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010990' <br />(5)a Ily accepting payment of any surn accrued hereby after its due date, mortgagee does , not waive: its. rightl either to require prompt payment when due <br />of 11 other SUMS so secured or to declare default for failuie so to pay. If Mortgagor sliall ;,pay said Promissoryl Note at the time and in the manner aforesaid <br />and sliall abide by. comply with. and duly perform all the covenants and aercements herein; t tell this cohveyan , shall be null and void <br />cc <br />(6) All Mortgagors sl;all be jointly and severally liable for fulfillment of their covenants anli agreenients lierch con!ain�d, and all provisions of this Mortgage <br />shall inure to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrator -t, successors, grantees', 1 �cssecs and assigns o1j, tile parties hereto respectively. Any reference <br />it, this Mortgage of the singular shall be construed as plural x0lere appropriate. <br />(7) Each.of the undersigned hereby waives the right to claim an), damage for trespass, inju..y.or any tort occasioned by or resulting from the exercise by the <br />Hold e r of the rights given hereunder or any attempt to exercise any other right the Holder is herein granted, r :my other right that the Holder has or may <br />have, to the extent permitted by*la%v. <br />(8) Invalidity or unenforccability of any provisions herein sh�lll not affect tile validity and en rceability!of my her provisions. <br />(9) Should said property or.any part thereof be taken . by reason of condemnation, Mortgagee shall be entitled to all compensation, awards, other <br />payments therefor and apply the same oil said indeb ted [less. <br />(10) If any of the undersigned is a married woman, she represents and warrants that this� i;lstrunicrit has been executed in her belialf,.and for her sole and <br />separate use anti benefit and that she has not executed the same as surety for another, but thitt she is the Borrow:r hereunder. <br />(11) It is further provided and agreed that the Mortgagor shall pay all taxes levied upon thi 'NI ortg-age,�' or tile ebts secured thcreb�, together with an), other <br />taxes or assessments which may be levied under the laws of Nebraska against said Nlortgagec�on account 0 f th is �ndcbtedncss, to thd extent permitted by law. <br />(12) In tile event of default in the performance of :in), of tile terms and conditions of this lortgage or,the note secured by it, the Mortgagee shall be entitled <br />to imined*iMe possession of the property above described. <br />IN wiTNESS WHEREOF the Mortgagors have hercunto'set [land and seal this (late <br />Sigiied, Sealed and Delivei-ed in the pi-esence of - <br />3 1 it i n kill 1Nnl5KA3J%A <br />Ss <br />COUNTY 01-- HALL <br />(SEAL) <br />ST TLEY HILTY�,116ngq�pr-Borroivcr <br />PHYLLIS HILTyi <br />LEDGEMENT <br />This— 3 day or —NOVEMBER 197-5--, personally appcar�d before! <br />and PHVTITITS T-[TTITV <br />his VII IT, to <br />in and,�%,Ify executed the foregoing mortgage, and severally ac" nowledged the execution tlicrcq - 0 C lis (her) <br />(SEAL) <br />N -j ic <br />r (fan, ndl� <br />Prhit Nainel� <br />/C -j <br />My commission expires. / <br />M <br />z <br />0 <br />;0 <br />V <br />M <br />0 <br />JI <br />Ir. <br />M <br />(SEAL) <br />wer <br />known to be the identical persons named <br />free and voluniary act and deed. <br />A <br />1Z <br />'0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />> <br />0 <br />0 <br />M <br />(SEAL) <br />wer <br />known to be the identical persons named <br />free and voluniary act and deed. <br />A <br />1Z <br />'0 <br />lt-� <br />