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.10710 <br />THIS MORTGAGE IS ALSO TO BE AND CONTINUE TO BE, FROM TIM - TO TIME, SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT OF: SUCH <br />SUM OR SUMS OF MONEY AS THE MORTGAGEE MAY FROM TIME TO TIME 14 THE FUTURE ADVANCE TO THE:�'MOR'TGAGOR', AND <br />EVIDENCED BY A SUPPLEMENTAL NOTE OR NwES, BUT THE ' I I <br />TOTAL INDE IT DNE,SS SECURED BY THIS MORTGAGE SHALL NOT <br />EXCEED ONE HUNDRED TWENTY (120) PER CENT OF THE AMOUNT NOW OW I`I, G,� EXCEPT FOR ANY. ADVANCES T�HAT MAY BE MADE <br />TO PROTECT THE SECURITY IN'ACCORDANCE WITH THe TER�S OF THISI 14ORtGAdE. <br />THE MORTGAGOR `1IURTHER COVENANTS AND AGREES:� <br />That tit(-- lvlortgagor will pay the indebtedness -is herei if be fore pro Med. <br />That tile IN,lortgagor is:lho ()%%,net- of Said property in.fue Simple "'Ind -has good right and lawful i'llitlibrity to sell and <br />any lien In <br />convey file same and that file saine is free ,in(] e'lear of. or enctinibr. -'V: "I'd that Mortgagor Nvill Nvarrhilt, and defend tile <br />title to Said premises against tile claims of all persons'whorn.�oe%,(Ir. <br />To pay immediately when due in(] Ixlytible all gencralItaxes. speci, 11 ta xes Special assessilielits, wate . r flizlrges, sewer serv- <br />ice charges, and other taxes ,in(! charges against. said propertN, and all tax(!," eVied, on t'llv d(4)t sectired herebN i and to furnish the <br />Mortgagee, upon request, with the original or duplicite rec . eipts therefor. Nfort,II grees that thc;rei shall be adde(I to <br />each montlily payment require(f hereunder or under the evidence of debt sI agor ;I, <br />r(urec! hereby all al"01111t, estilliate(l JiY.Alw <br />to he sufficient to enable the Nfortgagev to pay, as the -Y become (Ille, all t L a :(?S-, hSsessillelits. and similar char'i'ec,; upon the:prem- <br />ises subject thereto; ally deficiency 1)(Icause of the instifliciencN, 'of Such addit offal pi�vnlvllts Shall be forlilwill) deposited by tit(' <br />Nlortgagor witli the Nfortgag(!e; 111)011 d-liand by the Mortgagee. Any (1(If;!,, it ut'ider this paragraph shall be a (IIIfalllt ill <br />PaYllient, of taxes, assessments, ()I- similar charges rt.Iquil-ed livrentider. <br />The 'N'lortgagor agrees that there shall also be�a(j(f(Id to each moi dy payincrit (If Princil),I) fit(] in(dri,st requireff here- <br />under fit anioullf, b%, tlie Mortgagee to be sliffiCielit to:enable flit-- ortg�igee to p.ay.': aS it J)(�cojjl(,S :d I I (I, tile <br />premifini oil lily insurance 1)(flick, dolivere(l to insurance <br />gov. Ajiv deficiency b(:c;illst, of Ow insufficiency of slic,11'additiolial pay- <br />nielits shall be fort Imit 11 deposited I)v tile Nlortgagor wit h the 1NIorfgl9(!e "I () 1 10 1 inalld by the Mortgagee. AnNi default under this <br />paragraph shall he (feeme(l a (lefa-lilt in the payment (If Insurance premimm. If the I)oli(.%. or poli(-jes (IfIl <br />)osile(l a'ry such as lionle- <br />(;%vners or all risk policies, all(] tile (leposits are insufficient to pay tit(. premium. the Njoy(gagee may a )JAN, the deposit to <br />pay premiums oil risks required 'to be insured by this morjg.,Ig(,. <br />]',I , vnients inade by tliv.,\Jortgagor under tit(, abiwe par'agraphs llla.� , at. dle ol'?tioll of tit(- IN fort gageej he If(-[(] by I t and <br />Comillingh-d with other such funds or its own funds for"tile. payment of Such it and tflltil's(� aPlyliVd. Such I)i1vinents are 1wroby <br />Pledged aS S(ICUrity for t1w jjjlp�ji(l I)aljljIc(,. of tlj(� jjl()rtgagv indebtedness. <br />rpo <br />procure, deliver to, and maintain for file beiiefit of, the Alortgag during tit(-, life <br />of tiff.,; mortgage yfiginal poli(-jes arl(I <br />renewals thereof, delivered at le7llst ten before the t�xpiraf. I po I I i c i es, . insuring against . fir( tic - I - other insitrable <br />hazards, Cas 11,11 ties, and contin&ncies as the Mortgagee:may require, in all anio . unt equal to' the ind( <br />-btedrioss: secured by this <br />Mortgage, and in comp,,illiCs acc(i..I)table if) the Nlorlgague; with Jos, Ptlyable c I Iz Ise in favor of' an�l in form ac -epj! . . -.1 <br />gee. III the event any policy is lot. n-newed oil or lwfor�. ten days of VIIII.e. to the�.NV)rtga- <br />improvements, pay If . to pren iiiiin: therefor, and Such still, silall I)' I is ex I ; ) I ation. the INIortga"ve may proCliff 111stirance on the <br />-d a (.Iv�dtiv and payable with inlercs*[ at ill(. rato sut <br />forth in said note until paid allot sll,,Ill be Secured bY this mortgage. Vailure )I 'Irt of the ,\Iortgag r to <br />tilt 1), o furnish sk](11i renowals <br />-is are herein required or failure to pay ally silln,. sit: 11, 1 <br />g fit, it tit(: option of the Mort gn "'ce constitute a defallit <br />under file terni-s-of this mortgagi:. 'I'll(- deliverN. of such pAicies Silaii. in til(, ).-% �Ilt- :If defanh. constittite all a:SS1 P Un. <br />varned premium. 'glin ]ont of". ill' <br />Any sums received I)v the Nlortgagee by reason of loss or dainag � ills"'r-I against may he relainv( lix, tit(- Mortgagee <br />and applied toward the payineAt of tile (1(II)t lieruby sc( I -tjrvd,�or, at ill(, opiti I l", I) I f ill(. Mortgagee, Such suills;vi" <br />lber wholl%, or in <br />;Iart may be Paid over to the Modgagor to b(: usedlo repair �;tich building. )r. to build,flew buildings in ill(- r:pkiev or for <br />other purpose or object, Satisfactory to th I I!i <br />e 1%,lor.tgagve witholit �affi.ctilig the !i n o ii the for (11(� flill aj�loljjlt securod li(,r(,- <br />by hofore Such payllient, ever took plac(,. <br />To promptly repair. rd <br />!Store of- rebuild ill.% huilding�- :or improveni �i is ni)w or hereafter oil flit, prenliseS which may he - <br />collie dalliaged or destroyed: to -heel) said premises in koo(I eolleliti(),, an(l rel a " alid free from any inecliallic's <br />I , lit"ll of. otiler lien or <br />Clain, of liell not expressly suborliliflated to tit(, lien livro-of_.� not to) Stiffer or pe -I) it a:n%' lise of or in\, duis'llice to vxi'st <br />said propertN nor to permit Nva'. - on sai(I Prenlis(Is. nor tO (10 aliv ()ill I- act I r y I 1)(�' <br />oil <br />e y Come <br />less valuable, nor to diminish or impair its valliv by any act, (or onlissioil to a(,t: t I c(I'llI)IN' with n'll requiren <br />.to the mortgaged premises and tile Ilse tile lents !41�'lw with n-s'pect, <br />rvof. <br />That Should the premises or any part thereof be taken;or darnaged if%, reason of in\, pfjj)Jic <br />improveni(hit of� con(It.,nn, <br />proceedin,,. or under the right of eminelit domain, or in any other manner, I I( 1%.lortgagee shall he entitle Ition <br />(I to, all compel <br />awards, and ahy other payment 'or relief therefor, and sliall be I ' sai ' ions, <br />entitled. at, its ooti,on, to comint,nee, apivar in And prosecute in its <br />own name ,illy action of- proceeding, or to make anv co n"I) romis o or settlernO <br />compensation, awards, dalliages. right of action and . proceeds iry hereh . I If, in , connection wilil Such taking I)r damage. \Il:sticll <br />y as-iglicd to the Mortgagee, wilo <br />11111y:, after deduf�ting <br />4lierefroin all its expenses, release any moneys so rvc(,i%,e,d'b,, it ;or apply tile 1-ame 6n ally indebtedness Secured lie'ehy. The N , fort- <br />-gagor agrees to execute sticil further assigninvilts of ally Compensation. a% I is. da, I r. <br />%,,,I rj niages, and rights of action Jln' <br />Mortgagee may require. of procevds w. tile <br />That ill case of failure to perform any of tile <br />Wills herein, tit(! Nlort�ag(�e may (jo ()'if the iMortgagorfs bi <br />I I i- ohalf ever.\ tiling <br />! so covellanted; that the lvlortgagce may also (10 Illy aet it �na,, deeni necessar) �o pr,otect, tile lien thereof: thatitlip I'viortgagor will <br />�repay upoil demand lily rnoney,";; paid or disburwd by tit( <br />Nlortgagve for any o the, above purposes. and Such InolloVs together with <br />interest thereon "at the rate proyided in s,,Ii(l note Shall beconle"so much additional, ill( . lebtedness hereby S(I(IIj,r::f4l "'. ill(] Inav be in- <br />cluded in any decree foreclosing'.this mortgage an(l he paid oil( 'of tile refits' <br />or proceeds of Sale of said premi!ws if not 'otherwise <br />paid; that it sliall lot. be obligaf�Ory 111)oll the wfortgagee 'to inquire into tile vili(iii -111% lien, encurnbrall(ics, 'or claim in a(l- <br />N, of <br />vinicing moneys as al)ove ant.1)orized, but nothing herein cinitainecl sJI,,IJJ I)e coll'ti-M I �d as requiri . ng the Nlortga (I o. to advance any <br />,moneys for lily sucli ptirpose iio*r to (to any act heretinder;:and that Nlortgaged hall� not incur any personal liabjlifv� of -111%, <br />tiling it may (to or ornit to (to hereunder. <br />In tile e%'ellt of tile default bN Nlortgagor in tile payment of any installme6t, as required by the Note:;sectired herel) <br />N% or <br />ill tit(! performance of the ()I)Iig,,'tio,' in this mortgage or in tile note secured f)"cleby.1 the N,fort gagee shall I)e'(Ill <br />an(I Ila Jilled to declar(i the <br />debt secured hereby (life , I <br />allot the Nlortgagee shal I I I )e�elltitled at. its option, without I' 11CO, either by itself <br />yable WithOLIt notice, , I(?l <br />,or by'a receiver ' to be appointed by the court thereof, ,in(] without regard to dic a(le(IllacY of any Security for fjhc.*, indebtedness Se - <br />cur , ed hereby, to enter upon in(] take I)Ossession of the.mortgaged premises, In . iol to'collect. and "eceive the rentf.''issues and profits <br />thereof, and II)pIy the same, less costs of operation and c()Ilcctioll, upon tile Indebtedness sec'Ured by this mt)rt'g, <br />issues and pnofits being hereby I I I age: said rents, <br />ssigned to file INIortgagee as further securitN, for the payment of all indebtedness ectired liervbv. <br />1)airing Said prem - <br />Tile Nlortgagee sliall have tile power to aPPoilit: ,fly agent or agent.,; k Inay'desire for the purpose of. r� <br />ises: renting tit(! same: collecting' the rents, revenues an(I income, and it may pay olit, of said income all experts in I curred in rent- <br />ing and managing the same 111(1 of collecting tile rentals therefrom. The balance remaining, if ariv <br />shall he 'alil)lied to,,vard the <br />discharge of tile mortgage indebtedness. This assignment is to' te and I and void 'upon release of tilis mortgage. <br />)(Icom(` 111111 <br />