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11024 <br />'I'll(- i%lortgagVe 111;1�' C011eCt I '*];It(, chargo" not to exCeed Five Cent", for each doll'Ar (�,'I.00) (if viij-h total montlik, <br />1mynient Illort- than 15 (I;i.%,s ill arrears to cover Ilw,(­jr:i e\1kense involved ill 1.1p(Ililig dijiliqlIVIIi necoullts. <br />All payments made mider Ili(- priwisions (If this morlgagv of* the note Ill eby svcured. �%-J . il I (-If may he construed is interest. <br />.�Iwlll not. in the aggregate over Hic term thereof, exciT(l the rate that ZINIV now �w lawfulk, contrficted for in writing. <br />It is further agreed that i'll case aliv suit is Iwgun to fort -close this, mort,;. <br />ige. the Nlortga <br />ga, ev, it.,; representatives or assigns. <br />shall at once be entitled to the ptisscssioll of said premises. and upon applic;iti�)n therefor, their ourl in which If action shall <br />tie <br />If(, brought or any judge of such court. either ill terill,:time or vacation. is herel).Ni 4iutliorized to a0point ,I receiveir to take posses- <br />sion (if said promises. of- to collect; tilt- r( -fits theridfroni. and to (to and performis Ich other acts I - may Ile requ,ired hy Ilie order <br />of the cour , t, the appointment; and said Mortgagor livi-vby waives any fit tice of such app icatioll, alld coi�sellts to till, ap- <br />poilitillent of I receiver upon ill(- 1;.roductioll of this 1,11(irtgage, without other <br />"I'lle Nlortgag(-e shall he s6brogated to aII of the rights, privile! s, and equities f aliv licrillolde se I" - <br />es. I ) r I o r I I 1 1, r who, felt nm� <br />have been discharged from till- proccods (if thi., ]oNII; or lr� anN, funds herch\; fill or furnisheq by file 1% fort gagee. <br />IT IS EIXPRESSLY AC�REHD that if the Arlortgagor shall sell, conv(, ' N of- "lliewite ,.,fill propertv, or-anY part thereof, <br />or any interest therein, or shall he divested of his titli � or fit%, interest, therein , I I� 1,11131 IMIMI(Ir )r way, voltintarily or <br />involuntarilY, without written consent of fit(, Nlortgagee bf-ing first had and oblai ied. Niortgagee �-Jiall have fit(, ril,'Ilt, at its option, <br />to declare any indchtedness or obligations secured hereby, irrespective of the 111.1turitv d;lt(� sPecified in anv note u,"ifiencing tll(, <br />i rship of the niort- <br />same, immediately due and payahle wit,11011t 11lid S�Iid dVbt S11,11i therel,1110 I' IWC(i 0 s( hHO. If the oWne <br />gw.,,ed property becomes vested in.a person other thm�i tilt, Nfortga! or, the iNlortj ageo , may, withol <br />itit, notice to the Nfortgagor. deal <br />with such successor or succcs.�ors in intere.-d. with reference to this morfgage ind! the ( jebt lwrvb�] S(�(_'Llre(ll ;IS With the Nifortgagor, <br />and may-forlw:ir to sue or niaY e%tend time for tho paynient of the debt lierch.y 11'Firo(l .vithollt di;�chnrgin, or in '111N, waY affectill, <br />t1w. liabilitv of the originnl INIortgagor heremider or' ul�on till, dehi,' serif red. <br />includc-� III(-' plitral 111( <br />In this instrument ill(, singulzir tho 111"isell lilt hwhides 701t. feill and till. lic-tifer and this ill- <br />strimient sli: ned. his ht�irs. persowil rvpresent.itivc .. successors ;fit assi <br />Ill be Ili liding lipoll till' midersig g f1s. <br />IN %VITNEISS NVIJERT"'O.F. we have lieremito sof out ........ . ..... -,'I I - the (INV "I'd yoae first ahovo writtvil. <br />Ili till, presence of: <br />M�c 7el','. Puet;2�� <br />Carol L� Puetz <br />STATE OF INE13RASI<A <br />..... . ......... <br />z7v <br />Oil this ...... d I.V -of er. . 1!) ..75 liefore'ine. Ul mirlersigrwd, it Notary Public, ill and for said <br />County, personally came ...... qbael..J�-_-'�qqtz ... and..Car,olL ..... 1� husband ..anJ.wi:�e ....... ...... <br />personally known to file to lie the identical persons whose nanies are affixed to tli� ahovv and fore,,,�omg Instrument, a�; niortg�tgors, <br />and each acknowledged �mid instruntem. to Ile Ili,. 6r )ter voluntary :let and devd.� . <br />NVitness my hand and notarial sea] at ............... 9r. ... a. n. ... d.... Island, Nebra,�ka <br />. ..... . ... ...... .. .......... .......... .. .............. .. ........... .. <br />the da t I, last above written. <br />'C�3. ... ........... ... ....... .......... .... ...... Z; ke,�Z,& <br />Notary . P61flic. <br />Nl�, Commission expires .................. ...... . <br />STATE OF... ............... <br />ss <br />County ... ... ......... <br />HIntered on nui eri&al index and filed for record in the Regi,' ter of Deeds flice of said County the <br />19.. /�� 11 t 10'c'it�-ck a n d .......... ininutes <br />day of .. ... <br />and I tri 111 �e I i I �T(.) 4. . <br />recorded in Book.. ... ................. of Mort. -ages at page ...... a.' I <br />........ .... <br />Reg. of Deeds <br />13v. ............ ....... ........ ... ............. ....... ..:.De,puty <br />When re corded to be returned 'tc I the <br />FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGSAND LOAN ASsb �IATION OF!LINCOLN <br />LINCOLN OFFICES: Phone 475-05211435-2111 1 <br />n 1235 "N" Street 135 No. Cotn& Blvd. 70th and "A'...'� t. Ej 2541 No. I Ith Street <br />6MAHA OFFICES: Phone 558-4323 <br />'El .8706 Pacific St. Ej 21,711 So.42nd'St. E] 3205 No. 90tir St. E] 10920 West Dodge Rd. <br />REG IONA. L'OFFICES: E] 2120 Hirst Ave., Kearney Ej 513 " U Street, Fairbury [] 14�3 "M" Street, Ord <br />Phone 234-2473 Phone 729-22� 2 Plione.728-3218 <br />Fj 1301 Main Ave., Crete E] 223 Box Butte Ave., Alliance 0 181 1�1 West 2nd St., Grand Island' <br />Phone 826-4349 Phone 762-2160 Phone 384-4433' <br />19 74'- FIRST FEDERAL SAV�INGS AND LOAN <br />ASSOCIATION oF LINCOLN. NERYIASKA <br />