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P 47) 9 <br />A-1 _,L <br />THIS MORTGAGE IS ALSO TO BE AND CONTINUE TO BE, FROM TIM� ..0 TIME, SECURITY FOR THE-MYMENT OF SUCH <br />SUM OR SUMS OF MONEY AS THE MORTGAGEE MAY FROM TIME TO TIME I , "HE;FUTURE ADVANCE TO THE 6RTGAGOR, AND <br />EVIDENCED BY A SUPPLEMENTAL NOTE OR NOTES, BUT Tk TOTAL INDEBT DNESS SECURED BY THIS I tGE SHALL NOT <br />EXCEED ONE HUNDRED TWENTY (120) PER CENT OF THE AMOUNT NOW OWING, EX�EPT FOR ANY ADVANCES AAT'MAY BE MADE <br />TO PROTECT THE SECURITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS IVORTGAGE. <br />TFIE NI,ORTGAGOR FtJR'F1JER COVENAN'I'S AND AG.REES! <br />'11wit, the Nlortgagor wif) pay the indebtedness as liereinhefore provd,]I'.� <br />'FliaL the Nlortgagor is �tlie owner of said property ill fee siniple al (I lia,,' goio(j right. and IaWflll Ml�lviritv to S(41 and <br />I <br />and that <br />cinivev the saine and that the saine is free and clear of any lien r encunihi-an rf.gagor will waro-drif. an"d defend tit(! <br />title to said premises against. the claims of all persons whornsoever. <br />'Po pay ininiefliately whiii (Ili(- and payable all general tax(, <br />s, special a sp(�cial assessinents, water CliartIcs, sewer serv- <br />xes and'�vliarge.,� against said propertN , and all tax(,.,; I I <br />ice charges, and other ta Y Ic " ied hil tho debt S(�cllred liereby, iand to furnish tit(! <br />Xlortgagee, uport request, with the original or duplicate reecipts thert-for. '111 - Mortgagor ag, . rt -es that there Ishall Iw added to <br />vach monthly paynient required -livrourider or under the vvidence of debt semned 1:10rel)v all alootint estimated' by the Nlortgagve <br />to ho sufficient. to 'ellable I he lklortgagee to pay, as Illey becolue due, all ta) e: , assessillonts, and similar i!har ,�es upon tit(, preni- <br />iscs subject thereto; any deficiencY becallse of' the insufliciencY (if such additiplial j!)aYlnellts .,It : all be forthwitHl deimsited I)v t1w <br />Nfortgagor with tho Nlortgagee 'upon demand hY the Nlortgag(�e. %it%- defali I 1111dor pam;graplishall heldi�(.nlcd a defa,ult in <br />payinelit, of taxes, assessinents. or similar charge,, required hery <br />'I'll(, Nlortgagor agrevs that there shall also be to vach Illontl 1, I)Zlkljll(,.rll. of principal.and intep-�st n-quired fiere- <br />under all amount estimated 11Y tHe -'\Iort,;ig(,(. to twslifficielit to cliable Ilic 1%1,01tga,�ce to pa , v, a-; it beconles <br />premium oil any insurance policy delivered to the Nlortgagee. Anv deficienev w ilislifficiell(w of suvIl addiiiolla pay- <br />nient, ��Iiall be forthwith deposited I)v the Nfort'agor with ffic Njortgaguu upo 1 lorilhi)(I by tho %lorigagee. Any';default under this <br />ptiragraph shall a (114ault ill the payn-eill of' insurance premiums. it the�ipolic�" or ptdicivs d(-positudiare,"such as lionle- <br />owners or all risk policies, and till' deposits are insufficient to pay the entire I) -c-initini. tit(! %lorIgago(. 11my al�plv-tlw deposit to <br />pay prviniurns oil risks rvquirvd� to be instired bv this mortgage. <br />Payinvilis ninde by tit(- Nfortgagor inider the above paragraphs niay. a th�� 0�)tioll of the %lortgagco, IN; IlvId bv it and <br />ronlillingled with other such funds or its own funds for tit(, payriient of slicl ch p�]�Ilnwnts are <br />I i oms. ;Ill(] until so applied, Sit <br />J)Ivdged as swcurity for t1w unpaid balance of tit(' illortgage inflebtedliess. <br />'I'o procure, deliver to, ind maintain for the bellefif of tll(- %lortgag(m durilig tit(, life (,I this inortgage oj-i,,jnaI policies and <br />ienewals, thereof, delivert-d at least. Ion daYs before tit(, expiration of aliv slidi policies. insuring, against fire a1iif other insuralfle <br />liazar(!s, casual ties, and contingencies as the Nfortgagee may require, in an a nourit equal to'010 indebtedue4s s6cured by this- <br />Nfortgage. in(] in companies acce-ptahle to tit(! i%lortgave, with loss payable cL u;e ill I ra" -or of and in forin acccl')t; Oilv to the Nlorlgga- <br />ce.. - I <br />Ili the event, an.� policy is hot renewed oil or before ton da of it., expi tion: tit(, Nlortgagce llla�, proc'urt� insin-atic(- oil the <br />improvements, pay tit(- premium therefor. and such stun shall bec)II10 ininiedi; to ly (ille alid pnyable with ilitc-ni-sti at lilt- rate set <br />forth in said note until paid alld shall h(, secured bY this mortgoge. Failure 00 he j)arf (if flit- Mortgagor to fur�ii�li such renewak <br />as are herein required or failure to pay any sunis advanced livi-ttunder Alall. a C! I <br />:fw (,ption:.of Ilw Nlortgagce. pril-titute a delziult <br />linder till. t(q-11-is of this niort"'ag(.. 'I'lle delivel-Y of such policies shall, ill the e\v it oi df,-fntllt� cullstitilte an assiPlill(Ilit (it tit(. till- <br />(:arnvd promiurn. <br />Ali <br />y stims received hy the k%lortgagev I)Nr reason of loss or damage i istj r(:'.(l agl.lillst lilav bv 'r-lailled;I)v :�t he <br />Mortgagee <br />jind applied toward the payincrit of the debt sccured, or, at tit(' opt 1 oCtlit NIol'h,;l%,,ee. such slllll� ii-ilher wholk' or in <br />1wirt nia.v be paid over to Ihv INIortgagor to bo tj.�cd to repidr such buildingslo: to; �hlli�fd building's dace or for any <br />tll(.i r <br />other purpose (or object satisfactor ' v to the Nlortgagve without affecting the lioll :()It �:t he niortgage for the fill] alljollill sv(.jlrvd liert", <br />hv before such payment ever took place. <br />'I'o promptly repair, ro.qtory or rebuild anY bui.ldillg�- (it- improvf-ine Ii. t ; no �v (or hereafk- r oil tit(, prenii�(-;, wili(11 jr1a v he - <br />come daniavd or destroyed: to keep said premises in good condition and rep� it and free I'roni ;it .� niechanic's ll(-zl (:)j- othor lien or <br />clailli of lien not expressl ' v subord,inatud to the liell hert-of: not to suffer or porm t a6v unlawhil use of or to exist On <br />s :a Illit \�,;]Ste ('11 S"Ji(l j)l_(.jjjiSeS, nor to (,() r I I <br />,id propertY nor to per anY other act Wivrob.v dw property livrebY con�e,�,ccl shall heconle <br />less valuable. nor to diminish or inipair its value bY any act or oraission to act: It colt I 11) IY x%ith all requircillents Ill'Jaw with respect <br />to tit(! mortgaged premises in(] till, use thereof. <br />'I'llat should the prellliso.�; or nilY part thurcof be taken or daniagod 1). va�(��n of In.\. public itilprovullielit or condemnation <br />proceeding. or.under tit(? right of eminent domain, (.w in anY other inarnier. till , 1'%Io�tgageo simll Ito entitled t�oiali 1.* <br />.out pe nsa t i oils. <br />awards, and anv other payment or relief therefor, and shall be (!!Itifled, at, its, I )I tioll� to collinlence, appear ill';,lild; prosecute in its <br />own name ,my action or proct-wiing, or to make allY compromise or settlenleilt ill.("olincClion with sliell taking (jr claniage. .\It such <br />compensation, awards, dalliagi.s. right of action and provevd.,; are herebY assig led to tit(, Nlortgagee,-who imiy.' after deducting <br />,therefroin till ib; expenses, relvas any money.-; so received by it �)r apply file 'All le o , it anY indebtedness secured ilivre1w. 'I'll(, Niort- <br />gagor agrves to execute such fit rther assignments of any compensation, award. darnages. and rights of action i4id procceds as tit(, <br />INTortgagee may require. <br />'I'llat ill cast- of failure to perform ,in%, of tit(, covenants herein. the Mo t; ageo�. May (to oil file Nlortgagor*l� behalf everVthing <br />so covenalited; that the IN-lortgagee may also (1( arIN-.aCt it may of I ceill necessarY t ) 1) r otcet, tit(- lien thereof: that -Ilw Nlortgago'r will <br />repay upon demand any nioneys paid or dishursed by the Nlortgagec for any A the'abovc purposes, and such s together with <br />y <br />inter"t thereon at. the rate provided in said note shall become so nitich additional: in( . lebtedness hereby sucur(;d .;in(] may be in - <br />c ' luded in anv decree foreclosing� this niortgage'and be paid out. of tho rents o procceds of sale of said preniist.-.,� if not othenvise <br />pai(I: that it shall not. be obligatory upon the i0ortgagee to iliqUire into tit(- lidity of any lien, ericunlbranct�'S. oi- claim in ,Ill- <br />vancing moneys as above authorized, but nothing herein contained shall he cotiltrued as requiring tit(- Nlort . gag l vc to advance ;in-, <br />nioneys for any such -purpose nor to (10 alIN' aCt, hereunder; and that Nlorlgagc(� s iall not incur any personal liabil,ity becallse of an,v- <br />filing it may do or ornit, to (to hereunder. <br />Ill file V%Tnt of file defaCill bY X,lortgagor ill .,file payllielif of ally instal ment. as ri-quired by (it(, Nole 11,o-ured hert-by. Or <br />ill the performance of the obligation in this mortgage or in the not(, secured thk 'by'! tit(, INIortgagee sliall be entifled to dedare the <br />d , ebt secured lierel)y djl(,� all(I pa.i��aj)le N%,itll()Ilt notice, and the i0ortgagee shall 1) 1 e �lltifled at its option. without lloji&e. either by itsell <br />or by a receiver to be appointedby t lie court thereof, and \N,itll()Il t r(,gjr(I to I le acle�quacv of am, security for th, e1ndebtednes,; se- <br />cured liereby,.to enter upon and take possession of the mortgaged premises, a I It( to collect 'and 'rvevive ill(. rellf�. issues a rid profils <br />thereof, and , apply tit(! same, less costs of operation and collection. lipoll file irdebiedness' secured by this moirtgage: said rents, <br />issues and prc5fits'being liereby assigned to the i\lortgagev as further securitY for t ie payment of indebtedness si,cured liervh.v. <br />'I'll(, Nlortgagee I sliall ha,�,c the power to appoint ,my agent or agents it may desire for die purpose of rdpairing said prem- <br />ises: renting the same; collecting the rents, revenues and income, all(I it may 1); y out of said income all expens . vs incurred in rent- <br />ing and managing tile same' and of collecting the rentals therefrom. 'rhe 11;akince remaining. if any, sliall be ;iij)pjjecl toward thp <br />(iischarge of till! mortgage indebtedness. nii, asi'*9llnlent is to terminate and i <br />bocome mill and void upon relvas*o:of this mortgage. <br />