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01095i <br />Section 9. Insurance <br />-9.1 Risks to be- Insured. Mortgagor will maintain or cause:1 be maintained,,: with financially 'sound <br />and reputable -insurers, insurance with respect to the Mortgage�d Properties as �,equired by the7 Loan <br />Agreement, all in a'mounts approved �by the Mortgagee not exclieding one hund e� percent (100%) of <br />full insurable value. All insurance herein provided for shall be in.ihe f' rm and companies app'r <br />oved <br />by the Mortgagee. Regardless of the types or amounts of insurance required 1 and, approved by the <br />Mortgagee, the Mortgagor will assign and deliver to the Mortgagle all policies of insurance which insure <br />against any loss or damage to 'tile Mortgaged Properties as collateml and further se6urity for the pa' <br />yment <br />of the money secured by this Mortgage with loss payable to th Mortgagee as its interest may appear, <br />pursuant to Ih or other mortgagee clau <br />e New York Standard 's without contriLtion, satisfac'to'ry to <br />the Mortgagee; and if tile Mortgago, UVIdUlLb in so insuring the Lt gaged Properties or in so ass igning <br />and delivering the policies, the Mortgagee may, at the option':of the Mortgagee,! effect such insurance <br />from year to year and pay the premiums therefor, and that tile : r�,Aor I gagor. wi reimburse the Mor:tgagee <br />for any premiums so paid, with intCre'st from time of payment, as�provided by 11 on demand, and <br />the same shall be secured by this Mortgage. <br />9.2 Use of Insurance Proceeds, etc. Any sums received by' 10 ly reison of loss or damage <br />ort.gagee. L <br />insured against may. be paid over to t e Mortgagor to be use&t repair or restorle the damage insured <br />against or for any purpose or object sa I tisfactory to Mortgagee wit�llout affecting th6 lien of the Mortgage <br />for the full amount.secured hereby before such payment ever to k place,� and, tol the extent any. sums <br />received by Mortgagee by reason of loss or damage insured agaihsx are not;used fc�r repair or restoration <br />then they shall be,retained by the Mortgagee and applied to�v� I rd the p aymen of the Notes. <br />9.3 Renewal Policies. Not less than five (5) days prior to the Ixpira ion a es of each policy req'uired <br />.of the Mortgagor pursuant to this § 9, the Mort,ga go r will deli er to the Mortgagee a renewal 'policy <br />or policies marked "premium paid" o.r accompanied by other 6v dence of payment satisfactory to tile <br />Mortgagee. <br />9.4 Rights of Purchaser of Mort aged Properties. In tile "e ent:of a,'Iforecllure of this Mortgage <br />the purchaser of tile Mortgaged Properties shall succeed to all it of the; Mortgagor, including' <br />any right to unearned premiums, III and to all policies of insurance Ossigned and deli ered to the Mortgagee <br />pursuant to the provisions of this § 9. <br />-Section 110. Care of Mortgaged PriDperties <br />10.1 Condition and Repair. The Mortgagor will keep the ir iproveme : rits no� or heiezifter 1 6 rected <br />on the Mortgaged Properties in good- condition' and repair; will not commit or luffer any waste;:will <br />not do. or suffer t6 -be done anything which will increase the risk cf fire orotherha.zard tothe Mortgaged <br />ot remove or demolish nor laltei 'design 0 <br />Properties or any part thereof; will n' tile ir structural ch�racter <br />I <br />of any building, fixture, chattel or other part of tile Mortgaged roperties without the written consent <br />of the Mortgageei <br />.10.2 Destruction by Fire or Other Casualty. If the Mortga, d 'Or any. part ther�eof is <br />r any other cause, the Mortgagor will give im iediate written notice of the.sdme to <br />damaged by fire o <br />the Mortgagee and will promptly restore the Mortgaged Propertles to the equivallent of its condi-tion <br />at the time of such damage, or other 'cause, and if a part of the. 4ortgaged Properties shall be damaged <br />-ti.irough condemnation, the Mortgagorl will promptly restore, re )ir or alter the remaining property in <br />a manner satisfactory to the Mortgagee. <br />-6- <br />