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010.90A <br />S T,4 T E 0 F. ....N ... OPT ... a.P ... k.a. ............... <br />........... H411 .......................... cololt Iss. <br />rjo-, ARY <br />C 0 S 10 N <br />ST.4TE OF .................................... <br />ss <br />............................................. I <br />E -i <br />P� <br />0 <br />,,�E! - 11 �--- <br />Q) <br />On this ...... 29th ......... day of ....... 1..Oqtobe� -e <br />...... ........ r.9 ... 75.., befoy <br />me, the midei'sig)zed a Notary Pi(blic, didy c6mmissimied a7ld qualified for <br />in said coloity, Persolially came ....... ....... *1-1 ................... **"* .......... <br />Car Le cilla'rd Mayhew a d Su san Ail 61 ne..XaYhRw <br />............................. .............. . ............... ......... ......... ....... ... .. .. ....... ......................... <br />husband and wife <br />.................. ........................................... ......... ........... .......................................................... <br />to me knq-mi to be the identical p or perso)zs� ! quhose iianic is or iiames a,) -c <br />affixed to 'the foregobig histrument )zd ackfiowled�ed the executioirthereof to lie <br />I <br />his, her or, their volmitary act mid d ed. <br />Hlihiq'ss my hand mid Notarial, Seal thc� �(I�Y �n'd, War last abov'e writteii. <br />IAQ .. . ............. . 1) 'Notary Public <br />. ...... ........... <br />RI?se, P J6hns'on <br />JITy Commission expires the..2p ......... day of..'....,: ... Dept.wher.: ... ........ g.... <br />Oilthis ........................ day of ...... ............... .......... L ........................ .19 ........... before <br />me . the imdersig)ied a Arotarl Pitblic, dulv cbmmissioncd mid qualified for <br />i;z said coloity, persoiially came ..... ................ I .......... .................................................... <br />.................... ............................................ ............... J ......... ...................... .......................... <br />.................. ............................................ ....... I ........ ............ ......................... J .......................... <br />to me knq7vii to be the idc?ztical -persoii or p?rso;i�- whose iiame z� or iiames are <br />affixed to the foregoing histritat0it Lid ackiiowled ed the executidt thereof to be <br />9. <br />his, her o�, their volmitary act mid d ed. <br />ff"itness my haiid mid Notarial Seal the: aY a;i;(l year last abova' <br />........ ...... ............ �.Alofary Public <br />............. <br />my Gommission expires the.. .. .......... da of.. ......................... I ...... ....... in ........ <br />44 <br />Q <br />0- <br />:z <br />IUJ <br />E -i <br />P� <br />0 <br />,,�E! - 11 �--- <br />Q) <br />On this ...... 29th ......... day of ....... 1..Oqtobe� -e <br />...... ........ r.9 ... 75.., befoy <br />me, the midei'sig)zed a Notary Pi(blic, didy c6mmissimied a7ld qualified for <br />in said coloity, Persolially came ....... ....... *1-1 ................... **"* .......... <br />Car Le cilla'rd Mayhew a d Su san Ail 61 ne..XaYhRw <br />............................. .............. . ............... ......... ......... ....... ... .. .. ....... ......................... <br />husband and wife <br />.................. ........................................... ......... ........... .......................................................... <br />to me knq-mi to be the identical p or perso)zs� ! quhose iianic is or iiames a,) -c <br />affixed to 'the foregobig histrument )zd ackfiowled�ed the executioirthereof to lie <br />I <br />his, her or, their volmitary act mid d ed. <br />Hlihiq'ss my hand mid Notarial, Seal thc� �(I�Y �n'd, War last abov'e writteii. <br />IAQ .. . ............. . 1) 'Notary Public <br />. ...... ........... <br />RI?se, P J6hns'on <br />JITy Commission expires the..2p ......... day of..'....,: ... Dept.wher.: ... ........ g.... <br />Oilthis ........................ day of ...... ............... .......... L ........................ .19 ........... before <br />me . the imdersig)ied a Arotarl Pitblic, dulv cbmmissioncd mid qualified for <br />i;z said coloity, persoiially came ..... ................ I .......... .................................................... <br />.................... ............................................ ............... J ......... ...................... .......................... <br />.................. ............................................ ....... I ........ ............ ......................... J .......................... <br />to me knq7vii to be the idc?ztical -persoii or p?rso;i�- whose iiame z� or iiames are <br />affixed to the foregoing histritat0it Lid ackiiowled ed the executidt thereof to be <br />9. <br />his, her o�, their volmitary act mid d ed. <br />ff"itness my haiid mid Notarial Seal the: aY a;i;(l year last abova' <br />........ ...... ............ �.Alofary Public <br />............. <br />my Gommission expires the.. .. .......... da of.. ......................... I ...... ....... in ........ <br />44 <br />Q <br />C\) <br />-7'\ <br />7) <br />z <br />U <br />0 <br />:z <br />C\) <br />-7'\ <br />7) <br />z <br />U <br />0 <br />