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01,086.8 <br />The Mort,_,igee may collect a "late cliarge" not to ex.ceed Five Cents (5c) for each dolkir ($1.00) of ench total niontbly <br />payment more than 1.53 days in lirrears to cover the extra expen.,6 involved ill handling delinquent accounts. <br />It is furtlier agreed that ill case ;lily suit -is, begun to forcclose this mortgage, the Ivlortgageejts represent-Itive,; or a.,;signs, <br />sh"Ill at once ill. entitled to the po�;sessioll of said premises, an(i upon application therefor, the court in Nylliell Site]' lIction <br />be brought or all%, judge of such court, either in terni time or vacation, is hereby authorized to appoint a receiv.�Ir to tala- posse:�- <br />sion of said preinises, or to collect the rents theri4roin, Ili([ to do and perform such otlier zicts as may be requirec.1 by tilt-- Order <br />of tile c:)urt making tile appointment; ind said Mortgagor hereby waives mly notice of such application, and clinselits to the :111'. <br />Imintment oFa rece iver upon the production of this mortgage, without other evidenco. <br />It is expressly -agreou and u . nderstood that flie iN - lorignt, shall. I)roce(,.cl with the construction Of I bUildillf,' Oil Said I)rOnlis('s <br />with all dispatch, and (fill, diligence in(] shall pay for any and all extras or modifications that. lit- may make it) ­�Ii(! <br />builrling,, direct to fill! Mortgagev to he disbursed,. loguilier with ill(, nione ' v lonned or advancedbY said Mortgagee in connection <br />with this lomi. And it, is furthL,r agreed and understood that if fill, construction Of sai(I building he, at, any tillie, discontinued <br />or not, carried oil willi reasonable di.,patch ill tile jlkdgniont, (if fill- NMortgagee. ill(,. Mortgagee or any holder of the said noic, and <br />,�,Iortgajrt- may purt,lias(- materials Ili(] emplo� workmen to protect said building. so thai thesarne sliall not suffer front (I Pl­d­ <br />lion or the Nve;itliel;, or to COMI)Ietv Sllid bUildill!,'. so flint it may be tle(l for the purpo.4es for which it is de,�igjiod, under the saii). <br />phills alid that nll tho �llllls so paid.,or o%pende(l. sliall he deenied to 1w advances to the Mort Ill secilred <br />b%. tht, said not(� ali(� Illortga."'U and may lie applio�dl. ;I!. the optimi of the said 1Mort,_mt,,C(:, or any bolderofsaid note and Illortgage <br />t :Iny becoming due. But in no shalt ill(, 'Mortgagee be Iiable ill anY way to complete said buildill;, Or <br />to pay for the co�ts of construction heyond tile "If'k,mict's of Hit. amounts clepo.� it6d for sifid purposes or loaned 1) , v the Alortgagee, <br />for tilt- con.Artic(ibli o� this building. And if is furthe'r agreed and Ilnder.Aood that if fit(, Mortgmgorsliall fail to collipleto <br />s;lid hUilding in nccordnnce %vith the ;igroemenfs, bIU0 I)rillt-; �Illd SjWCifiC�ItiOnsfilC(I ill COMICCtioll with thislo;Illorsh.111 neglect. <br />fah or to pay for the cost.,; and expen,;(-�s ill connection illerewith, or shall fail in any other of the covenzints-.1wrein set forth, <br />then, at. fliv Optiol I- of tile or of fill, hold or of tilt, not(, .111d mortgage hi,rein rek,ri-ed to, the 'Morigmvee irniy declar(- said <br />loall to Ill, in defai'llt and fill. entire ,illlollllt loalled S11:111 inuilf,diatt-ly becorlu. dilwand payable an(I the proportY herein referred to <br />shall he security f( , or ali of the advances and expenses incurred ;1!1(1 ninde by the Movtgage(t ill Connection v,-ith this provision. <br />Without linlitill'-, the gellerality Or tile fore�,oilv,,. '!lot shall have Ille riglit. to declare Iliat defaillthas I)(,(.11 mad( <br />and t1w.entirf- indobfcdnes,� herviniclor to he (Ille Illd 11.1y;Ible :If (111cf. upoll tilt- Jm�pjwnill,�f of any o1w of Ow following conditions: <br />(a) fililw of arl.v liell x!aim-A 11w propertN . , "'.11other clainwo-I I(, h�- prior to the first nlorigm�,,e or subject theroto: <br />(h) The ontrY of .111N, jildg-rilent fill' Morigm�,,or: <br />The fnilure it) voinplY stric-t1v with zollim� ro!"tjlntion.�;, fit(, provisions nl' fill, vit.v hnilding rode, or if anY stop order <br />ic-, hy public mithorities; <br />(d) AnY ill fill, loall ;Ipplic:Ition: <br />e) ,%it%- niatcri;ll o'lizin-­e in t1w phins mirl �:jitwzficatioiis not fir�41 appro'. ed in "t-ritim, li.N� tile Mort!4�igce� <br />f1i If .vork Ill, (It'la.ved or slispi-nded for �l poriod of thirrY f1:10) 'xitholit. (i;lilsf- szlti.,�factorlv to tilt, or <br />should fit,, Morig,:tgor f�iil ill cause work to lv� pro.�vcut,�d vigoron�+,,. <br />1�' ille Morlgn�:('o dot'lare.� Ili(, lonyl to Ill- in (10:Ltilt under afly (.)f Illi.,; provision. file Mor"!,miloo shal] bl. lindol <br />no obli...:Itioll to ad"alict. :In furilio,r inorm, vs heround,.r t�itlwr for p:lynil-ifl, of work. pf-i-formed and maivrials alrf-ad.v furnisho(l, Or <br />iho�t� to be ]at,r hY t1le <br />It is undo�'Islood "!Illl a!,,roed that tilt, will uso all :idvniwt-,; mad, under f1iis mort!ra"'t, to :1 huilding on <br />,aid oromi:;ps ill ;rcrordmice "'.1i"ll t1w sp,cifications 111(1 l'!I'lit'i-;1I :wrot,liwni'� filrd in volilloclioll flwrowiill. �tlld hereloforil <br />;ipprovod hY the Nlortgagee. <br />If i�; 3nidi,rAoo(I ;md ngreod tlml .111 lllab�Fizll,; dolivered upoll ��:Iid prilniil�(,.-; Pw ille incorporated in tlict <br />building, shall Ill! 'c6nsiderod a part of III,- hilildirml. <br />Mortgag,ev i_�ivf­ to makt, advalice,; InIdPl. tlli�; ](1:111 "or ille collstruv�it.),Il of said buildiig, from tinle to Hill(- ;I:; ;i�zreecl <br />fill, parfi�tT; hervio. <br />All."D I'll. is EXPREISSLY AGIRE I'll) A�� vivances shall lit. paid oill wilell in fill- judi-ment, <br />Of 1ho Mortgagei% hil %vorl� usually dono at tile st:11"o of, coll.struction v. -hell tilt, is Illade payabIt. �lmll have dolw ill a <br />good :111d %vol-knianlil;e jimmior, ind all materials and fi��tllres furilished'.and insialled at that tilliv- sh:l * It liaw! hee 11 tur- <br />nislied . I Ili I i nA;d) ed; hu I, I lie N I ort Inil", adva nei - im rt �;, Or 113 of ally i list all III (-n t -; h( fore I li(.%- heconii� d iw. i f the Nlort- <br />"agee Alall br'lievv it. advi";Iblt. to do So, �md all sticii ;!dviinces or payments, slinfl 1w deenl0d to 1MV0 hUell lIIZId(' in J)lIrsIMTIC(_' Of <br />S <br />I hi�s agreenieni , not hing. Ill wever. it,, I his �1!"revlllelit AvIll bt, conz;t rlit'd �1.1 L lett'l-IllitUlti011 Of the quzilit% of tilt, work, labor <br />or 'materiak furnished hY the Or colkir�wlor �Ind th�. sli.-ill h, mider ill) (]Ill.%- Or ohligation ill niAzo <br />such doiermill.,dion. <br />Tho, Niort!'al,,et, sh:ill lie suhro!,,atod ti all of fill- rights, privile,,_,es. I)Iioriti(,.;. :Ill([ "quitie,; of any liellholder I�wll may <br />lWVo' 1)('('Il dkClI;Irge'1 from the proceeds of tfli� loall, (or by ;111Y fund,, herebt., paid or furnished by fit(' Morf."'agee. <br />IT IS EXPRE'S.SLY AGREIE'D that if the Mortgagor shilll sf-11, vollve ' N.,or aliellatt? said propertY, or ,Ili ' v par. thereof, <br />or any inforest f1wrein, or �Imll he divested of Ili.,; tilt(, Or Ill.%, inlorest theroin Ili nny manner or way, whether voluntarily or <br />involuntarily, v,-ithont writton con�wnt of f1w Mortgagee Iwing, first had and obtailied. Mort"'a-ee sIvIll hav" the right, nt if.-; option'. <br />to declare ariv jndebteclne.,�� or obli,,,ntions secored herehy, irrespective of fit(- Inaturily CInto ,;pevified in :111N. not(' evidencing, the <br />mille, inullediatoly dile nild payablo %vithoul, notici-1. 11111 S:lid debt SO. -Ill thCr(�111mil lwconw ab.4oluto. If the ownership of.the niort- <br />gaged propertY beconi" vested in I person other Lhan fit(, N'Iortgm�,or, fit(-- Alortgagoo niny. without notire fo the *Alortgagor, deal. <br />With Snell SUCCeSSOr Or �'UCCPS:�ors in interest with reference to this mortgage and file deb, hereby secured a:; xiffi tho 3%,lortgagor, <br />,ind Ina , v forbear to sue Or nmY extend time for the of tile dvlA hereby secilred without di.�rllargillg or Ili any wa.N affecting <br />the liabilibv of the origimil hereundcr or ill 3on the debt secure(l. <br />Ili this instrument. the singular includi's-the plural and tile 1113SCLIHIIC� illdlldcS the ferilinilleand tile lieuterand fhi��ill- <br />strillilvill slmll ht� binding, upon tile undersigned. his lWil-S. personal repre:zentative,��, succes.�ors and assigns. <br />Ill\, ITN, EISS NNIHEIREOF, we have. hert'llilto set our liands '111(t soal, tll(, day and year first above written. <br />Ill tile preselive of� <br />......... . ............. <br />Lavrence..N. Essi <br />A, -6- <br />7 ... (5 <br />t -- — -------- ......................... ......... <br />Linda C.-.,Essink <br />