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1o02 <br />52-A—REAL ESTATE POORTGAGE—(Vllith Tax Clause) (r-lev . ls3d 1962) 7he Iluffrnnn General Supply I -louse, Lincoln, Nebr. <br />KNOW ALL INIEN BY-TIJESE rRESENTS: That Esther Emery <br />opo, <br />of ',Hall and State o f Nebraska <br />County in consideration of the sum of `eo <br />One Thousand Seven Hundred Dollar's --------------------------------------------- DOLLARS <br />p <br />in hall(-! paid, di).'licreby SELL in(! CONVEY ujito Home Loan Corporation <br />Hall County,-Staic of the following des'ribed'prenises situated <br />Nebraska c <br />ill all County, and'Staie of to -wit: <br />H Nebraska <br />...Lot Seven (7), in Block Eleven (11), Town,.b.f Grand Island, Ha,ll,,County, <br />Nebraska <br />Tilt, hiten!ion b: im-, io corivoy hereby �in �fl)�;olttie title in fee simple, including all the rights of homestead and dower. <br />-1,0 !T:'1v1;1 '1,10 HoLD ifie pronlises above described ' with all the appurtenances th6reunto belonging, unto the said <br />mort��a��oc. (s) iltid to his. !lot- or their fivirs and assigns forever, provided always, and these presents are 'upon the express <br />cOlmlition tha.t it ill.-- said inork,,nror (r). his, ]let-: or their heirs, exccutors, administrators or assigns shall pay or cause to be <br />paii] to tilt' Illortgagee(s), his, or their 'heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, the 0 1 rincipal sum of$ 1700.00 <br />payable [is foll6y"s, to ..vit: <br />Payments of $64.12 beginning December 4, 1975 with a like payment d ue <br />thdAth day of each succeeding month thereafte'r,until unpaid balance <br />anif interest are paid in 'full. <br />21,2". P., m."ll, — 4'm P.11 of ike —paid principal A ill L­t,ss of $300, 2% per month oil that <br />part of the- unpaid f�rincipal balance in excess of $300 and in e�c­ of $500, li/2% per month on <br />Agreed tote that part of lhe unp7aid prinCipal bjlanc� ill cycess of Ssw.naotid (lot in exCCSS Of S1,000, and 1% per <br />of interest: nionth on any rernainder a' such unpaid principal balance (which is the required disclosure of the rate <br />used on computing chatge, nerein in compliancL- wilh Nebraska law), and tog�iher: with any default. and <br />deferment chl,ges.' <br />v­th intcrost according to the tenor and effect of the mortgagors written promissory note hearing even date with these presents <br />�nd S11,111 1),ay.1111 t�.Xcs Ulld levieLl Upon said renl estate, and all o'dier taxes, leviesand assessments levied upon this <br />mortgage or the note -v.,hich this mort"'age is given to before the same becomes delinquent, and keep the buildings on <br />Said for the StlTil Of aid mortgagee, then these presents <br />loss, if any, payable to the s, <br />to be void, otlierwise to be and remain in full force. <br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED (1) That if the said rilortgagor shall fail to pay such taxes or procure such insurance, the <br />s aid mortf, <br />agee in;ty pay such tn:�(_,s and procure such insurance; and the sum so advanced, with interest at per <br />cent, shall be repaid by said niort,;zlgor, and this mortgage shall stand as security for the same. (2) That a failure to pay any <br />of said money, either principtil or interest, when the same becomes due, or a-, failure to comply with any of *the foregoing <br />agreements, Shall cause the whole sum Of inoney herein secured to become due and collectible at once at the option of the <br />mortgaf, <br />Signed tbis.' 17tkl,,y Of November 19 75 <br />ese cc, of ........ .. ............ <br />(t*sther Emer�) <br />........................ .................... ............ <br />............................................................................................................... <br />....................................................................................................... ....... ................................................................................................................. <br />STATE OF ... �'..N.E.BR.A,SKA .................................... county of ....... Ha.1.1 .................. .......... ....... D_ELDRES A. HAYFS <br />.. .. .. .... .. . ..... <br />Before mt.,, a notary public qualified for'8aid county, personallycame <br />Esther Emery <br />known - to me to be the identical person or .1)ursons who sign ed the foregbing in! trur'a'(-irit �.--iid--.'acic"n'o'wle,d.&(.,d,) the, -execution <br />thereof to be his, her or their voluntary act and deed. <br />Witness my hand and notarial scril on ..... .............. N.0. Yemb. ex ... 1.7 ....... 19 75 -- <br />My commission e%l) �es: ............................. ... Notary Public. <br />........... <br />STATE 0 F.. ...................... ..... Entered on numerical index and filed for record <br />in the Register of Deeds ffice' of said County the <br />L! ................ <br />County ZY ... / . ........ ........................ <br />...... 19 ... ........ -it .............. :1/ <br />............... ay of ...... ........ ct,clock and .............................. minutes .......... M., <br />and recorded in Book ........... 1/0/ ....... ......... of'.. 9�4 .... F�� ... <br />­Ia t pa ................. <br />. . ..... Reg. of D <br />....... ........... ... .... ... eeds <br />............ Deputy <br />By ........... <br />