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011.0 <br />0 <br />PEN, END—INDIVI <br />CONVENTIONAL <br />F E- D �/%j D UE ON SALE <br />CoFoRm Nb, 530 (R-. 13-74) <br />MI <br />UAL <br />IR <br />TG <br />A <br />THJS MORTGAGR inadc and ex <br />eckliod this Ljtlav of ..... <br />.. ..... . �, D.,!19.75 ... .. lwtw(icn <br />Dallas.. L.... iabwz. ... a.nd Nanc hus d <br />yL....Kibw4;i ban. .,and..i ife ..-each]s..and..her ... 6wh ... individual <br />right and as spoqsq of the other J. intlyand ... s everall <br />...... ...... Y <br />:,if Grand Island ......... countv of ... ... s it( Ne <br />I — I - I.. - t; raska .............. ........ )jerc-inaftur referred <br />toas the Mortagor—ind FJRST-Fl_,',DERAj, S,�\Tj TC1 <br />:%NTD W.MN A MON 'r) F IXNCOLN. Nohra,�,Ica, its successors <br />oil n.L;signs. hereinafter referred to as Mort"I'agov..­ <br />FjNl"1S,'*'Tll: That Ow said Mortagor. for and in coll�iderntion ht tho!�;11111 )f <br />WENTY ... FIV�Pi THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED AND N01100---- <br />------------ ---- -2 5., 6 <br />. ...... .. ......... QO.. 00. ....... Dollars, <br />i)nid ]).�, said i%lorf,,,a,,,ct% dors herebY sell alld colwey Illito Fr.R.ST ND W.\N V.`3�130CIXF10N 010 <br />LINCOLN. Nebra�41m. is Mortgagee, ik sllcco.,��4on; and a�sign�_ the followil,,!. dv�wl-ihed 1�eal F'state. sitilated; in the Colintv of <br />.. .. ..... ..... . ... Hall ................ J- ................ o�tatc of ... J\Tp�braska.... <br />Lot 72 and the South .5 Fe et- of Lot 73 1 'Wes Laim, . in the <br />City of �rand Island, Hall County, Nebra,ka.'1. <br />J <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above desc­j bed i)remises for the use -s her, 11 sdt: fort), <br />'i 1 and to secure i:icrforniance of tin, <br />obligations contained hLrein, to.ether with all ))uiIdiqgs, inij)rovenients, fixti alid: i1ppurt6naiwes and all emenients tlieret, <br />ire.3 <br />nto <br />helon*g,ing, and it is mutuall <br />y covenanted and agreed by and lietweell tile pal �ies llerelio thM all pliimhin�, Igas electric and <br />mechanical fixtures. appliances, �'(Jlliplllellt, machine '"id apparatus, floor c�)% �rin�s, st )rni wii (lows and screell."', and such other <br />goods and chattels and i)er.�;onal Oroj)erty as are ever mished 1),y a landlord iii ettm,,,�, or 6poralip, in unfurnisl . ied buil(ling, simi- <br />lar to the one now or hereafter o;i said premises, <br />are or slillill he attaclic.(1 t( id huildink in am mann6r whatsoever, are <br />and sliall ho deellied to be fixtures and an accession to the freehold and a imIrt of t'),e rdaltY :is between tile parties liereto. their <br />lipir.,;, executors, a(Iminitrators, s�uccessqrs or a,"igns and all persons claiming )y, fli'rou;,li or tinder tlicin, ancl sliall i)e <br />-to be a portioll of the security for.'the indebtedness lier in niention'm an(l to I)v :c( %,Vrod this ill )r1gage, <br />PROVIDI�M ALW�kYS.:and these imscrits <br />pre oxectited and d6livere( uppli tir follo ving conclitiolls'. agreellionts and <br />obli,,ations of the iMortgagors, to-'�vit: <br />agor agrees to pay to the IMor g. lee or or( or tile principil stilli, of ..T1qMY..FIVE ... THQU5� <br />ie ivlortg, t "I Db_SIX .......... <br />HUNDRED AND.;N0 --------- <br />............................... ..... /100 --------------------------- <br />..................................................... ..................................... I ........... .... ........ ($..2.5..�. 0-010 ....... ....... ) Dollars, <br />payahle as provided in a -note ex6cute(i mill delivere d herewiti, fill il' pa <br />%iii(lit, a not sooller. paid. <br />inci,) <br />oil the .......... first Iday of ................... 2005 <br />...................... .................................. <br />