C� f -N i r7 Ah
<br />The Nlo'rtgagee may collect a "late chargo nol to exceed Five Con s (5c) for viich dollar (SI.00) (If 4-j](41 total montlik
<br />payment inore than 15 days in a'rrvars, to covvr the v\tra vx' . I I I .
<br />pense involw"d in landling +-Ii1lfjlI(�llt accounts. I
<br />All payments made tinder the provisions of this mortgage or tli(,- not wre,bY secured. which may lie coll. st'iiii,d as interest,
<br />shall not. in the nggregate over the terni theroof, exceed.the rate that may riow he lawfullY,contracted forin writin�.
<br />It is further agrevd*that'. in CaS(� an , V SIlit is hC91111 to fOrLVIOSO thi s mortgage, the Nlortgagee, its represeilta*tives or assigns.
<br />shall at once be entitled to the:possession If said promises. and upon appm-Aion therefor. thi- court in whiHijs6ch action sihall
<br />b(. hrought or illy judge of such (�onrt. either in'term tiniv or vacation, is li(,i-(;I)v authorized to appoint a receivj,r, to take po,-S(,.�
<br />sion of Said premises. or to Collect the rents therefrom. and to do and perfo-n�i su�,Ili other actt; is may lie re�lliiir('�(i-bv the order
<br />of the court making the appointment; an([ said Nlortgagor hereh'y waives am, notiev of suell '11),plivation, alld�cl 1 1! . . I -
<br />.111"ents to tll(; al)
<br />Pointnient of a receiver upon tho-production (if this niortgage. wiihout other v den�e.
<br />'I'll(- Nlortgagee shall be I�Mhrogatvd to all.of the rights, privileges. I)r4)iiti'es. and (-(Iliitie.� of any lienholdJ-1. 'whosc. lien maY
<br />have been discharged from the proct,ods of" this loan. or bv aliv flinds- lier I),- 1);�id or furnishi,d bv the Nloifi,Iigi,i�.
<br />iT IS EXPRESSLY AG=ED that if the Alorfigagor sliall sell. I eY or aliei?ate said property, or pliy imrt thereof.
<br />0 " r any interest therein, or sliall he divested of his title or anY interest, thm"ir ill ! Illy manner or way, whetlier voluntaril - %, ' or
<br />involuntarily, without, written cousent of the 'I'Mortgagee being first had and ob ained, !�!ortgagce shall have -the rig!it. at its option,
<br />to declare anv indebtedness or obligations secur(A liereby, irrespective of th- rnatiirity�(htte sjwviffi�d in ajlN� not(! j�Xi(ielwirl- tile
<br />, 1 17
<br />same, immediately due and payabl(- without notive, and said debt sliall then a )oil becoi III. absollite. If tht, mllne I rshi:p of the inort-
<br />gaged property becom" vested in a person other than the Nfortgagor, the IN11( rtga"e(, may, without notice to.tlj(, 'Nlortgagor,�deal
<br />with such successor or successors in interest with reference to this mortgage a id�t lie debt liereby secured ,I,. wdli the Nlortgagor,
<br />and may forbear to sue or may extend time for the. payment of "flit, debt lwr(�,hy speured without discharging or -id any wav'affv�fing
<br />the liability of tile original "Oortgagor heroundvi- or upon the deht secured.
<br />In this instrument the A11,11lar includes the phlral alid the niascil ime includes the feillinine and am i is in-
<br />St';uIllent sh-211 IW binding 111)on the undersigned. his heirs. persowil represerif it successors mid as,igns.
<br />IN \\'I'I'Nl--'SS we have heremito set our hands and se If th(I dAy and ve,,ir first above w
<br />.�i t t.f.11.
<br />I n the presence of:
<br />.... ..... .. ..............
<br />Lawrence i G�--D
<br />pa.
<br />Xar'en E. Gappa
<br />STATI A
<br />Sc;.
<br />Hall
<br />Oil this ........... rla'�, of
<br />fore in the undersign(�d. a N( c; in and for said
<br />1975. fie )far% Pul.)U
<br />County, personally caine ........ L.ai-rr.e.n.c.e.,J.....G��ppp�,:P,44.I�ai�en E. Ga
<br />... ........ hvsbard- and.. �wdf
<br />J)ersonally known to ine to he tho identical persons whose liallles�are affixed t) he above an(i foilegoing instrinlien*f, as rnortga;;ors,
<br />and each acknowledged said instrument to lie his or her volmiti�ry let and &uI.
<br />N�Iitness my hand and notarial seal'at ................ Grand ... I�land.
<br />.. ..... . ...
<br />the date last above written.
<br />RLES E. DeLARM
<br />�rA
<br />Go 'I rlotary-�tala of I%Iebr.
<br />MY Commission Expires
<br />April 17, 1978 Notar�, Public.
<br />A;7
<br />IvIv commission expires .......
<br />V
<br />STATE OF ...
<br />Coiint%r - . ......
<br />.. .. ................... . ......
<br />En tered on nurn6rical illdex and filed for' record in the Re ,ister of Deeds Office of said C6unty the
<br />of ..... . I q.. 11�� at: ...... . ... ........ (-Iock and ......... minut: 1��
<br />esi-
<br />-in([ recorded in Book ..... ..... —or �N-'[o I` les at pantre... . as Instr" 'it No.:..j'_-:: ... ..........
<br />................. ...............
<br />R e eeds
<br />eptity
<br />By ....... .... . . . . . .
<br />When recorded to be rettirned to the
<br />LINCOLN OFFICES: Phone 475-05211435-2111
<br />E] 1235 'IN" Street E] 135 No. Cotner Blvd. E] 70th and 'eA 'St.: El 2541 No. 11th 'Street
<br />OMAHA OFFICES: Phone 558-4323
<br />R 8706 Pacifiii St. E] 2101 So. 42nd St. :E] 3205 No.. 9 0 1 t 10920 West Dod 0 Rd.
<br />REG.10NAL OFFICES: E] 2120 First Ave., Kearney , 513 "E" Stre at, Fairbury El 1433 I'M" Street, Prd
<br />Phone'234-2473 Phone 729.2202 Phone 728-3218:
<br />El 1301 Main Ave., Crete E] 223 Box Butte Ave., Alliance 1811 West 2nd St., Grand lslan�
<br />Phone 826-4349 Phone 762-2160 Phone 384-4433
<br />