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0 1 09()A <br />The Huffinan Goncrid Supply llouse, Lincoln, Nebr. <br />53Y4—REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE—With Tax Clause <br />KNOW ALL NEi N BY =i E PRESEi NTS <br />THAT CiLrl Leonard Mayhew and Susan Arlene Mayhew, husband and wife, eachin his or <br />'.her own right and as rz3ft 'I kxxidw spouse of each other <br />.(11fortgagor 9) <br />of Hall Comity, a')id State of Nebraska' i?i co7isideratiow of the sloll of <br />Six Thousdn�i One Hurldred Twenty and no/100 - -DOLLARS <br />hi haiid paid, do hereby SELL mid CONVEY imto Flower-Evans� Company <br />(illortgagee <br />of Hall Comity, 6id State of Nebraska. the. followhig described prem es <br />sihiated hi Hall Comity, mid State of Nebraska. to-Tuit: <br />A tract of land comprising the Southerly Sixty Six (66.0) Feet of -the full Lot described <br />as Fractional Lot Eight (8) in Fractional Block One Hurdred Four (104) in Railroad <br />Addition and its complement t,6 -wit: Fractional Lot Eight (8) in Fractional Block <br />One Hundred Four (104) in Koenig and Wiebels Addition, all in the,City of Grand Islard,: <br />eded to the City. <br />Hall County, Nebraska, excepting therefrom said tract a tract of lardde <br />of Grand Island,.Nebraska and described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner <br />of said full lot; thence running Southwesterly along the Southerly line of said full <br />lot*a distance of Ten (10) feet; thence running Northeasterly a distance of Twenty One <br />d full lot - <br />and Seven Hundredths (21.07) Feet to a point on the Easterly line -of sai <br />thence running Southeasterly along the Easterly Line of said full lot;a distance of <br />Eighteen and Fifty Five Hundredths (18.55) Feet to the point of beginning. <br />In case of foreclosure, all expenses to be paid by the mortgagors includi ng attorney's <br />fees <br />The bite7itio2i' bebig to co;ivey hereby a)t absolifte'titic j;j fee simple i)ic-ludbig all the rights of homestead mid dower. <br />TO HA ' TIE ,,1ND TO HOLD the premises above described, with all the ' appitrtc7imices therevido belmigbig <br />'heirs wid assigiis, forever, provided always, a7id these prese2its are vpoii; <br />imto the said mortgagec w;d to their ? <br />the express eWiditioii that if the aforesaid N'lortgagors, -their heirs, executors, administrators or assig2is shall. <br />pay or cause to be paid to the said mortgagee , their heirs, execidors, admi;zistrators or assigiis, the siml of <br />S ix Thousand One Hundred Twenty and no/100 Dollars, payable as follows, to -wit: <br />Dollars o)i the day. of A-9 <br />Dollars o;i the day of 19 <br />According to note given Dollars oIz. the day of , 19 <br />herewith Dollars o)i thc day of ; 19 <br />I Dollars oit the day of I ig <br />with iWerest thereoit at qj per cc?it.per aivami, payable awmally all accordbig to the te?ior mid effect <br />of a certabi promissory iiote of said Carl Leonard Mayhew and Susan Arlene Mayhew <br />bearbig cvei; date with these presciffs. mid shall pay all taxes aiid asscssm.c)zts levied i(po7t said real estate, a7id all other <br />taxes, levies a . iid assessmeWs levied i(poii this mortgage or the iiotc which this mortgage is givc�i to secitrc, before the: <br />same becomes deliPqz(c?it, mid keep the bitildbigs oil said p)-c;;zisqs hisifred for the siew of $ <br />loss, if aity, payable to the said mortgagee, thcit these Preselds to be void, otherwise to be wid remabi i2t fidl fo2-ce. <br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED (i). That if the said mortgagor shall fail to pay, si(ch taxes -or procu rc sitch <br />hisurmice, the'said mortgagec -may Pay sitch ' taxes mid procio-c si(ch histirmice; aizd the sion so advaliced, with hiterest <br />at per ce2d shall be paid by said vzortgagor, mid this mortgage shall sta;zd as secifrity for the same. (2) That <br />a failitre to pqy.aijy of said moiiey, either prij ' icipal or hiterest wheiz the same becomes.dite, or a failure to comply with <br />ai;y of the foregobig agrechzeitts, shall cause. the whole sum of nimicy .herebi secitred to become dite aizd collectible <br />at wice at the optio;z of the mortgagee. <br />Sig)icd this 29th day of.": October 19 75. <br />III presc)lce of <br />_;"Z: .. . .... . ........ . ............. .............................. <br />a 'HTT6*6n­id ii�siiw­ -------- <br />......... e��k ...... ... . ...................... <br />2 <br />,"Susan Arlene Mayhew <br />................................................................. .............................. <br />