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cliolis <br />such lien by, or defend enforcement of such lien in legal proceedings wIlicIl!o <br />forfeiture of the Property or'any part thereof. <br />3. Hazard Insurance. Mortgagor shall keep the improvements now exist <br />sured against loss by fire, hazards included within 'the term "extended covera <br />requi're and in such amounts and for such periods a I s Mortgagee may require; : <br />that the amount of such coverage exceed that amount of I coverage required to pay,tl <br />The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Mort <br />that such approval shall not be unrd.asonably withheld.1 All premiums on iTlSUra9( <br />payment, when due, directly to the insurance carrier. <br />All insurance policies and renewals thereof shall be in form acceptable to <br />clause in favor of and in form acceptable to Mortgagee; Mortgagee shall have the� r <br />and Mortgagor shall promptly furnish to Mortgagee all :1 enewal notices, tile polici e <br />paid premiums. In the event of loss,7, Mortgagor shall give prompt notice to the ins <br />may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Mortga6or. <br />In the event of a loss, the amounts collected shall be payabig to the Mort6a <br />used in any one or more of the folicl% �ing ways: (1) ap I plied upon the lndebtedne�! <br />be matured or unmatured; (2) used to fulfill any of the' covenants contained hereir <br />replace or restore the Property to a condition s,atisfacto Ir y to Mortgagee; oi- (4) 1, el <br />l <br />tion of py9ceeds to the Indebtedness'shall not extend or, postpone the due date of t1h <br />graph I hereof or change the - amount of such installments. If under'Paragraph 15 i I <br />all 'right, title, and interest of Mortgagor in and to any insurance pqlicies and in al <br />to tile Property prior to the sale or acquisition shall pass to Mortgagee to tile extell <br />ately prior to such sale or acquisition. <br />!I tgagor shall keep the Prdp <br />4. Preservation and MaintenanEe of Prop LtK. Mj I r <br />commit waste, impairment, or deterioration of the Property and shall comply with Z <br />5. Protection of Mortgagee's Sdcurity. If Mortgagor fails to perform the cover <br />or if any action or proceeding is commenced which materially affects Mortgagee's,lii <br />1 10 <br />limited to, eminent domain, insolvency, code enforcement, or arrangements or pl, <br />then Mortgagee at Mortgagee's option upon notice to M' -tgagor, may make such ael <br />action as is necessary to protect Mo!-tgagee's i terest, I nclUding, but not limited tc <br />and entry upon the Property to makb repairs. ny amo I unts disbursed by Mortgab( <br />thereon shall become additional Indebtedness f Mortgaglor secured by this Mortgac <br />Unless Mbrtgagor and Mortgagee agYee to other terms o J f payment, such amounts �h <br />Moi-tgagor requesting payment ther�of, and shall beat- interest from tile date of disl <br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable law, In WhiCh 6Vent, Such am <br />permissible by applicable law. Nothing contained in this Paragraph 5 shall requl),, <br />hereunder. <br />6. Inspection. Mortgagee may make or cause to be made reasonable entries U : P <br />7. Condemnation. Mortgagor agrees that all award I s heretofore or hereafter ma <br />tile present and all subsequent own6rs of the Property, covered by this Mortgage 6� <br />domain by such authority, includinb any award for � talking of title, . possession, �1 <br />change or grade of streets affecting said Property, are I iereby assigned to tile Mo; -I <br />-ected and empowered to collect and.receive the proceeds of any <br />by authorized, dit I <br />same and to give proper receipts and acquittances therefor, ani may, at tile MortgZ <br />or more of the following ways: (1) , apply tile same or any part thereof upon tile In <br />Indebtedness then be matured or urimatured; (2) use tl�ie same or any part thereof <br />as tile Mortgagee may determine; (3) use the same or a ny part tllel�eof to replaceo <br />factory to tile Mortgagee; or (4) re�ease the same to t1le Mortgagor; and the Mort6zi <br />the Mortgagee, upon request by I <br />thd Mortgagee, to make,, execute ar-fd deliver ainy,�, <br />sufficient for the purpose of assigni'ng all such awards to the Mortg�gee free, cle�r <br />of any kind or nature whatsoever. '.Tile application of such procced's to the lndebtc( <br />date of tile monthly installments referred to in Paragraph 1 hereof ot., change the <br />8. Mortgagor Not Released Extension of the time for payment br modification' <br />Mortg�age by Mortgagee to Mortgago . r or to any successo I r in interest:of Mortgagor , sl <br />li�bility of the original Mortgagor and Mortgagor's succlessors in interest nor shall <br />Mortgagee shall not be required to commence proceedi: I <br />ngs against such successor, <br />otherwise to modify amortization of the sums secured b this Mortgage by reason 6f <br />Mortgagor's successors in interest: <br />9. Forbearance by Mortgagee -Not a Waiver. Any forbearance by Mortgagee,il <br />or otherwise afforded by applicable law, shall not be a �vaiver of or:preclude the 6 <br />pr�6curement of insurance or the pay'rilent of taxes or o'dier liens or'charges by M6r <br />right*to accelerate tile maturity of tile Indebtedness secured by this Mortgage. <br />, 10. Remedies' Cumulative. All remedies provided in' this Mortgage are distinc ! t <br />under this Mortgage or afforded by'law or equity, and I ay be exercised concurre�n <br />'11. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Se T ral Liability; Captions. T <br />shall bind, and tile rights hereunder shall inure to the �espective successors and:Z <br />covenants and agreements of Mortgagor shall be joint and several. Tile captions ar <br />are for convenience only and are n ot to be used to. intbr I pret or define the provisio n <br />Property or any part thereof becorries vested in a person other than the Mort�jagor�, <br />or successors in interest with reference to this Mortgage and tile Indebtedness herc <br />Mortgago r without in any manner vitiating or discharg! g the'Mortgago;r's liability <br />secured; and in the alternative, aCthe option of the Mot tgagee the. Mortgagee may <br />ness is immediately due and payable. , �- I -, ; - - <br />12. Notice. Any notice from Wrtgagee to Mortgagor provided foi- in this Mortgi <br />l <br />at the Property Address stated bel6w or at such address as Mortgagor may designpi <br />address, except for any notice given to Mortgagor in ihe manner prescribed by apr. <br />this Mortgage. <br />13. Uniform Mortgage; Governing Law; Severability. This form of Mot tgage�c <br />and non-uniform covenants with limited variations by-j6risdiction to constitute a ur <br />This Mortgage shall be governed by the law of the jurisLliction in which the Properl <br />or clause of thi!;.Movtgage or the Note conflicts with applicable law,, such conflict sl <br />or the Note which can be given effect without the con flicting provision, and to this <br />Note are declared to be severable. <br />.14. Mortgagor's Copy. Mortgagor shall be furnished a conformed copy of this! f <br />recordation hereof. <br />2 <br />)erate to !prevent the enforcemen't ot"the lien or <br />-ig or herleafter erected on tile Property in - <br />ell and s i uch otl�er hazards as M ortgagee may <br />3royiaed,1 that N ortgagee shall not 'require <br />e sum , s slicured y this Mortgage.l <br />lot- subject to ap�roval by Mortgagee; provided, <br />a policies' shall be paid by Mortgagor making <br />kiortgage� 3nd sl I iall include a sta;pd6rd mortgagee <br />gllt:to hoid tile p licies and renewals thereof, <br />an d any, renewa s thereof and aH, receipts of <br />irance cai rier arld Mortgagee, anO Mo.rtgagee <br />lee and at the op� ion of the Mortgagee may be <br />secured 'hereby whether such Indebtedness <br />as t h I e M6rtgage may determine;; (3) , used to <br />!ase, the same to he Mortgagor. Soch,applica- <br />monililylinstall ents referred to�' in Para- <br />21.e6f," tile Prope 'y is acquired by Mortgagee, <br />d to� tile p r6ceeds thereof resultir�g from damage <br />of the sum secul ed by this Mortgage immedi- <br />!rty;in good repair and shall not bermit or <br />iy r estrictions affecting tile Prop6-ty'. <br />ints and agreem nts contained in' this Mortgage, <br />te re st i . I I b <br />n1the'Pro erty., including. ut not <br />eedings involvirg a bankrupt or�ddcederft, <br />ear,�nces disbut se such sums and take such <br />disb , ursement o' reasonable attorney's fees <br />2 parsuailt to' t it Paragraph 5 with interest <br />! to,the ext rmitted by applic6b.le law. <br />Tt <br />III a able up n notice from Mortgagee to <br />urs men� at tile ate of 10'. unles is payment of <br />,e � I. <br />unts shall beat- i iterest at the highest rate <br />Mbi'-.tgagee to innur any expense�or do any act <br />n and inspection of tile Property., <br />le by �a public or I quasi -public authority to <br />viriub of an exercise of the right of eminent <br />right of access to a public way,' or -for any <br />jagee� and the M)rtgagee, at its option, is here- <br />.1ch awards from'the authorities making the <br />)cell : I I.. <br />s:e ection, u e such prciceed� in any one <br />cbt�dness`secul d hereby, whetper such <br />o fulfi e covenants contained herein <br />res ; tore t I lie Property to a condition satis- <br />lor k9refJ,y covenants and agrees I to and with - <br />ld ail'assignmen s and other instruments <br />:ind disch" a rged f any and all encumbrances <br />nes� shall not extend or postponel the.clue <br />-1 <br />iunt!of such inst�l I Iments. <br />It- amortization of the sums securied by this <br />all i�ixlt operate tc release in any manner the <br />uch adversely afect the lien of this Mortgage. <br />D r . duse to or to extend time for paymdrit or <br />any'dema nd mad by the or ginal-Alortgagok: or <br />exelrcltsipg any -right or. remedy; hereunder, <br />2rcise of i any rig it or remedy hereunder. The <br />gagLe shal I not e a waiver of M 6!rt'gagee's <br />nd Cumulative to any other right,or remedy <br />ly, indepiendentl � oi- successive[ <br />e covenants and agreements herbin cbhtained <br />p <br />isighs of Mortga� ee and Mortgagor. All <br />A he,adings of th. paragraphs of this Mortgage <br />here or I <br />. . In tile I vent the ownerghip of the <br />lie Mortg'agee may deal with such successor <br />)y secured in the same manner as with the <br />herel.ind�r or up )n the Indebtedness hereby <br />Ieclar.e that the'd ipaid balance of the Indebted- <br />.je shall be maile I by certified mail to Mortgagor <br />to Mort6agee by certified mall,ito Mortgagee's <br />icable' la�,v as pAvided I. Paragraph 15 of <br />imbines uniro 1. M Lvenants for national use <br />form sect.111-ity in�trument covering real property. <br />is located. In -the event that ar)y provision <br />311 not affec,t oth dr provisions of,this Mortgage <br />nd the provision� of this Mortgage bind tile, <br />ortgage at the ti e of execution 61: after <br />I <br />