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010868. <br />STATE , OF NEBRASKA <br />............. Hall ......... <br />... Count% <br />the unde'r igiied� a Notary Public, iii and for said <br />Oil I I I is vib 1/. <br />. . ..... d".�' Of ...... .. .. ..... -��19.75. before ill(, <br />I�a s J <br />Count�-, personally came .... . W� Essink and.Lin a Q. Es husband!and i-dfe <br />... ........ 4.1 ....... .... .. . ..... ........ ............. ..... .... <br />personally known to me to he thc� identical porsolls wlp�: o nariies are affi.�ed to lie above' ind fo'regoizig iiistnin ' <br />i0pt, as mortgat:ori;, <br />and each acknowledged said instrument to he ])is ol li''i, vohintar� ,let and (16( 1. <br />Witne��s my hand and notarial seat at ........ <br />.. ..... .. . ..... .............. . ......... ........... ........................................ ........ <br />ill(! (laic, last above Nvrittcn. <br />STATE CF ........ ......... <br />.. ......... .. ................... <br />Notary Public. <br />cc—'- <br />ortobur 18, j -,- <br />My conimis�ion ex'pircs .............................. <br />c <br />STATE dF ...... <br />zl ls,4 <br />.. . . .. .............. ....... <br />.................... ................ <br />Entered on rn-IMC�ri(�al and fil'. <br />.1 -or record in the R��! ster of 1�ecds bilice of said �ountv the <br />... (lay of ...... L- 1��ee�V i id. a L. . ...... ...... 0'c ock and, ...... 1112— 111 i nu <br />,I.nd' recorded in Book ...... ............. ...... �of �'N I c s :11, pagre .... J-21 ... ...... <br />........... ......... ..... <br />q 1 Reg. of Deeds <br />133 ........... <br />...... ........ . ... ............................. Deptity <br />V len rcc()r�iccl to he rettirned to lie <br />/ <br />FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS!!A--,TD LOAN ASSOCI MON� PF, LINCOLN <br />LINCOLN OFFICES: OFFICES: REGIONAL OFFICES: <br />1 1235 "N" Street :;i 2 J� Z'/'06 Pacifi'c St. <br />1;,7 2120'fiirst Av(,., Kezimey <br />Ir 4 135,No.,Ccitncr Blvd. Phone <br />ii 3 [i .1101 So.,12rld St. .,c- 5-13 "E" Stredt, Fairbury <br />6 0 70th and "A" St. L - <br />l- � Pho c ' �29-2�tO2 <br />8 25,11'No. 11th Street 1-j ---, 33'�'t <br />�;: 5 "205 No. 90th St. I n 14, vl"Stre�,!t,ord <br />Phone 4'75-0521 Phone 1728-3:�Ic, <br />Phone 558-4323 1 1 1 1301'I'llaili Me Crete <br />435-2111 <br />Phor", -4349 <br />826 <br />