,,; herein. tilt, Mortgagee may do oil the '%lortgagor's helialf ovt�rything <br />'o V0v( I I to Ili . livii thereof: that fit(, Nlortgagor vAll <br />.1 111allied; fliat the Nlortagve nia�, also do any act it nia.% flevin necessar.\ -oivet, tile <br />repay upon delliand ally llloncvs paid of- dishursed Im, the Nilortgagev for 'fill, I (If tile al)(AT and stit'll Illollev., together with <br />interest thereon at tilt, rate provided ill said note shall beconle so lillich additiowd indphtediws., lit-roh * v �4(,cured and Ina ' v he ill- <br />cluded ill :fit\, deerce-foreclositig- this mortgage and' he paid out of the rents or proceed., of sah. of said 'projni�4vs if' not i0herwise <br />paid; that it'shall not be obligatorY upon fit(, Mortgagve to inquire into the validitY of fit.%, lien, encumbronces, or claim ill :I(]- <br />vancing morleys as above authorized. hut nothing herviii contained sliall be construed as re(Iiiii-ing the Nloirtgagej� to :111% <br />moneys for any skich purpose nor to (to anN, act hereunder; and that Armll not incur ,III,\- persoijal bvc�;Ijsv )f <br />thingr it. romY do or omit to do hereunder. <br />In the (welit of the de fault. bY INIortgagor ill ill(, payment of ally ifistallilleni. a, required h -v ill(- Ntitv spetired herob , v, (I r <br />ill the performance of the oHligation ill this mortgage or ill the note secured thereby, till, Nlorhgagee shall he elitilled to declarc, tile <br />debt secured hereby dile fit(] payal )le without, notice. and the Nfortgageesliall floelititled at its option. without llo)tice. either by itseh <br />of- I)v a receiver to be appointed I)v till! court thereof. and without regard to the adequacy of any securit * v for fit(, indebtedness se- <br />cured hereby, to enter upon and take possession of the mortgaged premises. and to collect. and receive the rents. i.�suvs fit(] profils <br />thereof, and apply fit(! sarne, less costs of operation and collection, iiporl the indebfedne�� secured by thi,, mortgage; said rents, <br />issues and profits being hereby assigned to tile further security for the paymmit of all indvblodness secured herehy. <br />The Mortgagee sliall have the power to appoint, any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of repairing ,;aid pruni- <br />ises: renting fit(! sanie; collectitil- the refits, revenues and income, aild it may pay olit. of said income all (-%penses incurred ill <br />ing and managing fit(, same all(] of collecting the relfltilk therefrom. The balance remaining. if mIN' , shall he applied toward tile <br />disviiarge of, tile : nio'rtgage ifidebtedness. . This assignment is to terr�inate and Ix,come null and void upon rel . ea.qv of''illis mortgage. <br />0 - <br />