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MORTGAGE—Savings and Loan Form—(Direct Credit -Plan) 255-2 (Special) <br />MORTGRAW.-E <br />0 10931 Loan NO <br />THIS INDENTURE, made t1ils .14th No <br />day of vember <br />liy and between <br />each in his and her o <br />JAMES A. WERTH AND ELAINE B. WERTHil husband and.wifej 1�n right and <br />as spouse of the other <br />of- Hall <br />County, Nebraska,l as morlgag=�_, and Home <br />a corporation organized and existing under the laws of! Nebraska with Its principal <br />as mortgagee: i <br />WITNESSETH: That said mortgagor -1— for and is. consideration of the sure <br />WENTY NINE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED AND N01100 ----------- <br />the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do— by those presents mortgage, <br />assigns, forever, all the following described real estate,1 situated in the county of <br />and State of Nebraska, to -wit: <br />LOT NINE (9) IN BLOCK FIVE (5) IN "COUNT' <br />A PART OF'THE EAST HALF OF THE'NORTH14EST <br />deral Scr'lgs an!d Loan Association 'of , Grand Island, <br />Ice and place of business at Grarid'Island, Nebraska, <br />- - - - - 77- - - 4-nolla,., (S 29,600.00), <br />d warrant unto said mortgaiee, its successors and <br />Hall i <br />CLUB <br />'TWENTY—EIbHT (28) IN 'XUlffiLiHil? ELEVEN (11) NORTH� <br />OF THE, SIXTH P.M., HALL COUNTY,- NEBRASKAJ <br />UBDiVISION", BEING <br />(V2-IM4) OF SECTION <br />ANGE NINE (9) 14EST <br />Together with all heating, lighting, and plumbing equipment and fixtures, includin g stokersrd burne� I a. screens, awnings, storm windows <br />and doors, and window shades or blinds, used on or in connection with said property wheth r the same are now located on said property <br />or hereafter placed thereon. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with all and singular the tenemoi ts, horedita nents and appurtenances therounto belon <br />9. <br />ing, or in anywise appertaining, forever, and warrant the title to iho same. Said morlagor__�L !dereby , covenant with said mortgagee <br />that ___tho_y_ are <br />crt the delivery hereof, the lawful.owner.S_ of the pre !sea above conveyed and described, and are <br />seized of a good and indefeasible estate of inheritance therein, free a'nd clear of all el.,icumbrance and that ----tho V will warrant and' <br />defend the title thereto forever agai nst the claims and d6mands of all persons, whorns�ever. <br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and thin instrument is executed and delivered to secure�tlle payment of the gum of <br />WENTY NINE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED AN'D'NO/100 - - - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - <br />D611ars (S— 29, 660: 00 <br />with :such charges and ad�ancos as may be due arid payable to' said; mortgagee under the terms and <br />with interest thereon, together <br />conditions - of the promissory note of even date herewith and secured hereby, 'x 1� )d by said mortgador S to said mortgagee, payable <br />as 6xpressed in said note, and to secure the performance �of all the to and conYti."6z contain:pk thnrnin Thp terms tof said note are <br />hereby incorporated herein by this reference. <br />It is the intention and agreemen <br />I of the parties hereto that this mortgage shall secure any uture advances made to said <br />I � I I . : f <br />morlgagor_�!_ by said mortgagec,:and any and all indebtedness in� addition to the )imount aboye stated which said mortgagors, or any <br />of them, may owe to said morlgag�e, however ovldencec�. whether by note, book acco nt or otherwise. ;This mortgage shall remain In full <br />force and effect between the parties hereto and their heirs, personal. representailvest [uccessors� m�signs, until all' amounts secured <br />hereunder, including future advances, are paid in full with interest. <br />The mortgagor S hereby assign to said mortgalgeo all rents and income arising at an and:all times from said property and <br />hereby auth6rizb said mortgagee or its agent, at its opt!6n, upon default, to take chcd�go of so! �ropett� and collect all: rents and Income <br />e payment of interest, 1principal, insurance premlumsl�ga of a <br />therefrom and apply the same to th , taxes, ssbssments, repairs or improvements neces- <br />sary to keep said property in tenantable condition, or to I other chargps or paymonts Pr6vIded for h' I orein o!r in the note hereby se�ured. This <br />rent assignment shall continue in force until the unpaid balance oi said note is- fully Flaid. The taking of possession hereunder shall in no <br />manner prevent or retard said mortgagee In the collectlort of said sums by foreclosure or otherwise. <br />The failure of the mortgagoo to <br />assert any of- Its rights hereunder at any time shc 11 not be construed as a waiver of'.its right to assert <br />the same at any later time, and to Insist upon and enforce strict compliance with all !he terms � 'nd pr6vislons of said,note and of this <br />mortgage. a <br />If said mortgagor_�!_ shall cause to be paid to said mortgagee the entire amouni due it h r der, and under the for ms and provisions <br />of said note hereby secured, including future advances, and 6ny extensions or renewals 6 ereof In 66'clnordan�o with the terras'and provisions <br />thereof, and if said mortgagor -L, shall comply with all the provisions of said note cindl of this mortgage, then these presents shall be void; <br />otherwise to remain in full force and effect, and said mori.gagee shall be entitled to the' possession of all!of said property. and may. at its <br />option, declare the whole of said note and all indebtedness represented thereby to be 11 lately due an t d payable, and inay foreclose this <br />mortgage or take any other legal action to protect its rl4bt, and from the date of such default 'all itemi of indebtedness 'secured hereby <br />shall draw Interest at 9% per annum. Appralsement waived. <br />This mortgage shall be binding upon and shall enu <br />th I o respective parties hereto. re to the benefit of the helr�, administrators, succeasois and assigns of <br />IN WITNESS Vin'IEREOF. said Mortgagor S h. Ve hereunto set theil <br />ban S the� year first above <br />written. <br />mes jk. Wert <br />aineilB. Wer <br />