<br />C
<br />.j
<br />'I'll(- i%lor tgague may collect a "hitt, chargt, not to exceed Five Cents (5�) for vach dollar ($1.06) of 4�;wll total moul I I IY
<br />pnynwnt more than 15 daYs ill arrears to covvr the exIm vxponso involved ill llatwiling dolimillont accolulls.
<br />All p;!"vinents ninde tinder the provisions of this nlortagv or tilt' note hereby SVCLirud. which ma- he construed,as interi"st.
<br />�lulll not. in t1w aggregate over lit(, tvrni thereof, vxceed tilt, rato that niaY no%%- 1w lawfullv coiltracted forin writing.
<br />It is further agreed that ill cast, am. Suit is begull to fort'vlose this mortgage, the Nlortgagee, its
<br />shall �kt onve be (.1ititled to ill,- po.�.,es,.;ion of snid promiscs. and upon application therefor, tilt- court in which such action sliall
<br />1w.hrought or auy judge (if such Court. either ill term time or vacation, is herebY authorizod to appoint a recviver to take possos-
<br />sion of said premises. or to collect tliv rvuls therofrom. and to do and perform such other acts ;is may be required hY the order
<br />of the court ir,;iking the appointment: and said Alortgagor lierebY 'w"lives ally notice of site)) ai)plivatioll. and comsents it) thc ill)-.
<br />poilitillent of a rilceiVer 111)011 tilt, production of this nlortg,;ig,(,. without otber evidence.
<br />The '\I'(�rtgagve shall be subrogated to all'of ill(, rights. privileges. prio�ities. and equities of aill., lienholder whost, lien nuiv
<br />have beell discharged from fit(, proct-ods of this loall, oi- bv '1*11V funds here1w. paid or furnished by the '\Ior(gagve.
<br />IT IS I.,-XPREISSLY AGREED that if ill(, Afortgagor shall sell, con�,e.�, or alienate said propertY, or anY part. dwreof.
<br />or any interest tberein, or Aiall ho divested of his title or any interest therein. 'i , n any mannet- or way, whother voluntarilY, or
<br />involuntaril without, written consent of file Nlortgagee heing first lind and obtained, I\Iortgagve shall have tli(,' ri! lit. at its option,
<br />to declare any indebtedness or obligations sectired herebY, irrespective of ill(- maturit.t. daie spevitied in ally not(' vvidelicill"', ille
<br />Smile, ininiediatolv title and pa.vilble without lioti,(.(,, and said debt shall thereupon. become :ih:;oiut(-. If ill(- ownership of the niort-
<br />gaged property-.beconies vested in a person other than ill(, N-lortgagor, the Nfort.gagvv Illily, without liotic(% to the, Nlortgagor, . le"ll
<br />with such successor or successors ill interest %vith reforence to this mortgage and the debt hereby secured as with tilt, INIortgagor,
<br />and ruily forhea.r to Site or may extend tinie for the payment of t Ill, debt 1wreby secured without- di�clmrging or in Z'111.v way afTecting
<br />tilt, hilbilitY of 0le origimil Nlortgagor herounder or upon the (1(,I)t secured.
<br />In thi,, iwArunivnt tilt, singular inelude.-� the plural and t1w nia.,culine includes the folilinilleand tht- liout'.1-:111d tlli�; ill-
<br />.,trument Amll lit, binding upor, tju� undvr�ignvd, his heirs, persowil representatives, successors �!nd assigns.
<br />IN %VITNESS \VIlHIiEOF, we ll;lx,t, 11(,rt,jullo s(q our hands and seal. the daY ;md Yt-ar first ahnvo writton,
<br />In ill(, prosence of:
<br />RTOey D. Leibert
<br />, P�,_z
<br />Michelle R. Leibert
<br />Hall ". I I
<br />Colfilt.%,
<br />X(f,' 75 1
<br />Oil this klilv of )t-fory me. Olo underigned, a Notary Public. in and for
<br />CountY, fwn;onally camt,__.Rodney_D.. Leib6rt, and IMU c helle, R. .Leib ert, liusband and wife
<br />per,;onally knoWn to lue to he the identical per.�olls whosv 11.1111VS. are affixed to the abovo and foregonw instrument. as morlga;,,or.�.
<br />and vach ackwiwledtled said inArument to he hi., or 1wr volunl�irv.Wt;llld (100d,
<br />W'jtness mv ijan(ian(i notarial �zeiii :it ...... .Grand..Isla-n.d,,..N,ebras,k.a..,
<br />fliv date last written.
<br />NCJARIAL k
<br />STATE OF R,% 9 K It
<br />Nof.iry Public.
<br />78
<br />.%I%, commission (�.Xplrcs ........
<br />STATE OR...
<br />County . .. .......
<br />Hmtere.(i on al ln(lex aml file(I for recorcl in the Re�4is'ter of Dee(ls-'Oflicc of said County the
<br />I a N. o f 19 at. Wclock all(I -�_,�Ininutes -M,.
<br />,111(1 recor(le(I in Hook .... of I o I- t "a gres at page
<br />�/ aS 11"t I'll UF!;lt
<br />V 1:�/�
<br />Rcg--of Dee(I
<br />S
<br />By .. ..... =...Deputy
<br />When recol-LICLI to I,e retUrnecl 'to the
<br />LINCOLN OFFICES: Phone 475-05211435-2111
<br />n 1235 "N" Street 135 No:Cotner Blvd. F1 70th and "A" St. E] 2541 No. 11th Street
<br />OMAHA OFFICES: Phone. 558-4323
<br />E]'8706 Pacific St. E] 2101 So.,42nd St. Ej �205 No. 90th St. 1.0920 West Dodge Rd.
<br />RE91ONAL OFFICES: E] 2120 First Ave., Kearney [] '513 "E'! Street, Fairbury E] 1433 "M" Street Ord
<br />Phone 234:2473 Phone 729-2202 Phone 728-321�
<br />1301 Main Ave., Crete Ej 22 3 Box Butte Ave., Alliance E] 1811 West 2nd St., Grand Island
<br />'Phone 826-4349 Phone 762-2160
<br />Phone 384-4433
<br />19 74 - TIST f-COCIIAL f�AVIUGS A14D LOAFJ
<br />5 SOC I ATIO14 OF LINCOL14. fJL11RA5rA
<br />