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E�:HIBIT A <br />01,0702 <br /> a part ofithe s=hwest Quarter (SWI -,,)-:.of <br />A tract of land <br />,Section Eleven (11), Township Eleven:(11) No' th, Pahge Ten (10) llt�e:st <br />of the 6th P.M., in Hall County,,Nebraska, m re�parti.cularly de�c ibed <br />r <br />.as follows': Beginning at a Doint on the wes' .line of said Sect�on Eleven <br />:(11), said point being Four. Hundred iwenty-Elight 028.0) feet south of <br />the Northwest corner of said Southwest Quar4c-r (SWI '-), also being''the <br />SubdivisJon,�; thence southerlY, <br />southwest corner o ' f Western Heights <br />along the west line of said Section Eleven ('11)., a distance <br />of : 1"our <br />Hundred Seventy-Eight*and Sevent'-Fiv'e Hundr'Edths (478.75) <br />y feet-' <br />deflecting left 90000' and running easterlyk distance'of Si>� Hundred <br />ly I <br />Seventy and Fifteen Hundredths (670.15) feet: thence souther Rarallel <br />to the west line of said Section�Eleven (11)' a distance of Fouril-l'u'ndred <br />Sixteen and Twenty -Three Hundredths 616 23)' fee't-thence running�* <br />easterly a distance of Six Hundred Forty Two and Forty"Six-Hund23edths <br />(64L46) feet, to ihe southeast corner of t�c: Northwest Quarter*!of the <br />Southwest Quarter (I*N SIq'I-;)',--thence norther y�along the east lij6:of <br />said Northwest Quarter of th-a Southwest Qua�ter�(J*A4 S1,1364) a dist . an.ce <br />of Eight Hundred Ninety and Fifty -Nine Hundrddths (890.59) feet.� I �t . o the;: <br />southeast corner of said Western::Heights Subdivision; thence weft"e'rly <br />along the South line of said Western.Heightslj�Subdivision, a dista . h'Qe <br />of One Thousand Thi-ee Hundred Ele'ven'and Ei-ht Tenths (.15,311.8i !,feet to <br />the place of-beginn'ing and containin,7 20.46 adre's more or less. <br />