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STATE OF ...... Nabraska ........... Oit this ... 13-th ........... day of] .............. No.vember ............... .......... 0 ... 7,5,., before <br />ss. <br />Hall ine, the widersigncd a Notarl, Public, duly commissioned and qualifird for <br />................ ............................. County <br />in said comitil, personallip came -I ............. .. ......... <br />a'jk/ii R:E'g'*,o,b-e*'H'o* --- M* ....... <br />.............. Ma� .. V...Bemudez ... and..Rober.t..M....Bennudez,].wif e ................ <br />0, <br />andhusband ............................................................. <br />................. ...................................... ....................... <br />0 <br />kn -zon to be the identical person or persons whose name is or names are <br />to Ine 0 <br />0 trument vnd ackno-zoledged the execution thereof to b� <br />affixed to the forcgoihg ins <br />or their voluntary ac <br />j, his, lie? t and (Iced. <br />2.0 <br />/, . ............ and Nota -ial Seal the da7a d war last above written. <br />Witness mv han <br />1,�*.:?�Lhotary Pi <br />fblic <br />........ Ro's C" P ... j 6 Y, fi,� �6 -n <br />My Commission expires tha-20th ...... dai of�.-Septa�er .................. 19 ----- 7-6 <br />S TA TE OF .................................... On th is ........................ day o ....................................... ................. ig <br />f ....... before <br />ss. <br />me, the undersigned a Al tary Public, dulv commissioncd and qualified iol�7 <br />..................... .................. <br />in said county, personally cam <br />..................................................... ............................... <br />........................................................ .................... ............... ...................... ....... <br />...................................... I ................. ........... ......................................................................... <br />to mc known to be the identical pc) -s , on or -persons. whose name is or 110IM's al't, <br />affixed to the forcgoi?ig instrument ohd acknowledgcd the execution thereof to bc! <br />h'Is, her or their volulltar�' act all I (I deed. <br />TViIncss my hand and Nota 1.1 - al Seal the, dal. Mid vear last abovc writti-n. <br />.. ........................ ....... ........................... Volan, Public <br />A13' C"I"'issi011 expires the ............. of ............................................ 19- ...... <br />C-) <br />17 <br />(3 <br />0 <br />.12 <br />C) <br />E <br />E. <br />L:4 t <br />Ln <br />