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010867 <br />The Mortgagee may colleCt �1 ­I;ltV Chilrg(-­ 11of to VNCVed FiVV Cent,., (5c) for i� ich d(;Ilar (5d.00) (if encii total limlillik' <br />payinelit more than, 15 days in arrears to cover liti- ,xtrn vxljvn�v irivolvi,(I In �fflldlillg (01inquolit necounts. <br />All payments made under thc lm-ovisions (if this lliortgog(- or the note I erehv secilred. \6ich inav he construed a�, interest. <br />sliall not. ill 0i,e aggregate over th'e term thereof, ri�.coed the rate that mav r;o be lliwf�l Iv Con tracted for in writing. <br />It is ftirther agreed -that in case :in , y Suit i�; loeg'tlll to fmlkclo.�(- this m,o tgage, tho Mort'-'ageo, its repre.�.;eiitafiye., or ;1,signs. <br />shall at once be entitled -to the po-;Sessioll of' S�lid prenlises. ;111(1 111)011 �tl)j)lic ition there.for, ll�e court in whick such action shall <br />r ljo�,I�e(l pos�(,s- <br />he brought or 111V judge of such cotirt. either ill ter n lime or vacation. is lier(py aut o tala <br />sion of said premises, or to collect the rents thoretr Ill, and to (to and perforill �uch ofl�'Jr acts: ns may be re(Iiiii-ed by the order <br />of the court making the appointment; and �4;iid '\Iort�.�agor W.,liVes 11111� ot ice of s a <br />hert-bN -11 111:plicatioll. and consents to tll(- ap- <br />pointment (if a receiver upon the pi-whiction of thi.� il,v�rh,,age, without other ev 114,11co. <br />The Nilortgagee shall be sithrogated to all of zlw.right�, privile"'es. prlyr, lie . s, and, Illitic��, f ally lielilloldvi- Nvlw�(. livil maY <br />have heen discharged froin the procovd., of this m- bY ariv funds liereh paid or� urnish!pd bY the '� I ortg'�l <br />fF IS E.Xl"RESSLY AGI�FED that if the Mortgagor sh.,ill s(dI, con�% -y or alii� into s' ; lid property, or:,in.y 1mri thereof, <br />or any interest therein, or shall he divPsted of his titit. or any interest. therein in ally !I lanner or way, whether voluntarilY or <br />first had and ob nilled, ',%I;) -tgage('. shall 1mve-the i-ight, at its option. <br />involuntarilv, without wriken conscnt (if tll( h( -in' <br />to declare any indebtedness or obligations wcured I creh.�, irre.,pective of the IVItUritv ate specified in anY n6te (widelicim! the <br />same, immediately due and payable without notice. ��Ild Said debt shall tllere�l )0n Iwcoolly ak4oikite. If t1w owno.r�hij') of the Illort- <br />a person other tl mi the Nlor6,agor, tile 'N 1 1 Hgmzee 11�: v, wiillout notice to tlle"Nlort!�agor. de�ll <br />gaged property beconies vested in <br />with Such successor or succes,,,ors in interv.�t witli*nll,�rellce to this niortg�ige a A the deb livro!).), Secured as v.-Ith the '�Nloi-L�agor, <br />lind may forbear to sue or may extend tinie for the �),Ivlllellt of the debt lioreb, s(witl.ed i thout:di.�;cllargiilg or ill am, %va%, affecting <br />tile liabilitv of tile original %,lortguigor lierf-mick r or ipon the deht. secured. <br />Ill this instrument the -sill'u1ni. in plitral and the livisculif 0 il1C]1ld(%-; tlw� felhiinine in(] thv i iout.vr and thi�. in- <br />s1rument shall IN. hinditig, j1pon tile undersiglic his peron-il represenint ves..sijcc;,��ors ,t:rid <br />IN WTYNESS NVllE1IiI-:0F, N%e lim-c 110r,,�l <br />lio okir Imlids and t4o: 1 t ho (1.1 .111d V(.1ir fir.qt abovi- w"ittell. <br />In the presonce of: <br />Larry L. Rice <br />Dwana MSRice <br />STATE OF NEBRASI<A <br />...... .. Hall <br />_A4\ <br />Oil this ...... ... ... d1v of 1_1i_._.19.75- befory in('�. the mide'r—igned.: a Notary Public. in and for ,;aid <br />C'oulity, personally callie ... 4�r--ry_ 1�,. _.M Rice., hus )and a�i wi 'fe. <br />. . ... .. ...... <br />personally known to nie to he till, identical person., whose narnes are affixed to' lie 11bove, Ind f4eoing instrument. as niortga,,�ors, <br />and oneli acknowledged said instrument to I),, his w, her volunlan, let and d'( 1. <br />\Vitness im, hand ,in([ notarial seal it .... ..._G.-and..Island <br />Nebras ,a. <br />the date last above written. <br />,�otarv' PuNic. <br />0 NIE�S STOLLE� <br />N <br />RAL IOTAR. <br />Nly commission expires ..... ..... GCNE <br />S ate <br />", of ebras1w j <br />,4,i�!,­_ My Commislion Expires, <br />J�i, i 977 <br />Octobe� <br />STATE, <br />CoimtN . . ..... .. . ..... .. ...... <br />Entere(I on niinie�ical in(lex an(I fi ecl foi- ecor(I in the <br />21Z'13' of ........ /1;X111 -.11 "1., 1 at. <br />(1, <br />-111(i 1,e pa (re <br />coi-&(l in Book ...... ... of at i` .." <br />of <br />o'Moch anil <br />Whell irccorded to be rCtUrneCi <br />FIRST FEDERAL SAVINIGS AND LOAN ASS( <br />LINCOLN OFFICES:' <br />Phone 475-0521 i!435-2111 <br />E] 1235 "N" Street <br />135 No. Catr <br />or Blvd. n 70th and <br />OMAHA OFFICES: <br />Phone 558-4323 <br />8706 Pacific St. <br />E] 21,"l So. 42rid <br />St. n 3205 No. 9 <br />REGIONAL OFFICES: <br />n 2120 First Ave., <br />. <br />Kearney [:] 513 "E" Str <br />Phone �34-24�73 <br />..Phone 729-, <br />E] 1301 Main Ave., Crete <br />223 <br />Box Butte Ave., Alliance <br />Phone 826-4349 <br />Phon 762-2160 <br />19"74 F�P-_T �EDERAL s.vmGS . AND LOAN <br />ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN. NCnRA1V.A <br />Lo tile <br />CIATIO! <br />St_ <br />Il St. <br />at'Fairbue <br />262 <br />1811 We! <br />,Phone'3� <br />eecls!Officc of sai(I Countv the <br />x <br />minute.11 <br />iment, No_10_1?(_/1 7/ <br />. .......... <br />......... . . ... ...... .................... <br />Reg. of Deeils <br />.... .... ... ......... ... Deptity <br />q OF LINCOLN, <br />F� 2541 No. 1 1th Street <br />F ­i i,0920 -West Dodge Rd. <br />Fj 1433 "M" Street, Ord <br />�Iione 728-3218 <br />A 2nd St., Grand Island <br />