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0.10868 <br />THIS MORTGAGE IS ALSO tO BE AND CONTji:I_JE TO BE, FROM TIME 1.0 TIME, ��ECURI,TY FOR THE PAYMENT OF SUCH <br />SUMI OR SUIVIS OF MONEY AS THE MORTGAGEE MA'1' :-ROM-THAE TO TIME IN I . HE FUTUI.�E ADVANCE TO THE I;IORTGAGOR, AND <br />EVIDENCED BY A SOPPLEMENTAL NOTE OR NOTES, PU T THE TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS SECURED :BY.THIS MORTGAGE SHALL NOT <br />Fi H: AtIOUNIT NOW O'NINGJ EXCEPT* F6R ANY ADVANCES THAT MAY BE mADE <br />EXCEED ONE HUNDRED TWENTY (.120) PER CENT OF 11 - <br />TO PROTECT THE SECURITY 114 ACCORDANCE WITI-I THE TERMS OF THIS ',?TGAGE. <br />0 <br />��,TTS AND AGREE <br />T11p M0RTGAGC;R 11.URTHER CWE'-��'. , S. <br />I'liat t I I(, TvIortgagor wi I I' pay t I w ind eh tedll] :ls lierei it ho fol-(� prOVidc'i <br />That the N fort gagor is Oil! owner of snid I in fee simple nrid has 111"(1 right land lawful autiloritY it) F;ell and <br />colivey ille snnw and that flw s:xnie is free and clear II: :mv lien of- encurillmince and ihai, vfort,!�Iigor will %varrai I it and defend ilio. <br />titIv ill ��:Ilid preillise.; rignin't flie claim'; of all pcn! <br />WIIOoISO('V(-r. <br />pf -i'll t SPOCM "Iss water -g -er ery <br />nernI taxes,es II 'PS, <br />To paY imullediately wholl due and payable J 11 1 �.�t; m e i I t -Iiai sov. <br />ice eharg( and other taxes and ch:lrg(-.� agaillsi sai( T'IopertY, and all taxe, ltn'l it�fl oil t1w dcht �ecurecl hert-by. and to fllrlii.-�h I lin <br />Mortgagee, upon request, with the original or dup] -:ii,2 reci�ipt.A therefor, Alor!g,)�', )r al,,�!-es that tlll­�ro addod to <br />each nionthly payment. required herelinder ol. under �Io evidence of d(-bi secul . 41 horel)v ;Ili miount estiniated ;bY Ili(- Alor*L,,ageo. <br />to he Sufficient it) enablo tit(, 10 IWCOMO (I It P. all IN , 1, t, alid similar vhrlrg�-s upoll ill(' prem- <br />i_��es subject. thereto-, any defici(,1lc.v becallse of till' il, llli�cieliv.v of such additiol, ;if Imynic, i s he forthwith. dc,po4ifod bY tho <br />Alorf-'al-,or with III[- MoNgavet—liooll dolliand I)v I:-, .',Iort­a­fm. Am- dt4;iult Onder thi� para�!:raph shAl ho (I(wnii�d ,t dof�tidi ill <br />payliII-lit of ko:es, rl��(­Slllcllts, or �Jmil�lr ulutr�,(�� rl,i�;ilv(i lierell rill or. <br />,I'll(. Mortga"or llgree.� thal, ther" sit: 11 ;:,kl, "Idt'd ill I-ach Innildil: payll�'lli (If prii1cilml 'illd infe r(-quirt,(1 herv- <br />I o i I J . ! collw.� <br />mider ;ln amount ustilliated bY ill(- I ­i(qlt to p.ri'lMo tilt Mo, tlf;M�tV It) 1).i� it b( (]Ili tilt, illsIll%oh", <br />pr(-mium (,it :Ili%- insuranco policv delivered to Ili(. M .1 Aliv %IWW 'iQ1IC%' -:IiVjI fit )I�d j:y <br />IiL'fiC of �t 11 lll�llffi( (If If ( i it I I I - <br />menis �Ivill ht- forthwith dopo�ited b�, fht� Nlorl,,�! l <br />;tit thO 111)(Ill iL�11MIld li\ ill.' I%'l orl ;,,� ill.:e. Aliv (I"fallit under ! I I;.; <br />1mragrapli sh:tIl lm_'� (k�onwd :I (1,4ault in the p�rvol(-n` 111�111' , 111CO IM111111111S, �f the polic or policies dopo.�ih-d fire �itch a�-. hol'11(1- <br />or .111 risf, policies, ;ind tho depo�ik m-(� iristil to t1w (.111in. �p emi'lln. tl I, NIohg,;v'(-e ln;ly apply ill(- (Icpo:�it f'j <br />1)1'tlllli 11 ills oil riA:,� requirt-d ill be ill�ilrlld I)v tlii.� ri <br />J)�- tit,, Ir it 1I der HJ ...... jmr;igrapll-� may. �a tll(:� optit 11 oll i;h'. f, IwIll by it �Illd <br />collizilingled %vitll other soch funds , of. it,,, (,%%It flinds I !!w 1myllwill of ,mull it,,: is, �md till it so ;Ipplied, ��lwh p;lyllwlll,� ;IF,- 11"i-r-bY <br />rl� SH-Urik, for ill(' 11111mid b:lliulce of die I[-. <br />To I)YOCLIN', d0liVOr (I). �Iiid maintain for th, -nefit, of III,, Nlortl,�ngc( if(� Of ��his mortl,,;m�e or�igiri;il polivit-:� �uid <br />rem-wal,; thereof, deliv4-red at lea�;t ton &i,- I), toro If any ��iwh policies, sllrlol� �'igain.:;t firc ;I11dother ifillrahle <br />hazar(k% ca�zlialtic�,;, and a, ill(, �Mort",�l 11MY rcquilv. ill all a,rl��ount. equ.:1111 to t�le. indvbiedmlf�,'; t hi,� <br />�111(j ill coljlj)�Ijlics :wcept'lblt� to t1w Mort t.. wilh lo�,s payable ('Lm je ill fm -or If �uld:ill forril acci'-ptahle to liIt! �Mortllla- <br />-ve. ion, <br />I, I Ill flic evelit ;Ill.\, policY is not nam-Nved oil or- I tell da.vs of its (. i I I w mziy procuri;- iw�uniticf� (,I) I lit- <br />inlplovenlellt:�, pay ill(' promillill t1wrl,for, and twii t :41iall lwc,mil- inirnudiah I.N% due Ill) I pay;ltble "vith ilitere 4t 'It thl, <br />f o r t, I i i I i s; i i c I I i o! e i I I I t i 1 1); 1 i d : I I I d s I I, I I 1 1) e s e c t 1:- 1) i < 111 o r 4"!" � l'-, 0. 1 ": I i I I I r I, o ft tilt part (;f ille NiOrt�,:Igor to <br />a,; are li(-rein rl-quired or failure to pay any :�Il ll� ;Ili, �I:Iced heretindvi- �;Iirill, It oo. optioil (It' it).!. "Morig;Ill"'(1, Corlstiint" it defillift <br />under t1w ik�rnis of.thi, piorlgaqo. The delivery (If sit, ')olicit,:4 sluffl, ill Ow t of doLil I z, mi of III(- till - <br />earned promium. <br />.\it%- -mins <br />rol-vivorl hv 11w Mortl,,:wco hv I of jos-; or dailiige �i� sure(i lv�l 111"IN, b�, ret:611"d `hv -,It,, <br />I tov.-ard the payin,ent of t1w dol <br />It liel-UH 'CLIF�if, Or, :It 01P 01)60 (If ill(' such �411111,, �itiwr or ill <br />Part may he paid over ill the Nlortgagor to he lj�:cd t,, iopair such buildings Q t(') buil(l� it.w hililding,; in tilei!4 pl: . 16. or* tor all N <br />other purpo�4(� or object sati.�3factor.v to tho v,-itilou; :Iffeciin!" ill(' lit"I oil tit,, tl'Jrl�!a','(� <br />lor Ow lull amt ...... ... .... If 1w, <br />'Mell I)rlynlelll evcr tool� phice. <br />To promptly ropmr, re�'toro Or rebuild nn% �;i!ding�; or improvvrrlel�f now o r lo ri -i I oil Iho NvIlich -�ru*lv ht.- <br />conie dani.igod or; to kl,op -;:rill promises i;li ,::od condition and r(!I);Iil ;ill(l free, tirom aliv nwclmllic,�� Iii -11, I),- other lien or <br />claim of lien not, expressIv suhordinaft-d to tho fit,[) 11,11 (;l; not to -�uffor or perni I ri it I v unii -,%-fill of or n0iimo. it) exist Oil <br />said propt�rtv nor ill permit w:lsttl� oil Said j)I_(:oIiScS, i�,,l to do ally other act -�x ierl,bv I Ill'. prope!rtv lwr(,])%� colivevo(i sli,111 1'ecollie <br />less valuable, nor to diininish or iiiipjil- 1) ,Il[v wt (If- ollli.�.�ioli to ;10; complY I tit ;1111 requirenient,; of jnw with re�4pect <br />ill the mortl,,aged premises and the <br />u�f. thereof. <br />That. should the Or �111� , Imll thered; tak"ll or datilaged bY el'll��011 of .1 1Y 1:�IYlic in] provellif,111 ol. condemnation <br />Proceeding, or under the right of eminent dollmin,'ol ii! ziny othe'r mariner. till� Mort'g-agr(it sh� �ho entitled to 1:111 coill pe f1sat i oils, <br />av"ards. and ally other payment or relief f1wrofor, aii,i w!li;dl he entifled, at, its ol tioll, it) appear in rij;d prost-CLlr(' ill it_�; <br />own name any action or pi-cceeding, of- it) xil:lke all I <br />omprorm,;e orsettlenwrit ill oil wiJIl Such taking oll- flanin!"o. Allslich <br />coin pensation, awards, daninges, !-iglif of t( -Ii( I it it If I !�weed,; are 11"'reby assig led if) t1it Mort:gagve, who mak.,' after deducting <br />- I nioney's s <br />tlierefrorn rill its expenses, release an% rec i�od 1) , v it. fir apply the ,;:it I(, oil an.\� ndebli,chloss suctircd hereby. The Mort.- <br />gagor agrees to exectite stich further assignilli'llf"; (,I . �Illy colliperisiltion. award"mr, dan,.ag es., lndiri�,Jlt, of action ar ill proc­-ck a, the <br />Mortgagee may require. <br />of t le ­%enants liereill, ill(-, Mort! agee nirly to oil !ill(- Nlortgagor'.,4 1whalf (wel-vthillf, <br />That ill case of failure to�p�rforni an',. <br />so covellanted; that the 'ivlorfgagee 111av aj.�o do ally 1- it Inav deeirl neccs,;;IrN1! I I prot( 1 '1 11 1 if ereof: that It(- Mortglilglor will <br />:� , and such rno:nv <br />repay upon demand 111y njolley.,; 'pai(I o I- (IiI)III-sed I� I" <br />ill(- lvlortgal,,ee for any of the ys to""i'dwr with <br />interest thereon at the rate provided Ili said I I o te sh �Ii heconle �o much additi nai ilidel . lt'dne.A hereby socured and mriv be in- <br />cluded ill any decree foreclosing this illortga!" I�i� paid out (;f the reril,,; o <br />r )roceeds 'o,' sAe :of said prvmis,(;,; if not oth(li-%vis(z <br />paid -1- diat it shall not be, obligatory upon the Mort,: to inquire into Ili(- v. lidit.N. of �mv lie'r , encurribrances, or clairn Ili ill - <br />above authorized, but nothing Ill -I' Ill (01IN11110d A1311 IW COilt trlh'd '1­(j1_JiriIjg ill(! ii\,Iortgago(� to advance ;III,,, <br />vancing nioneys as <br />nioneys for any such purpose nor to do any act. horvi,ii'ler- -Ili([ that Mortgngee�.,; lall-not inour any personal liabilit", becall of aliv-, <br />thiliq it may (10 or onlit to (Ili lierilmider. <br />agor ill <br />In ille event of ill(, (Iklf;ltllt by Mort, , ith- payinvult, of all" inst:11 niell t , as r -(Ill i ret, I bv- ill(- Nott- sc(;ured hereby, or <br />in the performance of the ohligatl'On in this illortga."(.1oF Ili till, note sectired tlwlhy� Hilt N% orl g,,il I ce shall he efit.i I Hod to declare till! <br />debt SCCUred horel)N (In(, and prfy�jj)le %vitliont notice ovi III(,, Mortgjgee shall 1) e I �ntitled I I I, i Ls ( t . 5011, witholif riofic.(% vither by itself <br />or by a receiver to lie appointed I)y till! (:oIlrj. thereofi :!rill without. regard to thel adequrlcy�of 'sectiritY for flie inflebtf--rhipss sv- <br />cured hereby. to enter upoll and ;tllke I)OsSll-ssioli of I'll(- mortgaged premises, all( to collect and rk-.eive the rentsl issues and profits <br />thereof, and apply the sarne, costs of operation 411if! collection. upoll tiv� it debti.�dne..�-� secm:vd hv this inor'fgage; said rents, <br />i—mes and profibs Ileing hereby ris-signed to the Nlortgal,,,�, :is further securitv forl� payrrien of all: inde,btedness s(icurp(l horeb), <br />i, <br />The Nlortgageo sliall hav I IF <br />'4� the power to 111ppoilli �ITIN agerit'or agents it Tay de'siro for tilt, purpose of ref)"Ilimill" sald prorn- <br />ises; renting ill(.- sanle; Collecting': [lie renk. reventwsl;�ri,l income, and it nliN, p;I1v'()Ltt, of qr ill iilc(')nie all expellses incurred in rent- <br />ing and managing eref roin. Tile ball rice rernaiii ng-, if 1,111y, �;Ijrllj lie I'pplied foward the <br />the sjulle ind of collecting tilt! nintals ill <br />(fischarge (if tilt- inortgage, indebtedness. Thi.1; is to terminate and:1)'keorne nifflIand %'�id 111)011 rvleas(� (if this morIvage. <br />