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010927 <br />—INDIVIDUAL <br />OPEN END <br />F E D E CONVENTIONAL <br />DUE ON SALE <br />L I H CN_� 0 L FORt; No. 530 (R—. 13-7,11 <br />Loaii NLimber- - -29358 1 Iff- <br />C3 j ­h T y; ­ <br />M 0 R T G A G E <br />THIS MORTGAGH, made and exemit(�d this ... ... day or .. ........ ... ............ A. D., 19 .... lwtw('�en <br />Lawren..L. lil I er husband and wif ....each ... in_hisandher, oim. individual <br />.,Mil I er ..., ... M.....Y <br />right ... and .... as ... spouse .... of ... th.e_,..j.pintl and severally... .. ... .... ___ ............... . .. ....... <br />. �y .. .. . ............ . . <br />Grand -'.Is land Coujlt�, of H 11. tate of ......... .. Nebraska <br />a <br />...... ...... . ...... I ... ..... .. .... ..... .... liereill'ifter referred <br />toa,; the Mortagor, and FIRSTFEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN, Nebraska, it.-� SUCCOSS01's <br />and assigris. lien,inafter refvrred tons Mortgaget�. <br />That the ,aid Mortgagor, forand in i-onsideration of the suni of <br />m <br />.UM TTY ... SIX ... TTIQUSAND, ... F0.UR1 ... H.UD.M.RE.D. ADITD..N.0/10.0.--,-.-----�--------'----------�-(,�.�6,.400.00 <br />I ....... . .. . .. .. .. .. ....... .. . 1. .. 1. .. .. .. ., . I . .... .. I.. � ­ - - - - - - - .... - - ­ ..­­ ... ­ ..... .... ) Doll;,ir.-;. <br />paid by said Mortgagee, (too..; herebv Sell and COMI(IN7 Unto FIRST Fil-,I)HRAI, SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION bi-, <br />I.INCOI,N, Nehra.,;kn. a-; 'Mortgagev. its. successol'S �111(1 the follov.-ing, de�4vrihed Real Estale. sitt;ated in the C'ouni.y, of <br />.. ..... .... Hall .......... ............ . ..... St;lt(. of ..... Nebraska <br />... .. .. ... .. ...... ... ..... <br />Lot 9, in Block 84. in Wheeler and Bennett's Fourth Addition <br />to the City of Grand island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />TO HAVI-' AND TO HOLD the above (1(�scribed premises foi- the uses herein set forth and to secury performance of the <br />obligations contained herein, together with all buildings, improvements, fixtures and appurtenances ,in(] all eaqement.-; thereunto <br />1;vIonging, and it is mutually coverianted and agreed by and I�etweon the parties hereto that all plumbing, gas, (4ectrie and <br />mechanical fixtures, appliances, equipment, machinery and apparatus, floor coverings, storm windows and servens, and such other <br />goods and chattels and personal property as are ever furnished by a landlord iii-lettin.- or operating in unfurnished building,, sinii- <br />hir to the one no\%, or hereafter oil said premises, which are or sliall be attached. to, said building in anY manner \%Ilatsoever. are <br />and sliall be (I(Tnied to he fixtures and ill accession to the freehold and a paffof the realtY as between the I)arlies hereto, their <br />heirs, executors. administrators, successors or assigns, and all persons claiming by, through or under them. and �zlmll he doemed <br />to be a portion of thesecurity for the iridebtedne.�,s herein nwntionerl and to he covered by this mortgage. <br />pROVlDI!-,D ALWAYS, and these presents are executed and deliverod upon the following colidition.,;. ngreenlent.,; :111d <br />obligations of th(', Mortgagors, to -wit: <br />'I'll(, IMortgagor agrees to pay to the 1\,Iortgagee, or order, the principal S'imi of T�-TE, NTY.. SIX.. THOUSAND .. F OUR ........... <br />HUNDRE D.. AND.., 1\10/100.7:7 7.7::7 77-7.— ---------- 7 —.7 — (s. �QQ.�.0.0­* ........... I .......... ) Dollars. <br />................................... ........ ... <br />payable as provided in a note executed and delivered concurrently herewith, the final pa.vinent of lirincipal, if not sooner paid. <br />oil tile ...... �irst ................ dav of ......... De.cemb.ex ................ ....... _ ............... <br />