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7,? c/ <br />The Mortgagee may collect a "late charge" notto ex�.ecd 1-ive Cents (5c) for each dollar (SI.00) of each total monthly <br />:paynient more than 15 days in arrears to (-over the extra o1q)(1pse involved in hapdling delinquent accounts. - <br />It is furtlivr agreed Hint in case any sAt 0 hegun to nucdosp this nit)rtgage, the nfortgago�.e, its representatives or ussirns. <br />.,;hall at olice he entitled to the possyssion of said premises, and upoll applicatioll therefor, the court, in which such action sliall <br />be brought judge of such court. either in terni little or vamdow is herAq, authorized k) aj)I)0iat .1 rVCeiVOr to tala,' j)0.1SOs- <br />sion of said. preihises, or to collect the rents therefrom, ,in(] to do and perform such other acts as may he required by. the order <br />-of the court , Imikip" the appoilitinvilt: lind said 'Mortgagor herAy waives any* notice of such application. alldxoRt4ellts to the ap- <br />�J)ointlllellt pf a-leceiver upoll ill(, prodjn�tioll of this mortgrage, without othor Qk�idence. <br />It isr oxpresslv ngrecd and.miden�to­l that flie Nlortgajor Amll proceed with Hit- coll'truciiml of a buildill:; )It :�aid prenlises <br />Wh aH masollable dispatch, and due diligence �p'�d shall pay for any and all, extras or modifications that he Inny make in Said <br />building, dirc!�'i to the AbAgag" to lw dislmirsetlk hmqhm Wit Me mono, Imnid or :uh%mcpl by said Mot-tgagm in connudimi <br />with this loall: - And it is further agruvd and understood that if the constri iction of said bui!dillf" he. at any firne, disconfillped <br />or not. Carried �)n Nvith reasonable dispatch ill the judgment of ill(' Mort�agee, Me Nbripipw or miy holder of ihO Said 110te and <br />Mortgage may purcha,,,O niaterinis and employ -worknien to protoct said huildint,,. so that Ili(, saine, shall not ,�ufrvr front depr(�da- <br />tion or tit(! v.,oather, or to complete said building. so thal it may he lised for Mo� piirpo.�e., for it is de�igrivd, mider the !�aid <br />plans and spocification-�: that all the quills so paid, or O"polided. sliall fit- deemed to b,.�advallcol; to thO Moriglaglor, And SPCU red <br />l'y ill(- said w4e alid nlort��:Ige and Illay he applied. 'If. the optiml of the �aid Mortgagve. or:iny hohlerof�zaid note and m(;rt,,agc- <br />!o ally advances thert-afler becoming due. l3tli in it(, event ��hall:the Mortgagee bp liable in any Nvay to complek! said building or <br />to pa� for lhe costs of conAruction b(,yond ill(, advances of ill(' .3111olints deposiled for said pin-po,;os or loaned hy the Moriga.��(,e <br />Air Ow maimmobon it this ImIlIng. Aml N 6 furthvr vqmWy agnmd and understood that if tit(' 'Moriglagor shall fail to complete <br />said bllildin�4 i1i accordance with Hit, agreoment,-;, ])Ill(- prillt�, and specifications filed in colilleci loll wit 11 thisloall ni-shall <br />fail or I!) pay for the co. -;k and oxpenses in connection t1jert-with. or shall fail in aily otlicr of lilt, covellants hervill Set foyti), <br />Ilion. at fit(, option of ill,, Morl�,ag't". or of fill- Of lilt' and 111011,,_,age herein referredlo, Ili(- I ,vepay declaro s�aid <br />loall to he in flefault and ill(. elitirc anumn lmmd Amu immediately become due and payable ;�nd Ili(- proporty liOrein referro,(! to <br />�;liall bo securily for n1l of ill,-' adVanL-0S Nod e:�])Ctl,Ps inctirwd and nuidv hy the NhwtgaMw in conmotimi with Ilds pnwkhm, I <br />Wilhoi)l linlitili;, tit(' gellorality of the for(-��oing, Ili,, �MmAgagee AmIl liave ill(' right to do'clam. that default ha.s beell inade <br />alid ill,- entire it . idebi'-diless 1wrounder to 1w (lilt, ;md payahle ;if mict. upoll iho Impli011ing of ally I'll(' of' ill(- following cnllditioti.�;: <br />fa) The filill!" of ally liv�l a!-'aillst the projwrl�, clailli"d to ho prim. to the first mortga�,,e or subject thereto, <br />I h) 'I Ill: entry of ally judgment a!"aill,t The <br />(c) The failure itt compl.v Aboly %Wh mmirij nTidwihm; We pnwWAW 14 IN' �'ity hilildill,: code, or if any* !�lop <br />by plibl�c aut horit ie�: <br />(d) A I 1.�: jliis�tateliwllt ill the twill applic�itiwi: <br />(o) Anv.. mat(,rial rhan�,,�� ill the plans and -pocificaiions it'll ril-A approv,-d in v:ritin:,, h.v ill(, Mm-tga�:r,o: <br />f) If :.,.ori: i�,, delayed or suspended foi a li�-ri,,d of thirty (:10� withollf cause �zotisfavtory to ill(, Mortgaia�e, or <br />sholil'i ilw Moril�a�:or fail to caus(. im. 1.110—A'llied vi;"oroll-dy. <br />If ll&\,Iolt'la��Ce decial"'s Ill(, loall t(� ht: it! 'ally provi!,i�ms ,f this proviion. tit(. Mort.�,-agec !11:111 he illid(q. <br />ll(, oldp�atioll to. advance :Ili,- flll�fwr oillicr for payin,,tfl of -work jwrfimiied ind nlaiorinls :Aread_v forrli�jjed,!or <br />tho— to he fllrlti��h, (i latcr hy ihe Morf:�a!,oF. <br />1: is and :wre,-d that tho Mm-i�,,agcw v.ill 11�,- all advalic— 111ade under tl6s I,, ,r,�ct a builoirig:�011 <br />'aid it) accoldlance v,ii1i:.Llw plao4. ��pecificoiimi-� alid a�,11*,-f-lllellts fil"d it,. c,mllou; it'll there%%ilh, and iicretoforo <br />hy tho <br />It, i.� under,:tood and ;wn"A that all 111:16-lials delkl-l""i 11poll said pwmw� Aw W. pi!rp"'o of' Iwirl!! illcf,rporak-d in It(' <br />buildill!" shall he collsifieled a part of the Imildin'--. <br />Mort;.,;�g(v to malio arl%anrcs �Indlq. lhi� h;all 1,5)1. tho crm,�frurti­n of �,liid hilildiw" from th1w I(. tilao :is <br />ht'i%Ve011 lilt' J)artie.-� hert-to. <br />.AND IT IS EXPRESSLY A(MEN) AND I A I A HAD R)D that snidaokonc,.-� �hall i , ?e paid olil.." wheil ill flic judgillent <br />of the Nlortgageeall %vork usuali�vdonoaf theslageof coll-ArlicHoll v"hell theadvanct. is 11inde pa.vable shall ha%o b- -n done jr-1 a <br />-mg] and workrnanlil�e manner.aljd all loalerinkand fi.,-Jt1re:, ll!�Ijally furnished alid ill.-;Iajh,d at lhal Halt, shall hnvf. ])('('a fur- <br />lii�dwd and installed: 60 Hie hLwon�o 11lay advance parts. or I he v"hoie. of :1 , lly i-,iall-elit, h0fore lh­�, her(mle due. it- the Nlcirt- <br />�,,ag,eo ,;hall beliin-o it advisable to do �;o, and all stich advnjlcv�z or pa�jllcllt�; shall h!' t,3 havo heen Illadolil pur�illazlcO�Of <br />Ihi�; agreenient,* nothing, ho%vever. ill this a;,,reement �dlall k, constriled as a deternlinalion d lilt- (itiality of tit(, %vork, <br />c)r materials itirnislied h� tit,, Mortt,,agor or coniractor and �11,- Mor!!:agee hall I- ullrl�.lj a() dul." or ohli;_-afioa l" Inake <br />deh -rill illat ioa. <br />The Mort!, <br />'a!, e �hall he 'tibrogal"d to all of lilt, ri;�hts. p:�ivileges. prioritie.�, and eqllitit�:, of all.v heliholder wil"se liell may <br />have hevii di>char!�cd fri�m the pr'w­-d,; (,I* thi,; loall. or by :111y i'llilds . hereby paid or fiirni:�hod b� thi, Mowif"agec. <br />IT IS EXPRESSLY AGREED that if Me Nbrto"w MmH sa� wilwy or alienate ��aid I)roj)vrtv, or onv par( thereof. <br />or any interez;t Woreill, or shall 1w divc,�tod )I lli�� fill(, or ally intere't therein -hl any malllwr� or wa.v, whether voltinlarily �or <br />involuntarily, \vkhout writien cons��nt of' th,., Mort�,,;14ee boing firs! lmd and AdAwl Nortsipo swU hwe Mv right, at & MUbn. <br />it) declare any indebitdnes� or ohlig;,tions st,( hureby. irrespective of the Illaturity date spocified in any llott. evidencing the <br />same, immediately due and payable without notic(t, and '�aid debt. 'diall ther-11-11 bovorne ab�,)htfo. If ill(- mviiership of the inort- <br />�agcd property,beconles vesttd in a person otllc� (hall ill,, 'Nlortgagor. the Mortgageo Illay, without notice totho Mortgagor, deal <br />Nvith such Successor or sumnsms in inte"t with m1mviry to this modmat, and the dWA hemby �vcured a.-; wlih the Mortgagor, <br />and illay forhe,-�r. to we or may takrid HMO Aw Me pymwnt of the chTt hereby.sectired without dischar�jn:,, or in any wayaffecting <br />the liability of�:tlle Original hereunder or upon tit(, debt se(.11red. <br />Ili thi-� i'nstrunient lilt, sial,'LlIRl' iIlCIUdV1 thC plural and ill(- masculine includcs ,hO feminilleand the nelflorand <br />'Itiollent �ljall hilldill", upml ill(-;,,nvd, !ii.s livirs. persowil rel)i-esenfatives, succe.�,or.-; and assigns. <br />IN WITNESS NVI FEA-Z EOF, -,ve havv heri,iinto so nw haiuls and wd,thp day "d ymr W above written. <br />.................... ........... ..... .... ........ <br />... ... ... ...... <br />S_UnleY B./GEirrls; Jr. R06g_ bri. Luft <br />z'/4 (10, _ . 6,� ..... . x � _,r_ /, I . ........................... <br />Mar6( M.' Garri s Donna R. Luft <br />