<br />LINCOLN FORm No. 530 Me.. 8-7olj
<br />Loan Number --29349----.-'--l-----18-.
<br />13 ranc 1, Type
<br />M. 0 R T G A G E
<br />THIS MORTGAGE, made and exectitu-d this .... of ........ Wav A. D., ig ... 75- i,et%yeell
<br />.Lqr�7y..Duan& Hobbs and Linda Marlene Hobbs .7ife.,...each.. in.. his ... and ... her ... mm .......
<br />........ .......... .................. ....... .......................... .................. , ... husband—and ... i
<br />..ind.ividual:.;�ight ... ntly and sev rally
<br />. .... .. .... jpi
<br />........ ...... _P .... ... ............ . . . ..... ....... .... .. .... .
<br />of ..... CTrand ... island ....................... County *0 f ........ Hall.....: .... ...... State of .......... Nebraska ............. ........ .. hereinafter refer1red
<br />to as the Mortgagor, and FIRST FEMERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN, Nehraska, its successors
<br />arid assigns, hereinaftei- referred to ai irlortgagee,
<br />WJTNESSI-'Tl-l: That tht. said Nlortgagor, for ;ill(] ill consideration of thestim of
<br />----- (,02,800.00
<br />..... THTRTY .... TWO... THOVS.ADID. , ETGHT.. H.UNPRE.D ... AM ...... ............ Dollars,
<br />....... .... .. .... .... .. . .... .. ... .... .... .. .. .. ....
<br />imid by said Mortagee, does lierel)v sell and Convey 1111to J.'IRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION;OF
<br />I.,IN(,'OLN. Neimiska. as 1',Iortgageel its sliccessor's and assigpis. the followin, described Real Elstate,situated ill the Cojjllt� of
<br />........ i ....... ...Halll .......................... I .................. State of ..... .. Nebraska
<br />..... .... ........ : .. . ..... I .............. . I .. .... ......... to -wit:
<br />Lots 7 and 8 in Block � in Dill and Huston's Addition to the City
<br />of Grand Island. and.part of platted Beta Street, vacated by Ordinance
<br />jTo. 4932 of.the City of Grand Island, Nebras'ka., bieng the East 25 Feet
<br />.. of the North 120 Feet of said Beta Street a ' djacent to 'and lying South
<br />"from the South line of 11th Street, all in Dill and Huston's Addition
<br />in the City of Grand island,, Hall County, 1,�ebraska.
<br />TO HAVII�' AND TO HOLD tbe above described promises for the uses 1.ierein �(A-fortli.and tosecure pe I.fo rill;, lice of tile
<br />obligations colita illed herein, together with all buildings, improvements, fixtures and appurtenaiices and all easement,; thereun(o
<br />belonging, and -it is mutmally covenanted and agreed by and I�etween tile parties hereto that all plumbing, gas, el-ectric and
<br />mechanical fixtures. appliances, equipment, machinery 'and apparatus, floor coverings, storm Nvii'dows mid screens, andsuch other
<br />goods and chattels and personal property as are ever furnished 1)3, a landlord it, lettill, or operatin.- all unfurnished buildill-t", simi-
<br />hir to the one rlow or liereafter oil said premiscs, which are or sliall be attached to SIicl hilildilig ill aliv manner whatsoever, aro
<br />and sliall he deemed to be fixt"res ""d all accession to the froehold and a part of tile realtY as hetween the parties hereto, tljt�ir
<br />heirs. executors, administrators, successors or assigns, and all persons claiming'by, through or 1.111der illeirl, 111(1 Slllll I)e
<br />to be a portion of tile securit.% for tile illdebtednes.,.; herein iiViltioned and to 1w Vo %,(,To(] bY this mortgage.
<br />I)ROVJDED ALWAYS, and tlie,;e preselits ar6 exectited arld deli%,cro(l upon the following coll(litions. agrvom(�nfs
<br />obligations of the INlortgagors. to-wil:
<br />Tile Mortgagor agrees to pay to tljp* Mortgagee, or order, the principal silill of -THIRTY ... TWO_THOUS
<br />AND.. EIGHT....
<br />HUNDRE D .. AM. NO/ 100�n-.-:�n r�r.-n �n=! 77.=.:n :=:7� 77.:=
<br />...... I ............. ...... ) Dollars.
<br />payable . as pr6vided ill 'i-liole executed and (](!I . ivered concurrenfly lierewitli, tli( iiiial 1m.N-mojit, of inincipal, if not sooller paid.
<br />oil the ........ fir.st ................. (lay of ............... D�Qcember :�p
<br />............................... ; .................... I S..
<br />