<br />OPEN END
<br />L F F
<br />I FoR?,v No. 530 (R—. H-741,
<br />M'O R
<br />T G A
<br />,Loan Number -29335 ----- ---------
<br />pfanch Type
<br />RTGAGE. made and oxectite(l
<br />THIS %I0* this .... )J ......... day Of ..... Oc4-o.bei.:7.. A. D., iq ... 75...., i,,*4o%-�;�ell
<br />. .. ................ ............. .......... I
<br />of......Qrand Island CollIlty of.... ]iqT - I inafter refei-red
<br />... . ..... State ()f ...... Ne
<br />.......... ..... ..
<br />to as the INIortgagor. all([ FIRSTFEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIA''MON OF LINCOLN, Nebraska, its stleevs�;'ors
<br />and assigns, hervinafter referred it) as Mortgagee,
<br />That the Said Mortgng.or. for and ill consideration of divskilil of
<br />TWO HUNDRED FIFTY–SIX THOUSAUD AND N 100 ---------------------- 7t.�,256,000.00
<br />................. .
<br />... . ... ... ...... .. . .......... Doll�irs.
<br />paid by sai(l :Mortgagee, does herebN. sell and convey unto FIRST FE'DI',111AL S.,%%71N(;S ;�ND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br />I,INC'01,N, Nebraska, ;I., Mor(ga�,Itiv, its stwce-,z�;ors an(l the followill".described it, tjleCojlIItv�of
<br />I -rail -wit:
<br />....... . ...... . ...................... .............. ............. ................ ... Neb.ra sta ... .......... ... to
<br />All of Lots Twenty-two (22), Twenty-three' (23) and T*enty-four.
<br />(24), all in Block Three (3), in Southern Acres, an Addition to
<br />the City of Grand Island, Hall.County, Nebraska, being a part
<br />.of the Northeast Quarter (NEI) of Section Twenty-ei
<br />4 ght (28), in
<br />Elaren (1-1) North, of Range Nine (9) I -lest of the 6th P.M.,
<br />Toi.mship
<br />t
<br />TO ITAVF_ AND TO ITOLD the above (it-cribe(l premises foi- the nst;.s_jIpr,,irI set f()I-th'a
<br />Ild to secure j)erformance of tl�,
<br />obligations Contained herein. togetlier with all buil(lings, improvements, fixtures- and appurtenances an(l all ea . sonnents thereiiii(o
<br />belonging, an(] il is, mutually covenante(l and agr(',ed by and hetween flie parties hereto that all plumbing, . gas, electric ancl
<br />Illechanical fixtil.l. , C.'s. appliances, equipment. IllachillerN, and apparatits, f10017 coVeringS, storm -indows an(l scroulls, and . such other
<br />goods, and chattel,_, an(l personal property as are ever furnished 1)�' a larifflord iii�*1(,ttiii,,,,orol)(,rzitiiigtiI linflil-nishe(l hilildill".
<br />I:ir to the one no%%, or hereafter oil said prellikes, -which are orshall he to s;Ii(l I)IIii(ling in allY Illanner whalsoZer. are
<br />;111(1 shall he (leelilvol to be fixtures and ,in accession to the freehol(l mill a part:'of file realtv I,,;
<br />�11 the parties hereto, their
<br />heirs, execl It ors– ad III it) ist rat ors�, sticeessors or a"ign.s. an(l all per.�ons claiming 1)y', through "or 1111der them, and Shall be deenled
<br />to be a portion of,the.sectiritY foi. the indebtedness herein Yne'It ion -1 ""d to he cowere(l by this mortgage.
<br />1'1?0\.71DJ-,,D ALWAYS, ;in([ fliese pres mits aro vxectflo(l an(l (lelivervir. upon IIIv following coll(litiolls, agreellivilts and
<br />11hligation'; of tll(, IN'lortgagors. to -wit:
<br />'I'll(, 'Mortgagor agree.� to 1)aY to the Mortgagee, or order. the principal still, if .... TWO HUNDRED FIFTY–SIX THOUSAND
<br />................ ........ .......... ......... . ..... ..
<br />AND ... _,2.5.6.,.00.o--..00 ..... ..... Dollar.,;,
<br />payable as provided if' -1 note exectiled and delivered conctirrent1v
<br />herewith, iliv final payment of i)rincipai, if lot sooner 1);ji(j.
<br />oil. the ............. lst ............... day of ........ ...... Pqqember
<br />20o4
<br />