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011024 <br />.FIRST OPEN END—INDIVIDUAL <br />CONVENTIONAL <br />FEDERAL DUE ON SALE oan Number- <br />�LINCOLN FoRm No. 530 (R,!v. 13-741 <br />L 18 <br />--- -- --------- <br />. I Branch Type <br />M 0 RTG A GIE <br />THIS MORTGAGE. rn,�de in([ exectih-d this ....... / 0. L7 <br />1, 13 - o f ...... ........ A. D, <br />lylichael, <br />.z, ... Garol.. L....Puetz.,_huqb.and and. wife indivi <br />each.. in.. hi si. and ... her ... own <br />dual.. <br />.right.. and.. as. ... spouse ... of:.the ... other., <br />j o.intly.. and.. severajl� .......... ........ .................. ­­ ....... <br />...Grand Island County of ... Hall <br />.. ..... * ....... state ofj ...... Nebraska:1 ..... .............. liercinafter referred <br />.... ... .. ..... . . <br />to as the Mortga'gor, and FIRST. FEDERAL SA <br />VINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LIN16OLNI Nehrlliska,. its successors <br />and ,v�signs, liere' <br />inafter referred: to as Nlortf,'.1get'... <br />WITN E' SS 1�"TIJ: That i -ho s,,ji(l \Jorig�1gol. 'foi- and in c o its i d e m, t i, i i o 1: tlie stim of' <br />WENTY WO THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED NO 100- --------- - <br />................. ­­ .................... ........................... ....... ................ v ........ .. . . ..................... ..................... <br />.......... <br />Paid by sifid Mortzigee, does lrerel)v sell an(i coli�,(' o FIRST 1, SAVINGS AN ASSOCIATION OF <br />N -Y lint <br />LIWOLN. Nebraska. a.s '1\ fort its successors in(] assigns. fit(, f,)llowii')� (4-SCribed Real: <br />Istate. situated,in the Count.x of <br />Hall tate of .............. Nebraska <br />........ . ..... ........................................ ................... S ... .... to -wit: <br />Lot 19, Block 2 in Meve� First Addition, en Addition o the <br />City of Grand Island,, Nebraska.�' <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD fit(- above described prerilises for tile use'si <br />flierein set fortli!and to secure pe'l-fornlance of tile <br />obligations contained herein, together with all buildings, improvements, fiXtUres � and appurtenances Mid all casements thereunto <br />belon I <br />.ging, and it is mutually covenanted and agreed by and hetween file lxtr1ies horeto that all plumbing, . gas, electric and <br />mechanical fixtures, appliances, e(ILlipment, machinery aind apparatus, floor co%jil rings, storm %yindows and screens, and such other <br />;,00ds and chattels ail(] personal property as ire e%;er furnished ))y a 1,111(liorc'l ill, ettill" 0 0)erating in unfurnished building, simi- <br />Iar to the one now or hereafter oil said premises, whicl, are or sliall be attaclie'd to said huilding: <br />; in In% manner wliatsoever, are <br />and sliall he deenied to be fixtures and ail aecession:to the freeliold and a part; of the realty asibetweell the J)arties hereto. their <br />heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns,. and all person,, claiming i I Y, tlirou,,,,,Ii . or ll�ider them. in(] sliall he deerm - (I, <br />.to:I)e a portion of the security for file indebtedness herein mentioned and to he c(I ered by this nil)rtgage. <br />13ROVIDED ALWAYS. and diese presents .;Ir(' eXMIted and deliver �'(1 <br />ohii"Itions of t*li(- Mortgagors, to -wit: Upoll file folio in, conditions ; agreements and <br />The 'XIortgagor agrees to pay to tile Nlortgagee, or order, tile princiwtil surn of TWENTY..TWO .. THQUSAND <br />HUNDRED..AND. '.-NO/lO0,n:n'1.TnTn 7: on �n!!.T! �n T7.T!!n .... L,.9.00_00 ..... ...... Dollars, <br />1)avahle as provided in 'a note exv�cuted and delivercd concurrently lierewith, diti final paylliv I <br />t !)f principal,.if not sooner pai(l. <br />011, tile ......... f i-r&t ............ <br />_(jay of ............... <br />