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01N)89 <br />Mally accepting payment of any suin accrued hereby after its due date, mortgagee doesl1not waive its right ,ither to require prompt payment when due <br />of 11 other sunis so secured or to declare default for failur� so to pay. If Mortgagor shall 1� ay said Promissory Note at the time and in tile manner aforesaid <br />and shall abide by. comply with. and (fill), perform all the covenants and apreements herein,] ti en -this conveyance -hall be null and void: <br />(6) All Mort <br />gagors sli�ll be jointly and severally liable for fuilfillment of their covenants and! t 1 S herein ontained, and all provi�ions of this Mortgage <br />reo lcthe parties hereto rcsp�ectively. Any referencQ <br />shall inure to and be binding upon file heirs, executors, administrators' successors, grantees,; IL(,ecs alid �s,igns of <br />in this Mortgage of the singular shall be construed as plural where appropriate. <br />(7.) E.ach-of the undersigned licreby waives the right to claim any damage for trespass, inj ur or . ail I y tort occasi ned 1)), or resultingi fror . n tile exercise by tile <br />IloldLr of the rights given hereunder or any attempt to exeicise"arly other right tile lfolder;is herein granted, 0 any other right that tile Holder has or may <br />have, to the extent permitted by * i d ; . <br />law. <br />(8) Invalidity or uncriforccability of all), provisions herein shall not affect (lie validity and efifi rceability 61' any other provisions. - <br />(9) Should said property or any part thereof be itaken by reason of condemnation proceedd g, Nfortgagee sliall I c entitled to all compensation, awards, other <br />payments therefor and apply the same oil said ind btedness. <br />(10) If any of the undersigned is a married woman, she represents and warrants that this i1ttrunicht lia�s becii executed in her bell ! alf, and for her sole and <br />separate use and benefit and that she has not executed the sanhe as surety for another, but tha� she is tlic:13orrowc hereunder. <br />(11) It is further provided and agreed that the M ortgagor shall pay all taxes levied upon t IiN Mort,gage, or the debts secured thereby, together with any other <br />taxes or assessuielits wilicli may be levied under the laws of Nebraska against said Mortgag�c' <br />n account of this i idebtedness, to the:extent permitted by law. <br />(12) In tile event of default in the performance of any of tile terms and conditions of this )r1gage I or t lie note ecured by it, the Mortg3gee shall be entitled <br />to immediate possession of [lie property above described, <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF tile Mortgagors have hereunto c <br />,s t hand and scal this date— Octoi�er 24, 1975 <br />Signed, Scaled mid Delivered bi tile presetice of: <br />6 <br />'It, al"t (SEAL) <br />111iness <br />mortgagdr�, lori�lc IM. <br />j'E aniel M. Zo�g <br />Witness <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />Han ss <br />COUNTY OF <br />and — <br />in and %N,Iio "emtc-d.�qic foregoing mortgage. and severally <br />S E <br />.A <br />'KI <br />151 <br />My commissma- pjly5­;_W1 <br />This 24th day of Oc r—, <br />Geneva ZoaF_, <br />0 <br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT <br />i19--7_5—, personally appeared <br />his I <br />nowledged the execution therco <br />N), <br />31 <br />0 <br />0 <br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT <br />i19--7_5—, personally appeared <br />his I <br />nowledged the execution therco <br />ma Zogg <br />Dar <br />e Inc <br />, to <br />(her) <br />—(SEAL) <br />71orrolvcr <br />1 M. zogg� <br />known to be Ahe identical persons named <br />-) free and voluntary act and deed. <br />4- <br />'.t) <br />91 ON <br />r. 0 <br />0 <br />F 0 <br />0 <br />ma Zogg <br />Dar <br />e Inc <br />, to <br />(her) <br />—(SEAL) <br />71orrolvcr <br />1 M. zogg� <br />known to be Ahe identical persons named <br />-) free and voluntary act and deed. <br />4- <br />'.t) <br />91 ON <br />r. 0 <br />0 <br />F 0 <br />