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T'D <br />OPMM END N�OIRTGiOLG,��' <br />0 <br />NON-J'-\SSUMABLE <br />L an Number-_ �9355 ------ 1 18 <br />FoRm NO. 563 )-"3) Ur, ­Ch Ty p <br />010868 k/i 0 'Fc_ <br />,pl-fts moli'PGAM? nindo fmil 1,/ e In 4 (f, A r-) to 75 w ....... <br />Lawrence,inl-,., _E_s.sink,­4u��bapd . -Tif6:, each in his and her own individual <br />. .. ..... .. .. . .. .... �p4 . ..... .... . ....... . <br />ri&� and ap...spiguse of the other, jointly and' severally <br />........ ... ....... <br />of Grand Island, Collllt,,, of Hall, S1,,11t. of .. Nebraska.. herc-imifttq- rofel red <br />to a,; tile Nfortgag,6r,and PIRST FEDERAL SAVINM-SAND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF TANCOLN, it-, <br />and assigns, hereinafter referrt-d to as <br />AATYN F -S S111"I'l 1: That the.,mid Nlort�,,a;,,or, for and ill consideration of tho still) (if <br />THIRTY EIGHT THOUSAND ... ANDN.049P ------ --- -7 -- ----- j 38,000.00 s. <br />paid bv �ilid Molig';.1gce. does hvreby SfIl and col I lvf.�Y linto VMST FE'DERAF, SA V IN (;,; AND LOAN %S�'-�OUIX FJ 0,N 0 F <br />LINCOLN. Ncbr�*�Am. as Nfortg�iget-. its Mid ns,�­ the follo"vilig, rlc-scrilwd Real E.,tato. �itu;itod in Ow ('winty of <br />.... .... ...... oI Nebraska <br />Lot Three (3) in Block D-76 (2), Fireside Estates', in the Northwest <br />Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (W&E!-) of Section Thirty -Five (35) <br />4 <br />Tmmship Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10), West of the 6th P. M., <br />Hall County, Nebraska. <br />TO HAVE,- AND TO 11OLD tile 1130V(� deseribed premises for tile llses;lli�reixi set forth :md to ­,ectire performance (it' the <br />obligations contafiiecl hereiri, together with all buildings, improveme tits, fixtures 'and appurterwinecs and all elt.Qements therminto <br />holoilging, alid it is lillittially covermilted and �agreed by and bet%veun the parii , es liereto t1wit all gas, electric and <br />meelmilicid fixture -s. appliances, equipment, machiner * N, :Ill([ apparatus, floor coverings, storm wilidows and ScrVells, 1111d Such <br />goods alid ellatte.] , q and personal property as are ever furnished by �t landlord ill letting or operating, ,ill unfurnished building, sillli- <br />lar to tile oil(,, no�v or hereafter oil said premises, which arc, or sliall be attached' to* said buildill", ill :111N, niannor viia(,L;'ok.%-(.�r, ilre <br />and shall be def,nied to he fixtures and all accessivii. to the freehold and a part of the renity is hetween the part.ies hereto, their <br />heirs. ONOCUtOrS, ildolilliStrators. skleces.�,Ors or asl"igps, alid :ill persolis clairling h�, througli or lilider theill, shall be (lecilled <br />to bo a portion of the sectirity for the indebtednes:; lieroin mentioned and to he cok,(-red )w this illor(­nge. <br />PROV16H,D'ALWAYS, and these presents :ire e%ecttted and delivered upon the i'ollowing <br />coliditiolls. ngreelm'llls and <br />obligatiolls of the Nlortgngors, to -wit: <br />'I'll(, Mortgagor agrevs to pay to [tie. Mortgagee, or order. the princil)-al sum of ..THIRTY .. EIGHT .. THOUSAND --- AND ...... <br />Dollars, <br />payable as provided in a note. C%ectlted and (ledivered coneurren1h, liere%vith, the final paymelit of principal. if not sooiwr 1)nid. <br />oil jjje_ ..... :first ..... ....... (111v of ............. �jay ................ -PC <br />.................................... . ... <br />15-21 <br />