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010710 <br />I'lle %1.0'rtgagve may collect I cliarge" not to exceed Five.Cents (56 for (-,tell dollar (.SI.00) (if v;Ich b0al moiltilk' <br />1);lYnIent more than 15 daYs in arrears to cover . the extra vxIwnse involved if) handling delinquent accounts. <br />All pay4nents made under tilt. provision., (if this mortgage (it- the nott�*liereh.v sectired. %%,hich mav be construed its intere�t. <br />shall not. ill th" nggrogate over the terni thvrvof,?v\eevd the riih, that niaN no%%, be lawfully volilrac(ed-for in writing. <br />It is fi;Hher agreed that in case :Ili ' v suil is liegmi to for(close this niortgage, tilt, Nlortgagee, its rvpre.,�viltntives or assijlils. <br />.shall at once he entitled to tilt' possession of s..:ii(i premises, and upon application therefor. the (-ollrt ill N%,I)iejj sll(-Ii action shall <br />he I)roL],,'Ilt or i�'Ily judge of slich court. either in' terni time (,I- vacation. is hereby authorized to appoint :I receiver to talw posses- <br />sion of said prem,ises, or to coilect the rents th(tr'efrom. and to-do and perform such other acts as may be required 1) , V the ot�dvr <br />of the court making, the appointment; and said Nlor(gagor herel)v waives any notice of SuCh ;II)I)IiVIti0n. and collsvllt�z to thi''op- <br />pointnient of it N,eeiver upon the production of.this niortgage. without other evidence. <br />'I'll(, Nlortgagee sliall Ile stibrogated to all (if the rights, privileges. priorities. and equities (if any lienlioldvr whose lien may <br />have been discharged front the proceeds of this loan. or h.v mY fund., herebY paid or furnished by the N fort 'a9eU. <br />IT IS E,,i'Rl--SSI.Y ACNIE'EI) that if the _Nfortgagor'sliall sell, convey or alienate ­,iid property, or any part t1lereof. <br />or any interest thervin, or shall be divested of Ili,,; title or an.N1 interest. therein in in%- rivinne,r or way, N%'lliether vollintaril.y', or <br />involun!arily, Nvi I thout written consent of the Nlortgagee Iwing first had and obtained, N!ortgagr6,0 shall have the right, at its opfion, <br />to declare any indebtedness or obligations secured her(,]),,,, irrv.�pectivo of the maturitY date sl )eciried in an.v note evidencing , I It(' <br />sarne, irnmediat�4y due and payable without notice, and said delit shall thereupon become absolute. If tilt, oxvilvi-ship of the Illort- <br />gaged prolierty *becomes vested in a person othe*r than the 14ortgagor, the Nlortgagve may, wi!hout notive to the 'Alortgagor, deal. <br />Nlort-gagor. <br />with such succe.4sor or successors in interest with reference to this niortgage and the debt lier(;I)% secured as witil, the <br />and may forbear. to sue or may i�xtend time for tho payment of tilt- delit hereby secured without discharging or in ;Ili\, waY affi. Icting- <br />th(- liability of the origimil Nfortgagor hereunder -or upon the debt secured. <br />i <br />Ili this instrument the singular iIICIUdes the plural and the Illascilline includes the forninine and the netiterand this:iii- <br />strument slizill I�e binding llpoll the undersigned. his heirs. person-il representativo.�. successors :Ili(] assigns, <br />IN WITNESS NVI-I Hl� E' 0 1", we have herelinto set olir hands :Ind seat, t1w daY in(] Yoar first abrive written. <br />Ili the presence of: <br />.17 <br />�2rve�,Tp'0. Gi�'een, Jr. <br />Beverli'A.,�Gr-een <br />STATE 0 F NfE 13 11 A S I� A Ss. <br />colliltv. <br />Oil thi., ......... �.. (]it.% of VOLQX4 bPmt7 19 75 befort, nie. the midensigned� I Notary Public. in and for tid <br />County, personally came. Ua�7qy Q. qreen, Jr. and. and wi.fe <br />personally known to me to he tli(- identicill persons whose names are affixed to the above and fol-egoill, instrunif,tit. �is nior(gagors, <br />and each acknowledged said instrument to he his or her voluntarY -let and deed. <br />witness niv liandand notarial seal at ............... .Grand.Islandl ... N brasIm <br />t1w (late last above written. <br />w <br />Bernard L. English <br />GEN'-:2AL'NOTARIAL <br />Notary Public. <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />,[joFAMISSION EXPIRES <br />Nly Comm 1( Ir <br />)Ap`rWJ6"s1979 <br />0 ........ ..... <br />STATE F. <br />-ord in t,lie Register of Dee(ls Office of sai(I Cotinty the <br />mtered on mimericil Index and filed for,re( <br />at, 11�. o'clock and ......... UZ11111illutes, <br />dav of �t7 19, <br />and recoi:,led ill Book -is Instniment No_ ...... <br />.... W.Mort-a-es at pmro ...... <br />.............. ...... <br />Reg. of Deeds <br />13y...... ........................ .. ..... I .... .. .... Deputy, <br />Wlien recorded to be returned to the <br />FIRST FEDERAL. SAVINGS -AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN - <br />LINCOLN OFFICES: Phone 475-0521 / 435-2111 <br />E] 1235 "N" Street <br />* E] 135 No. Cotner Blvd. F� 70th and "A" St. <br />E] 2.541 No. 11th Street <br />OMAHA OFFICES: <br />Phone. 558-4323 <br />. f -I 8706 Pacific'st. <br />[-] 2101 So. 42nd St. 3205 No. 90th St. <br />10920 West Dodge Rd. <br />REGIONAL OFFICES: <br />Ej 2120 First Ave., Kearney �13 "E" Street, Fairbury <br />1433 "M" Street, Ord <br />Phone 234-2473 Phone 729-2202 <br />Phone 728-3218 <br />1301 Main Ave., Crete Ej 223 Box Butte Ave., Alliance n 1811 West 2nd St., Grand Island <br />Phone 826-4349 <br />Pl.ione 762-2160 Phone 384-4433 <br />1974 - ri;lr.T FEDEPAL 'AVIFIG, Atit) LOAN <br />A550C , ATIDN qF;L1f4C0Lt4. NEUR—KA <br />