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52-A—REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE—(With Tax C lause) (Revised <br />71c Haffman General Supply HouW, Lincoln, Nebr. I <br />XNOW ALL MEN 13Y THESE PRESENTS: <br />T I hat Ftederiksen, McDermott & Yost, a Partnership <br />of Hal I County, and State of: Nebraska in consideration: of the sum of 1 <br />Three Thousand - * . .1 1 1 <br />and:00/100 DOLLARS 1 <br />I in ]land paid, do hereby SELL 'and CONVEY unto, <br />aul C� <br />Huston &. Hazel F, iuston or survivor <br />of Hall County, State of Nebraska ble following described premises situated <br />in Hall County, and St�te of Nebraska <br />to -wit: <br />.cKle Easterly Seventy -One (71) feet of the Norther2 ixt �-Silx (66) feet o f the folloi-ii <br />described tract of!ground, to-i-�It: Fractional Lo S an' 2 in Fractional Block 2 in; <br />Russel Wheeleris Addition and 'of their complemen�s, to -i -at: Fractional'i <br />I I Lots I and <br />n ' 'D 0� <br />in Fractional Block 125 i Union lacific Railway ompany,ls Sepond Additi(on., both <br />bbing Additions to the City of Grand Island., Nebralska., add beff a Rectangular tract�o <br />ground having an Easterly front� e of 66 feet onlillocust S' ree in said City, a <br />9 <br />depth of 71 feet, 'and bounded oil the Nor"uh by EigdIlth Street in said City.' in <br />Hall County, Nebraska. <br />The intention being to convey hereby an absolute titic in ice simple, including all.the right.-, of homestead and dower. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD tile premises abov I e described, with all tile �a )purtenan es thdreunto belongin . g, unto the sai <br />niortgagee(s) and to his, her or' their heirs and assigns forever, provi e ah ays, and: these !presents are upon the express <br />condition that if the said mortgagar(s), his, her or their heirs, executors, admI nistrators� or a igns <br />sliall pay�or cause to be <br />paid te) the said mortgagee(s), his, her or their heirs", executors, administrators or assigns, the 1) incipal sum of 3 000 '00 <br />I payable as follows, to %vit: <br />One promissory note dated Nov. 11i, 1975 at Grand 15 and bra ka <br />in the.amount <br />of $33000.00, andipayable February 15, '1976j, wit i inter st thereon at the rate <br />1 of 8% per annum, and with the option to pay the �e tire zacouAt at any time and stop, <br />interst on the amount so paid. <br />be,�ri <br />vith interest according to the t6nor and effect of the mortgagors written promil ssory notel Ag even date with these presents' <br />and sliall pay all taxes and assegsilients levied upon Isaid real estate, and all otl I er taxes, l6vies a�id assessments. levied upon.this <br />to secure, before the sam! d. becomes'Aelinqi ent, and keep the buildings on <br />mortgage or the note -which this mortgage is given I <br />i said premises insured for the sum of $insurable value <br />loss, if any, pa a e o lie said 11 mortgagee, then these presents <br />to be void, otherwise to be and -remain in full fored. <br />IT IS FURTHER AGREE <br />D (1) That if the s6id mortgagor shall fail t pay such taxes or procure such insurance, the <br />I 9e <br />said mortgagee may pay such 6xes and procure such insurance; and the suJ-so advan ed, w1th interest at /0 per <br />cent, shall be repaid by said mor' me I rtgage shall. stand as secur ty for tl , 1 (2) That a failure to pay any <br />tgagor, and this ie Isame. 1 <br />of said money, either principal 'or interest, when the same becomes due, or: d failure to com ly with any of the foregoing <br />i agreements, sh,;ill cause the whole sum of money herein secured to become ��Ile and co'liectibU at once at tile option of the <br />mortgagee. <br />th <br />Signed this 141 day of Nover.ber 1975 Frzderiks�n, McDermott & Yost <br />'cc of <br />In presen <br />. .. ... .... ......... . . .. ........ <br />............................................................ <br />.............................. .......................... . . <br />...................... ............ ................... <br />.............................. <br />............................................................. <br />............ .................. .................... ......... t <br />.... OT <br />SADvi C. HUTT—ON <br />............. i4y Cornin. Exp. Nov. 12. IM <br />STATE OF ....... ....... : .......................... County of ................ 1�1� ............ <br />Before me, a notary ppblic qualified for said c6unty, personally came <br />aa Partner in the Partnership of Frederiksen,, 14CDerm6tt Yost <br />known 'to me to be the identical person or persons' who signed the fore o ni <br />g I , instrument anil acknowledged 'the execution <br />1 thereof to be his, her or their voluntary act and deed. <br />Witness my hand and notarial seal on .......... November 14 75 <br />............................. .... . <br />My commission expi : ...... A). I <br />......... .............. 119 ... 71'.7 . ........... :7 V,26.� <br />rZ 1 otary Public. <br />OF ...... <br />STATE ...... EnLred on numeri�al index and!filed for record <br />County ................................... I in '[he Register of D <br />eeds Office of said County the <br />da A <br />...... 19 ...... 5 at ....... .... 2 . ......... o'cl:)ck and...... m inute" ...... M., <br />............ <br />and , recorded in Book ............ ................. page ....... 5. ........... . I <br />. ......... Reg. of Deeds <br />By............. I J, .......... .................................... ... Deputy <br />