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0 10 9:2Y <br />'I'll(- Mortgagee 111W.' (20111.'Ct a chargv­ not to exceed Five Collis (5(,�) for vach dollar ($1.00i If oilch total liloilth).\ <br />pnyint-nt more than 15 (I;i%,s i n a rrea r., t i I covi r f I w ex f ra I'N I )VIISO i ll%-0lX'-'d i il 1111 no I I i ng did i liquel It accou 11 Is. <br />All pavmen Is made mider ill(- provisions of this mortgap- or the noti, <br />livrehy sectired. Nvhich may be construed as intere't. <br />lawfully confracted for in writing. <br />sliall not. in the aggregato over flit- terni thereof, (,xcved flit, ral : o that maY Ill)%%' he <br />it is further agreed that ill cast. anx. suit is bt-glin to for - celose this Tiliortgag-v. the Mortgagee, it., represelita6ves or a.ssigl!s. <br />'11:111 at onev be entitled to t1w possession of said preinises. and upon application theref(w. tht-court ill %%hiclistich actionshall <br />I - to t. w, <br />he brought or any judge of such court, either in term time or Vacation. is I (Ireb� authori7ed to appoint a receiver ake pos, * '.. <br />I rill such other acts is maY be required by the order <br />sion of said premises, or to colrect the rents therefrom, zind to (to and perfo� <br />(if the court ill; , 1king the appointment; and said Mortgagor hereby waives aliy notice of Such application, and colispilts to ill(' ap-. <br />poilitillent of a receiver upon the production (if this mortgmgv. without other ! I Ividerive. <br />The Mortgagee sliall I -w subrogated to all (if tile rights, privilvges. priori(ies. and equities of ally liellholder wh(Ise liell niflI, <br />havi, heen discharged from fill, procceds of this lo.m. or- b% an� forlds hereby paid or furnished 1).N fill, Mortgagee. <br />r shall sell. cj nvey or alienatt, snid property, or allV 1),'Irt therPbf, <br />IT IS E'XI1PE'SSI,Y AGREEI) that if the ofortgag i <br />or any interest tlie.rein, or sluill be divestcd of his tiflt� or ariv iifler(,st t1wrtjn in any manner or . N wlipther volmitarilY 'or <br />in.voluntarilY, without written corl.,wn( of the Mortgagve 1wing first had and 1)hfah'ied, 'Mortgageosliall have fill-- right. at ik option, <br />to declare any indebtechies,; or obligations sectired lierebY, irrespective of ille maturitY date spucified ill nill. . little eVi(i0ll('ill1_' the <br />same, immediately (file and payabl(.� without notive, and said debt shall thervupoll J),q,ojjl(� ah�ojtit(.. If flit. ownership of [lit, niort- <br />gaged property becornes vested in a person other than the Mortgra.gor, the Mortga,(,(� njay, lloti(-e to flit, Mortgagor, deal <br />with Such successhr or successors in interest with r(4vrenve to this mortgap(� alid the debt. herch ' v secured as with the Mortgagor, <br />and may forbear. to sue or illay extend thile -for tile payment of the debt lit,r( I I)v so�ciired %vithout dischar.ging or in a�ny way afrecting <br />the liability of the original Mortgagor herminder or upon t1w dcht secured. <br />Ill this ins(runit�nf the singular includes.,the phiral and ill(. mascillille inchl(les the ferililline and flit, liclitt-rand this ill- <br />sh-killielit shall lit—hillding lipoil the il lide 1-.,;ig lit'd. his heirs. persowil represvidatives, siicce�;�,ors and assigns. <br />IN-\VITINESS %VflFA%'E10P. we fmve lierounto sot our hands and <br />I n tile 1)r(,,,Piic(, nf: <br />Dar] <br />STATL 01-' NEMASI<A I <br />Hall SS. <br />1. the daY and vvnr first abovc %Nriltvil. <br />L. IvUller <br />M. Miller <br />Oil tlli� ..... i�).75. kefort, J"'. the ulldpr`if"nf�'d. a Notary l'uhlic. ill and for said <br />County. personally came, ..... Lai-ir.en. L....Miller ... and,Darlene. M.. Mi'ller ..husband ... and,wife ..... <br />personall,,7 known to me to be tliv i(lentical persons whose names are affixed to the abovt- and fore!�oin,,� instrument, as <br />and enell ackilowl(,dged nid instrument to lie his or her voluntarY act and 11ced. <br />witness ;riy liand and notarial seal at .... .... Gran.d Island,, Nel <br />the date lastahove written. <br />Pimps L. <br />oew�:�AL <br />ST/,TE OF <br />....... . 13, 1976 <br />MV comillissionc <br />STATE, O�� <br />SS. <br />0 1111 ... ... . <br />raska. .... .. . <br />p Not.,lrY Public. <br />Entere(I on immerical in(lex an(l file(] for record in the Register of Deml Office of sai(l Cotinty the <br />7 — I I W <br />111-crI, (1, 1 N 0 f 19 ilt� wclock mul... Ininute.,-3 .... e�19..M,. <br />an(l rcconle(l in Book of Mort,mgvs at Im"e strunwi t <br />.... ................... <br />Reg. of Deeds <br />BN ...... ... ............. Deptity <br />Wl ien recortled to be return I ed to the <br />-ION OF LINCOLN <br />FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN Ab6UUIA'1 <br />LINCOLN OFFICES: Phone 475-05211435-2111 1 <br />1235 'IN" Street 135 No. Cotner Blvd. 70th and "A'.' St. 2541 No. 1 Ith Street <br />OMAHA OFFICES: Phone 553-4323 <br />R P706 Pacific'St. F1 2101 So.42nd St. E] 3k5 N.1�. 90t,11 St. 10920 West Dodge Rd. <br />REGI . ONAL OFFICES: [] 2120 First Ave., Kearney E] 513 "E" , Street, Fairbury El 1433 I'M" Street, Ord <br />Phone 234-2473 Phone 729-2202 Phone 728-3218 <br />1301 -Main Ave., Crete E] 223 Box Butte Ave., Alliance 1811 West 2nd St., Grand Island <br />Phone 762-2160 Phone 384-4433 <br />Phone 826-4349 <br />1974 - rMST,rcrit 1A L.SAVIUGS A11D LOAN <br />A550C AoOt� OF UNCOLN. NCHFIASKA <br />