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0 1.0,9 27 <br />THIS MORTGAGE IS ALSO TO BE AND CONTINUE TO BE, FROM. TIME TO TIME; SECU1iITY FOR THE PAYMENT OF SUCH <br />SUM OR SUMS OF MONEY AS THE MORTGAGEE MAY FROM TIME TO TIME IN THE FUTURE ADVANCE TO THE. MORTGAGOR, AND <br />EVIDENCED BY A SUPPLEMENTAL NOTE OR NOTESJ 13UT THL TOTAL INDE13TE DNESS SE URE6 BY THIS MORTGAGE SHALL NOT <br />EXCEED ONE- HUNDRED -1`WENTY (120) PER CENT OF, THE AMOUNT NOW OWINd, EXCEPT- OR ANY ADVANCES THAT MAY BE MADE <br />TO PROTECT THE SECURITY IN 'ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS M )RTGAGE <br />THE MORTGAGOR FURTHER COVEiTANTS AND AGREE�: <br />That the Nlortgagor will"pay the indebtedlIess -is hervinhefore provid 11d. <br />That, the Alortgagor is die owner of said property Ili fee siniple ,Iil(. Ilas (J(i( righil'arld lawful atitiloritv to sell and <br />colive , v tit(, sanie and that tliesanl:e is free Ili(] clear"of any lien (;r oneunibraile and tit, . I )rt!� [it and defend tile <br />iinis of all per,.,;ons whomsoever. ; <br />tifle to said promises against, thQ el, I ._;w�or Nvill wnrra <br />TO Pily inilliediately whe'll (Ille and <br />Plivable! all general taxes, special t Nes, speei: I asse�slllvllts, water charges, sewer serv- <br />ict! charges, and other taxes and c-liarges against sai I it property, and all taxes 1( i(ql oll tii�, debt.1"'vetired herebv, and to furnish Ili(, <br />IN-lort,1114-, Iwon re(mest, Nvith,the originat of dup'licate re(!eipts therefor. T! �11 (- . �vlortgm �or ag,:rves thid, there --dialt b(- added to <br />each nionthlY payment rvquired livreunder or midQr till' C'Viden(!(� (of d0ht SCo'l ed horel, <br />oil ill�1011111. the Nlortgageo <br />to he sufficient to ellable ill(- '.,%lortgagev to Pi:Yo'al� flw� become due, all ilsosslill 'I I I s� iqld �illlilar ch.,Irgos'llpoll tlit, prem - <br />of I . <br />ises subjeet. thereto; any deficiell(i ' v beeall,;(. It ilislifficivilt-'y of sliell addifJ( till lits sj�all he fortJI*%%itII: oleposilvd by tit(' <br />Alortgagor with tit(- Nlortgagee� tipoll delimild by I! 1W �1011,';Ig(­- Aliv defatil 16i; ImralFraph shall he (1�4,111"d ;I def:1111t in <br />I -VII -11( of la%-, assessments, or similar eliarges I!e(Itlin'd herellilder. <br />'I'll(, %lortgagor agrek's thilt there Alall als)) be added I o eaell I lolith,' Imyriler. f PrIoCi1j,"I and int(-r,,A required hore- <br />under all "Iniount, estiniated by tit(' to h( I litheivilt to enable tho. M( (ga! lue. t1w jnsurane�, <br />gee H ily. 1:1s it <br />m-emium (?it an.% insurance poliev. del iveri'd to tit(' Mort-a-ee. AnY dvficiellev'l 'eaust, of, Ill. itilliffivwIlo:v ol �uell:addiiiollijl pily- <br />nients �fiall be foriliNvith dePosited 1) , v tile Alort',lm--or with the '\l'ortgI:1(1C di'llmild Ili' the j%Iort,,,ag.,e_ Anv;defijII( undor this <br />paragraph shall be deeniod a default ill dw Im " vini-ii I I of insurance pre y niums.11 tit(. poli(... or deposite(i �arf. slu-11 as lifinw- <br />owners or all risk policies. and tit(, d (-po.�;its jilp ilisilffwielit to pily Ilw vlltire'�-j r(;mitmi, �t I,. _\Ifjrt,,iwe(- roily "Ippiv,the civimsif to <br />lm�' Im,mitims oil risks required to he inmred by thil� mort,,,ag(,. <br />Ilavillents Illarle by flit- Nlorti,,iigor under tly� ahove paragraphs jllilv�: i %Io] Z11)(1 <br />I the op(i )II of <br />with other stich fulids or its owil funds ol. t1w payllif-III. of suell it( li.�. mid tit tit ','(I j1ppli;.d. stwh paylovili.s an. lif-rel)v <br />pledged :Is sevurify. for the unpaid balanev of the Illorig'agi, illdobtvdlles�s. <br />To procure, (h.liver to, mid maintain foi ill - IwIlMit of, till, lurilil" thb life�ot!tllis Illoriga'-4, ori�:illal polieivs ;111(1 <br />renewals thereof, delivi-red ill le;l'st ion flays befon. tho expiration of ill I y 1)o1i(-ies,:j isurml,, against firo and. other insurable <br />haziir&�, cagualties, Illcl I, i re, in an mourit e(ilal toAhe indubtednes,; secured I)v tlii,, <br />.011 t ingencies a, ilie NfortJilgee 'way roo-fil <br />v. g <br />Alortgag ill conipallit's aeeeptilble to if rtc'i "'q., with loss payable ell -'It �v it) fiv.or I of arld in form aceeptq fille to tit(, Nlortg'a- <br />any policy is liol, rellewe( o wfore fell days of its tioll'. tit(" may proCuri, in.L;IIr;IIlCe on the <br />gee. Ill the evelit, :('.11 r <br />improvements. pay fit(, promium 'Ilierefor. and sueli Imil shall b,(:,*:)Ill(. irmiledmi IV (hw d p;IvtIhh' with infer"'sI, nt tfw rilte set <br />forth ill said note until pidd and'shall be si-Cill-Od 1) <br />tlli� Illortg"'Ige. Failure oil it)(! part it t1w Nlortgagm- to fllrni�h sudi rt�iw%vals <br />ag are hert-in required or fnilure (o pay any stims Mit*ill]Ced herellildel. shall. ;it the opti(�111 01`01'- <br />I I mstiiute it defaillf <br />Illid(.1- the tornis of this loortgilgl..�:Thl- delivery of polieios shall. ill the ("'t it of (1(.f:l I I G, <br />Istitutf. all ;Is�i, 4 tit(. till - <br />earned proillillill. <br />Anv sunis r(-(-eived hv <br />lhe %IorIgiIg(.0. bv 1­aon )I loss or dimia,(-! vd l;;.' ill�t 111:1v 1w retninedbY the <br />and applied toward the payil)011i of tit,, debt hen-liv sv(-ttr0d, or. ill the optio I of, ill(- c% st-11 sullis vidwr wholly or in <br />part toil , v bt. paid over to tll(, %liji-tgagor to he u�vd 1' (1) repall- sliell hllildiiigs�( 1��Iijdillgs ill t1leir plaeo or for an.v <br />ollier pt rpose oi- objeet sati4iwiory to tho %lort,,­ag,.t, without illyeetill" Ille 12e on�tllv I;I <br />I �' foi- ill(, hill allioltill sf�ellrod here- <br />bv hofor" stlCh payinelif ever took p1m.e. <br />'I , 'o promptl repair, resJore or rebuild a ii.� huilding,-; or ililluo-Inwill noW ()r 'I ert�aflj�r oil t1w premi��-s whieh mav lw- <br />eonle danlaged or destroyed: to k'vep Said pronlis I lition and repai and fil-11,11lie's Iton Or other lien. or <br />lillilled to the lie("� T "oo, rom a�i� <br />elidin of lien not expressly subor( it 11 ,of- sull',-r or perm I aliv till . 1; wfkd .1,1so of or :InY Tillisilliec to oxist oil <br />said prop -rt ' v nor to perillit was ' t I. oil said premises.1 nor to (to imY other ;wt �%% wr(,l*).V'tN1( prop(':0 - v livrebY eoii�,e.ved shall hi,eoill, <br />less viduahle , nor to diminish or impair its value hy any acl or omission to aet: (f emopiv i�itjj �111� 1,quirellivilt" of law with te-qwvt <br />to the Illortgaged prernises and Ill e its(. thereof <br />That should the premises or :in.%, par� I . here(� be tali('-ji (.)I- damaged I),% : . vasmi of il It.%- pIIj)1iv 1111provemei I it or condt-ill ,;,I i� lit <br />proceeding, or qn(ler tit(, right oflenlinent dollwilli, or ill Mi", other milliner. thP 'Nfol:11"ill"i-it shilill ho vntitl(�d to ail eo'llipens'dio . Its, <br />awards, and any other payment or relief therefor. ill) I I shall he entitled. at, it, ill tioll, to ](AlCV. iIPP0:ir hi and pro.�(-cule it, its <br />Com 1) roill ise or settlement in collil(.�-Ii( wihl stlell taking or darmfille. A)I such <br />own naine any action or proeee(!ing. or to make ant <br />eorn pensat i oil, awards, dalliages, right of action illidi proeveds are hureby ass]"lled if, 0;( %Iod-gague. who roi;V' 'ift(. <br />- , -r dodo(Aing <br />therefrom all its exp��nses, relvast'- any nioneys so rvc��iverl by it or apply'the sinj - I <br />ie oil ;111.v svelired lierebv. The 'NIort. <br />gagor agrt�e to exectife sliell further assiglinients of ally Compensation. awards.. ( I - <br />III(I rji�lits of aelion� mid prneeeds it.-; tit(, <br />j%fortgagee may requir(�. <br />That in ease of failure to' perform any of till- vovellants herein, tit(. ,\Iort�.;Igets maY (it, oll:tIle %Iortgagor's behalf everything <br />so covenanted: that the lvlortgage:0 may also (to aily Ad it Illav deern necessary. ) PrPtf�cf,�1110 liel" thereof: that tit('- -Nlortgagor will <br />repay upon deniand any nioneys4paid or dishtirs�d 1) 1� \1 the Nilortgagou for anY o ) f the abov6. "IIId SUCII Illorwrs to,,,vtlier with <br />interest thereon at tit(- 'rate provided in said not:� shlill hecoille 'so much ad(ji(i 'llill L ill( . 1(�I) (qhi �s,� IWI-CIA' SVL'IIrVd Mid InjIV I)(- in- <br />cluded in anv decree foreclosing !Iiis mortgage and 1) c-, pilid out. of tit(- rents or )roeecds �(�f saleiof said I )remise� if not o . tjj(.rwi,;p <br />Imid: that, it sliall not be obligati)ry upon the 1NI(')rtg1a9o_,(1 to int-f6ire into the �i lidit% of 11% lien. encumbranees. (or claini in ad- <br />vancing nioneys as above aut horiZ,ed, bLJt 110thill, lielleill Contained shall 1w (-oil: trued I,, 'I- -quiri6g tile Nlortgagvt. it) adva <br />nioneys-for any SLICII purpw;e "or I() (to Ili%- let 1wr(�u'lider: and that '%NIortgagvo:s tall not i6 tir iuv�- persomil liabilit lweause of am". - <br />thing it. may (to or onlit to (to Iwi-7-under. <br />In the event of the defatift I)Y iNlortgagoi ijilthe payment of MI.)' illStill Illent, 'P(I Ili J-Pil 1)�' the Not(� 'sevilred herobv. or <br />ill the performance of the obligation in this in the note secured III: Niortgm: , hall he entitif d to declare tit(" <br />e �ee s <br />debt secured hereby due and payabiv without ll()tice, And tile Nlortgagee sliall h,�, �Iltitivd at its opfion, without notice. either by i1sell <br />.(,!r by it recuiver to'be appoinfe(I bv tit(- eourt thereof! and without. regard to tl�cl! Wlv�ltl;16- of iln�-semiritv for tI:w'ij'idvbtedjjess <br />c . ured hereby, to enter upon and'itake l) -session of I he mortgaged promises, mill ,, '011"CL 'In( I the, rents issmes ,in(] profits <br />ri <br />thereof, and apply the same. lesq Costs of operation lind CoIlL.Ttioll, upon the it debtvdnes� <br />secu�ed by this riiortgagC�: said relits, <br />issues and profit -s being bereby as8igiied to flit, Alortga I - <br />gvv as further svCtiritY for tl� PaYmell of all'; indebteduess securqd liereby. <br />The Nlortgagee sliall ha%.:e the power to am)(mit, any agent.' or agents it, I lily desire for tlfl� purpose of re'pairing s,,Ii(l preni- <br />i,,es; renting the saine: Collecting, tit(! rents, revenues, land i'ncoin�_ and it nia% out, of q; id ille� <br />j)"le all exiwilses incurred in rent - <br />tit(! rentals therefrom. The balai ce rurnaming. f� ally'.sliall he i . ipplied toward tit(, <br />ing*and managing the sanie 'and of collecting I I <br />assiglikWilt is to terminato andAwconjo, IIIIII Ill(] V()i(I Ill')on relelise of this <br />diseharge of fit(% mortgage infleb , ledness. This mortgage. <br />