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1 <br />89-- 101245 <br />EXHIBIT A., <br />(EMception to Title) <br />Attached to and made a part of that certain warranty ased, dated <br />_. - Afr th _A _in__, 1989, from Wal-Mart Properties, Inc., to <br />Byron A. Wheelor, covering a .79 acre tract of land in the city of <br />Grand Island, County of mall, State of Nebraska. <br />l.. Real Property Taxes for the year 1989 and subsequent year...... <br />2. Subject to the easements and landscaped buf €er as sFiovm.. .. <br />and dedicated of the plat of Wal-Mart Subdivision in the city of <br />Grand Island, Nebraska. <br />3. Subdivision Agreement for Wal -Mart Subdivision in the City <br />of Grand Island, Nebraska. filed January 19, 1989 in the Register of <br />Deeds Office as Document No. 89- 100295. <br />4. Easement executed by Luther Pope and Sarah Pope, his wife <br />to Central Power Company. Easement dated October 11, 1930, filed-..' <br />January 12, 1931 in Book "Q ", page 399. <br />5. Access limited to 13th Street and Diers Avenue and'being a <br />part of a controlled access facility and the remainder of.4aid' <br />Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter now abuts on a' highway <br />where none existed theretofore, is subject to the provisions of <br />Section 39 -1329 R. R. S. 1943, except ingress and egress will be <br />permitted over the existing public road along the South trine of <br />said Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter. <br />6. Subject to City Right of Way of 13th Street as shown or <br />Surrey By Benjamin and Associates, Inc. dated June 28, 1988. <br />rti <br />