<br />C -IL 0 G)f 2 i2l
<br />The "%fortgagee 111:1y collect a "late charge" not to exc�ed Five Cents .(50 for vach dollar ($1.00) of each total monflily
<br />payment more timn 15 (hiys in arrears to vov�-r the VNtra expeinse involved ill handling delinquent accounts.
<br />All paynients made uniler the pmvisions of this mortgage or tht' n0tV her I VI).V SCL'ured. wlii�h may be constrUt'd ;ls iliterost,
<br />sll:lll not. in thJ. aggregate over the tvriii thereof; exceed the rate that maY noW be, lawfully contracted for ill writilig.
<br />It is fuhher agreed that ill :111%. suit is I)eglin to for(elosp this olort.goge, the Nlortgagee, its reprv�entatives or assigns.
<br />shilll �lt M ' We 15O.-UntitlVd to the I)OSS(`,"i011 of said premises. and upon applic'ition therefor. the court ill whicil such letioll simll
<br />be brought or a . fly jUd9C Of SUCII Court. either in terio time or vac�ition, is hereby authorized to appoint a receiver to take pos.�es-
<br />sion of said pre * hii.qvs, or to c(,flect (he rvitts thvr�-from, and to 'do and perform stich other acts as maY he required hY thu order
<br />of the court lilliking the appointment; and said Nlortgagor hereby waives ally. notice of stiell application.and cimselits to the'ap-
<br />1)()illtlll(,Ilt of :1. receiver upon the prodiwtion of tlii.� mortgage. without other eyidence.
<br />The 1%lortgagev shall be 1--librogated to all of the rights, privileges. priorities. and equiti" of all
<br />y liellholder whose liell may
<br />beell disellarged from tile procee(Is of (Ilis ]oIn. or I)v aliv funds hereh.v paid or fkirni.�;Iwd by the Nlortgagee.
<br />IT IS EXPRESSLY AGREIED that if the Nfortgagor shall sell, convv.y or alienate said property, or any part t * hei:eof.
<br />or any interest therein, or sliall he divested of Ili,, title or any interest therem in any manney or way, whother voluntaril,, or
<br />irivoluntarily, without written co'nsent of t1w Nlortgagve being first had and obtained, Nlortgagee sliall have the right. nt its opfioll,
<br />to declare ariv indebtedness or obligations secured lierebY, irresi)ective of the maturity date specified in all.N. nott, evidelicill";the
<br />slime, iminediat(Ily due in(] payable without notice, and said debt shall tllerCLII)011 I)OCOMP 11)SO111te. If the ownership of the mort-
<br />gaged property beconles vested in a person other than the NIortgagor, the INTortgnigeo may, without notice to the INTortgagor, . leal
<br />with such successor or successors in interest with reforence to this mortgrage and the debt, hereby secured as with the Nlortgmor_
<br />and may forbear to sit(, or may extend time for the payment 4 the debt hereby secured without discharging Win any way affeciing
<br />the liability of tlie orighini Nlortgagor hereunder or upon the debt secured.
<br />Ill this instrument the singill,11- includes the plural and the illascillille inclild" the fi�minirie in([ t I w neki to r a n( I t I i is i ii -
<br />strunient shall 1W I)inding, lipoll the undersigned, his heirs, persowil representatives, successors and assigns.
<br />IN NVITNHISS we 1-ve herminto set our hands and seal. t1w da.v'and Year first above wi-fttvil.
<br />Ili the presence, 6f:-
<br />Jf)hn -A. Albers, a Partner
<br />Oil this ... 31 daY of _OC�O�CZVI_ 19.75 before me. ill(, undersigned, a Notary.Pithlic. ill and for said
<br />I A.�
<br />County, personally came.11.,,., ..... S%'..
<br />.. -) - - - 11 . ..... �, . A L
<br />personally known to ille to he the identical perspius whos(I Will' e!s�i L "C' liffiXed to the al)(We nod foregoiilf�
<br />instrument, as niortgagqrs,
<br />and ench acknowledged said instrument to he his or her voluntary act and deed.
<br />%Vitness i iiv hand and notarial seal at
<br />.0c k_"I1/1_.
<br />the 'i'm im" _jt_,
<br />Bernard L. Englis
<br />.-oLlrY Public.
<br />9
<br />NlY conini ,siAPri1x30iA979,
<br />STATE 0 F ... ...
<br />Eil.tered oii mimerical Hidex awl filed for recor(I iii tile Register of Deeds -Office of sai(I COUnty the
<br />I 1 0 f . j 19.. 07at o'clock arid minutes . ...... M,.
<br />mid rccord( �d in 1:'ook
<br />of—Mortoages at pan. L11
<br />as 1�istrtirmmt No ........
<br />5 Z,
<br />.................
<br />Ile, f Dee�s
<br />9.
<br />13� ............. _Deputy
<br />Wheii recorded to Le retumed 'to tile
<br />LINCOLN OFFICES: Phone 475-05211435-2111
<br />Ej 1235 "N" Street Ej 135 No. Cotner Blvd. n 70th and "A" St. 2541 No. 11th Street
<br />OMAHA OFFICES: Phone 558-4323
<br />n 8706 Pacific St. E] 2101 So. 42nd St. E] 3205 No. 90th St. 10920 West Dodge Rd.
<br />F�EGIONAL OFFICES: E] 2120 First Ave., Kearney [:] 513 "E" Street, Fairbury Ej 1433 "M" Street, Ord
<br />Phone 234-2473 Phone 729-2202 Phone 728-3218
<br />E] 1301 Main Ave., Crete 223 Box Butte Ave., Alliance 1811 West 2nd St., Grand Island
<br />Phone 826-4349 Phone 762-2160 Phone 384-4433
<br />197-1 - Fln'T r&DEPAL SAVINGS M4D LOAN
<br />............
<br />Donalq ;-L Liriscott,
<br />a partner
<br />j //h, mer Jr.,
<br />av, artner
<br />Jf)hn -A. Albers, a Partner
<br />Oil this ... 31 daY of _OC�O�CZVI_ 19.75 before me. ill(, undersigned, a Notary.Pithlic. ill and for said
<br />I A.�
<br />County, personally came.11.,,., ..... S%'..
<br />.. -) - - - 11 . ..... �, . A L
<br />personally known to ille to he the identical perspius whos(I Will' e!s�i L "C' liffiXed to the al)(We nod foregoiilf�
<br />instrument, as niortgagqrs,
<br />and ench acknowledged said instrument to he his or her voluntary act and deed.
<br />%Vitness i iiv hand and notarial seal at
<br />.0c k_"I1/1_.
<br />the 'i'm im" _jt_,
<br />Bernard L. Englis
<br />.-oLlrY Public.
<br />9
<br />NlY conini ,siAPri1x30iA979,
<br />STATE 0 F ... ...
<br />Eil.tered oii mimerical Hidex awl filed for recor(I iii tile Register of Deeds -Office of sai(I COUnty the
<br />I 1 0 f . j 19.. 07at o'clock arid minutes . ...... M,.
<br />mid rccord( �d in 1:'ook
<br />of—Mortoages at pan. L11
<br />as 1�istrtirmmt No ........
<br />5 Z,
<br />.................
<br />Ile, f Dee�s
<br />9.
<br />13� ............. _Deputy
<br />Wheii recorded to Le retumed 'to tile
<br />LINCOLN OFFICES: Phone 475-05211435-2111
<br />Ej 1235 "N" Street Ej 135 No. Cotner Blvd. n 70th and "A" St. 2541 No. 11th Street
<br />OMAHA OFFICES: Phone 558-4323
<br />n 8706 Pacific St. E] 2101 So. 42nd St. E] 3205 No. 90th St. 10920 West Dodge Rd.
<br />F�EGIONAL OFFICES: E] 2120 First Ave., Kearney [:] 513 "E" Street, Fairbury Ej 1433 "M" Street, Ord
<br />Phone 234-2473 Phone 729-2202 Phone 728-3218
<br />E] 1301 Main Ave., Crete 223 Box Butte Ave., Alliance 1811 West 2nd St., Grand Island
<br />Phone 826-4349 Phone 762-2160 Phone 384-4433
<br />197-1 - Fln'T r&DEPAL SAVINGS M4D LOAN
<br />