<br />'I'll(- Mortgagee may collect a 1att, charge, not t(r e.xceed Fivv CeI
<br />intynient more than 15 da.vs ill arrears t(� cover the vxfra.vxpell�v involved
<br />All payments rna(4v under the provisions of this mortgage or- the not
<br />sliall not. in t1le aggregate over�tlw t(,rjii thereof, exceed the rate that may i
<br />It is further agreed tHat ill ease mi , v suit is hepin to fort close, this n
<br />shall at onve he entitled to the possession of �5;iid pi-L-mises. "Ind upon app]
<br />be brought or any judge of such vourt. either in term tinie or %�acation. is lie
<br />sion of said premises. or to collect dw rents therefrom, and to (to and perfo
<br />of the court making the appointment: and said INIortgagor hereby all
<br />pointnient of a receiver upon the production of this mortgage. without other (
<br />The 1%lortgagee shall he suhrogated to all of the rights, privileges. pri
<br />have been discharged from the proceeds of thisjoin, or hY ali.v funds her
<br />IT IS E_XPRESSLY AGREED that if the Nfortgag-or shall �vll, ro
<br />or any interest therein, or shall be divested of his title or anY interest. then
<br />involuntarib% without written consent of the INIortgagee heing first had and i
<br />to declare any indebtedness or obligations secured lierebY, irrespectivo of th
<br />same, immediately due and payable� without notice, air(] said debt ,;hall then
<br />gaged property becomes vested in a person other than the Nlo'rtgagor, the �
<br />with such successor or successors in interest with reference to this mortgage
<br />and may forbear to sue or niaY 'extend time for the payment of the deht. liert
<br />tile liability of the original '.Mortgagor hereunder or upon the dvht secured.
<br />Ili this in,;trunient ill(, sin,,ular inelud(-�; the plural and Ihv.rnasCtT1
<br />strunient. shall be hinding upon the undersigned. his heirs, perso"n-il represellt;,t
<br />IN \VITNEISS \VHEIR-HIOP. we have hert-unto set our hands arld
<br />In the )resence of:
<br />Am
<br />C ) � -It dollar ($1.00) total niontlik
<br />I for eat,
<br />andling doliliquent accounts.
<br />ereby securvd. which niav be (-(�zistrtwd as interost.
<br />he,lawfullY contracted for in \\iritihg.
<br />lgaW% ill(, %Iortgagee, its repr(-S(1n(,aiivvs or assigns.
<br />tiofi th erefor, the court ill whi�li action shall
<br />iy i , utliorized to appoint a receiver Jo take posses-
<br />s'lleli other acts is may be ri-q:uired by the order
<br />lotice of �;tlell application. to the ap-
<br />lerl(�V.
<br />tie�� an(l (�'(Illities of ally liell I'ller %�'hosv liell 111,1Y
<br />paid or furniAwd by the 'Niorli,
<br />,;)gc
<br />,y or aliezinto said property,:oi* aq�- part thereof.
<br />in am, manner or wa 'eilier
<br />; - y_ -wh. , -�voltrntarily or
<br />iinr�d. \I.ortgague shall have thr'!right, at its option,
<br />lattirity date specified in an ' v ilote evidencing the
<br />oil become absolute. If the ownership of the mort-
<br />-tgag!pe. may. without notive to th - e 'IN-fortgagor, deal
<br />d the debt. hereh ' N, secured is with the Nlortgagor,
<br />secured without discharging or yi anv wav affectiril-
<br />i� includes the fi,niininv and 11 iv�nvut er and thk ill-
<br />�'Vs.; SUCVVS'401`1� and assi,.,ns.
<br />t It(,. day and Year firzi abovo� %kiritten
<br />..... .... .. ...... ......
<br />Leo C. Bell
<br />Z,,
<br />6,
<br />Edna V,.'Bell:
<br />Hall
<br />Oil this (1:i,, of m).75 . before nit tfie:11lid(Irsigned, a Notary Pid))4% in and for said
<br />County, personally came.. Leo.. C.... Bell. and..Edna V...Bell,.,husba ..and.'.vife ...... ... ...... .... ...
<br />personally known to me to be flie identical 1)ersons whose names are affixed t, lie above and foregoirij,, inqtrunilent. a., nloHgagors.
<br />and each acknowledged said iw4trumont to I)v his or her voluntary let and d 1.
<br />Witness my liand and notarial seal at .......... Gra;r1d..,D3 land,.. Nebra, ka,! ... ... . . ...... ..
<br />the (late last above written.
<br />L__!!TN7E OF
<br />ry Pliblie.
<br />,,N,lv commisgion expire ........... ... ......
<br />Ss.
<br />STATE 0 F...
<br />Colinty.... . ..... .... ....... . ...
<br />Entered on ntimerical in(lex and file(I for recor(I in the i.ste�r of Deeds Pffice of sai.d 'County the
<br />Minute M'.
<br />A(lay Of . 19. /��7at .... "?-.111(
<br />0`(�
<br />I lis t r I t No..,
<br />1111(1 recolxle(l ill Hook .... ........ of Mortgages at, page ... J�l U J1U4T ..... ..........
<br />.......... ........
<br />R 9 . of DeeHs
<br />By ............ ........ Deptity
<br />When recork.led to be rettiriled to the
<br />LINCOLN OFFICES: Phone 475-05211435-2111
<br />E] 1235 "N" Street E] 135 No. Cotner Blvd. E) 70th and JA ' St.� E] 2541 No. 11th Sf�reet
<br />OMAHA OFFICES:, Phone 558-4323
<br />870.6 Pacific. St.. 0 2101 So. 42nd St. E] 3205 No. 90 h St. E] 10926 West Dodg' e �Rd.
<br />REGIONAL OFFICES: E] 2120 -First Ave., Kearney, [] 513 "E" Str et, Fairbury [] 1433 "M" Street,!Ord
<br />Phone 234-2473 Phone 72 1'2202:. Phone 728-321&
<br />1301 Main Ave., Crete n 223 Box Butte Ave., Alliance 1811 West 2nd St., Grand Islant!
<br />Phone 826-4349 Phone 762-2160 Phone 384-4433
<br />