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THIS MORTGAGE IS ALSOJO BE AND CONTINUE TO BE, FROM TIME TO TIME, SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT OF SUCH <br />SUM OR SUMS OF MONEY AS THE MORTGAGEE MAY FROM, TIME TO TIME IN THE FUTURE ADVANCE TO THE. MORTGAGOR, AND <br />EVIDENCED BY A SUPPLEMENTAL NOTE OR NOTES, BUT THE TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS SECURED BY THIS MORTGAGE SHALL NOT <br />EXCEED ONE HUNDRED TWENTY (120) PER CENT OF THE AMOUNT NOW OWING, EXCEPT FOR ANY,ADVANCES THAT MAY BE MADE <br />TO PROTECT THE SECURITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS.MORTGAGE. <br />THE . NIORTGAGOR FURTHER COVENANTS AND AGREES: <br />That the Nfortgagor will pay the indebtf-diiess as hereinbefore provided. <br />Thal.,the i%fortgagor is the owner (if said property in fee simple and has gowl right and I.'IWfLd authority to' Sell anfl <br />conveY the salne and that the same is freo and clear of anv lien or encunilmlinc(,; and that '%Iortg;igor will warrant and deff-nd t1lo <br />tifle to said premises against. file clainis of all persons. whorn.soever. <br />To pay immediately -whell (ill(-' and payable all general taxes, special ta\es, special assessments. waterchargo:,s, sowerserv- <br />ice charges, luld Of1wr taxes and charges against Said propertv, an(I all taxes levied (oil thedebt.secured hereby. and to furnish fill.. <br />Mortgag,e(-, upon- request, N%,itll the original or duplicate receipts therefor. The 'Mortgagor agrees that thei shall he addc�tl to <br />each lilolitilly payinent required hereundor or under the evidence of debt secured llf,r(.I)y In allioulit ('.�;tillmtefl bY fill- Mo,rt-gagov <br />to he sufficient to ellable file to pay, �ls they become (III all taxes. assyssillelits, and similar charges upon the pr(�ni- <br />ist's subject thereto; an", deficielicv becauso of file instlificienev of such additiontil payinent.,; shall be fortimith df -posit( -d by fill' <br />N-lortgagor with fill- *.\Iort,,I.(,Q(- upon'deniand bY tilt, Mortgagee. Ally default under thi, paragraph shall he devniod ;I (It -fault ill <br />payment of taxes, assessinents, or similar charges required hervillider <br />The Nlo�f!!agor agrees that there shall also be added to each njoritillY IMYTIlCut Of jUincil):11 mid in terest required liere- <br />under ,in aniount,estinlated by fill' Alort""agee to be slitficient to enable [lit- Mortgagcf, to pay. as it beconivs djjf,, tlj(� insuralwe <br />premium oil III%,. ' insurance policy dulivered to the -Mortgagee. Ally d(Aiciency hecaust. of fill- insufficielicY (if swell additional pay- <br />nients hall be forthwith delmsited by tilt- iNforigagor with the %lortgaget, upon . demand bv t1le Mortg'ag".o. Ally default under i I his <br />paragraph shall, be deenied a default ill fill- payment of insurance premiums. If the policy or �;IIL'h as 1101110- <br />o\vji(!rs or all risk policies, and the deposits art, insufficient, to pay the entire premium, the Alortgagoo illay applY ill,.- deposit to <br />pay premiums oil' risks required to be insured by this mortgage. <br />1);IN.11l(.Ilts made by the Mortgagor under the above paragraphs ma , v� at ill(. option of t1w '\I()Itg;lg,,(', b(. 1'eld bY it ;llld <br />commingled with other such funds or its own fullils for tilt, payllieut Of Such it('111s. and until sn:�applied. such payments ar(� llervb% <br />pledged as securitv for tilt, unpaid balance of the mortgage illdebtedjl(��4s. <br />TO procure, deliver to, and main ' fain for file b('n('fit, Of the NIOrt1,ae0 the life of this mortga,,e original policies and <br />renewals thert-of. delivered at. least, ten days before the expiration of any such j)oficies, insuring against fire in([ other insurable <br />hazards, casualties, and contingencies as the Nlortgagee may require, in ,in amount eqwal to the indebtedness secured by this, <br />Mortgage, and in companies acceptohlf- to the 'Nlortgulgee, with loss payable clause ill favor ofallol in form acceptable to tll(, Mortga- <br />gt.'e. Ill the (WCut 1111V pol icy is not. renewed oil or Iwfore ten (Ijvs (if its expiration. tilt, %lortgagoo may proctire insurance oil the <br />improvements, pay the prernium therefor, and such suni shall hec:)Ille ininiediatel , V (11W and With infi-IVA, at tilt- rat(- ,;(�t <br />forth ill said not(. until paid and sliall Iw secured 1) 1 v this mortgage. Failure on tho part. (if' tit(, Mortgagor to furnish such rl�lwwals <br />-I.,; are hervin required oi- failure to pay any surns. af <br />Ivanved shall. at tilt, option of file 1%jortgagee. constitute I default <br />under tho tornis Of tlii,, mort,_,age. The d(diverY of such policies shall, in the ovent of (1(4ault, coll.'Aitut( all Issiglllm�nt (it tit,, lilt - <br />earned prennium. <br />Any sinus reccived by tilt, Mortgagee 1) ' v roason (if loss or daniag�f, insilro(l agaill.M, 11laY he retailled 1) , v ille Mollgilt(It. <br />-in(] applied toward the pavii sums cither vdioliv fir in <br />lent of the debt herebY sectired. or, at the Option of tilt, Mortg�agve; sliull <br />part joa.v I)(- paid over it) the Mort';,agor to be to repair such buildings or to h1lild''111w bllildillg� in their place )I- for :in ' v <br />other purpose or object satisfactory to the Nlortg;i!,(-(, without affectin;,, fill, livii fill the nlortga,,e fortlit, full arnomil �4(-uurvd hert, <br />11Y before such p�i.vnivnf ever took pjacv. <br />To prouiptly ri-pair. reston� or rebuild :lit , v building� or improvements now for hureafter oil the preillises which Ilia v Iw- <br />come damaged o ' I, destroyed: to keep said premises in good condition and repair ai , I(] frc,� from anY Illechallic*s lien or ot!-.t,r lik-11' Or <br />claini of lien not expressl.v subordinated to the lien horeof; not to suffer or, permit an.v unlawful us(! of or am, nuisancc to exist oil <br />said property permit waste oil �qiid premises. nor to do any otheract. x%'dierebY the property herel)v conve.%I-ed sliall 1)(�(.onll­� <br />los., valuable' nor to diminish or impair its value 1) ' v anY act Or omission to act: to volliplY with all requirements of jaw witil ro.�pccf <br />to tilt- inortgaged prenii�;esanfl 1he use thereof. <br />That should the pielilises Or anly part thei-oof bo talwil or daniaged 1) ' v reason of any public improvement or condenillat loll <br />proceeding, or under tho right of eminent domain, or in ;in.%, other manner, the Niortgagoe shall he entitled to all compensations, <br />a\va-.,Is, and ari� other payment or relief 11wrefor, ind shall he entitled, at, its option. to vomnwn(-(,, appear in and prosecut(� in its <br />own naine any action or proceeding, or to make al)", compromise or settlement in contivetion witil suell taking or darmulf'. A]I such <br />cumpensation. awards. damages. right of' action and proceeds ar(- livreby asnigiled to the Mortgagee. who ma * v, aft(ir dedut-ting <br />therefrom all its e\penses, release ;in ' v moncy.,so rvc(,iv(-d bY it. Or apply the snine oil all.v ind(.btednes., secured horeby.The Mort- <br />gagor agrves to execute such further as.�;ignrnents (if ;in%, compensation, awards, dalnagvs. and rights (if aclioll and proveed., :Is the <br />Mortgagev may require. <br />That in of failure to perform any of tilt- covenants hervin, the Nlortgagee may (to oil ill(, Mort.gagor's I)--Il;ilf ever ' %,thing <br />So CoVellanted'. that the Mortgagee may also do any act it Illay devill necessary to protect the li(-n thereof: that the Morlgagor will <br />repay upon demand any nionex's paid or disbursed hY the Mortgageo for any of flif- �Ibove purpo.,;es. all(I sucil Illow-ys togotherwith <br />interest thereon at the rate provided ill Said note shall become so Inlich additional indehledness hervbv sccured ,in(] mav he in- <br />cluded in III%, decre(� foreclosing thi�., mortgage and he paid out of the rents or proceeds of sale of said if not otherwise <br />paid; that if'shall not be obligatory upon ill v Nfortgagee to inquire into file validitv Of an . , . Hill'. encil ul bra nce.,, (or clairn in ,I(]- <br />. vancing inoneys as above authorized, but nothing herein contained shall be construed as requiring the Mortgagee to all%' <br />moneys for such purpose nor to (it) any let heremider: and that Mortgagee shall not incur ;in.%, personal liahilil.v because ofarly- <br />thing it may do or ornif to do hereunder. <br />In the vvf�llt of the,default by Nfortgagor in the payment of any installment. as required by the Note secured 1wreby. or <br />in the performance of the obligation in this illortgnge or in the note secured thereby, the Mortgagee shall ho entitled to (If -dare the <br />debt secured hereby (file and payable without notice, ,in([ the Mortgagee shall be clititled at, its Option, "vithout notice, either byitself <br />or by a receiver it) be appointed by the court'lliereof. and without regard to the adequacy Of any securitY for the indebtedness sr ­ <br />cured hereby, to cut - er upon and take possession of the mortgaged premises, and to collect. and ruceive (Ill, rents. issues and profits <br />thereof, and apply the same, less costs of operation and Collection. upoll the indebtvdn(-_�ss secured by this niortgago: said rents, <br />issues and pr�)fits being, herchy assigned to the INIortgagee is further socuritY for the payment of all ilidebtedliess secured lwro.,hy. <br />The iNfortgagee shall have file power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of repairing said preill- <br />ises: rentin',, the sarne: collecting the rents, revenues and income, and it ma\ Pay Out Of Said incolne all expenses incurred ill rent. <br />ing ;In(] Managing file sanie. ,in(] of collecting file rentals therefrom 'File balance remaining, if in\,, shall he applied toward the <br />discharge (if- tilt- mortgage indebtedness. This as�sigmnent is to terminate and become null and voirl upon rvleasv oftbismort :ge. <br />g <br />