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-7, <br />THIS MORTGAGE IS ALSO TO BE.AND CONTINUE TO BE, FROM TIME TO TIME, SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT OF SUCH <br />SUM OR SUMS'OF MONEY AS THE MORTGAGEE MAY FROM TIME TO TIME IN THE FUTURE ADVANCE TO THE. MORTGAGOR, AND <br />EVIDENCED BY A SUPPLEMENTAL NOTE OR NOTES, BUT THE TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS SECURED BY THIS MORTGAGE SHALL NOT <br />EXCEED ONE HUNDRED TWENTY (120) PER CENT OF THE AMOUNT NOW OWING, EXCEPT FOR ANY,ADVANCES THAT MAY BE.MADE <br />TO PROTECT THE SECURITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS MORTGAGE. <br />'I.'�rEl NIORTGAGOR � FURTI-IER COVENAN'FS AND AGREES: <br />I'lial, 01(i Nfortgagor will pay the indebtedness as hervin1wfore provided <br />'Fliat, tlio Nforfgagor is tit(, owner of sald property in f(i(i siniple and ' has good right :Ili(] lawful im.thorit ' v to s(ill nlu[ <br />convi, , v lit(, sanil., --and that the same is free ,in(] viiiar (if lilt ' v livii or vnvuntbran(,�'e: and that \Iortgagor will warrant. ;uid defend ill(,, <br />title to Said prl'i'mises a!"lilist ill(. clainis (if all person., whonisoover. <br />I 'o pay� illiniedia(ek-whvil (Itle and payi0fle all gellend taxes. special ta\vs. special svrv- <br />ive charges. ;Ili(( ot1wr tox( and cliarges against �;:iid properlY, and all taxes 'lex;ied oil the debt secured liereb.v, and to furnish: ill(, <br />ANIortgagee, lillon, re(pWA, with the original or. duplicate receipts therefor. 'I'lie INfortgagor ;igrves that thch- shall be adde(I to <br />ench monthly liaYment re(Iiiii-od her(imider or under ill(, evidence of debt secured herebY ;Ili amount, estimak-d by ill(. Mortgat,,vc <br />to Ili. sufficient *to enable ille I\Iort,":I�"ce to Inly, Is Hwy hcuoint. :111 assessimilits. hild similar charges upon ill(- preill. <br />ises subject ffiefeto; ally deficiene - v hecause of ill(' insufficiency of such addit:i(ol.'d I)a�-ohillb; SIM11 IW fortIlWitil d0j)0siiVd htl. ill(' <br />i%lortg,aglor with tit(- 'Oortgagee upoll fleilland hy the INilort"!ageti. AnY d(ifault onder this paragraph shall hii cfet-ined ;I default in <br />payment (if taxe'�. assessllwnf.-�. or similai- charges required hertimider. <br />'I'lio Nlorfgagor agroes that there slinil. also he added 11) -ach monthly payllit-lit of princilml ;ind in(vrt:�t required hi,r(i- <br />1111(hir ml aniount estimated I)v 111(i Nfortg�;!!,�(m. to ho sufficient to (inable ill(- Nlortg:i,,(,(- to pay. ;is it lwcoiiw� (fit(-, ill(, <br />-preillium oil ;III.N. i list] ralice polic , 11 d(divered ill Iho N�Iortgagve. Any deficient' , v hecall�;o of ill(- ill�llflicicllc , v of such additional 1�;).N - <br />ments shall be f!)r HiNvith deposited by fli(� 7\1orfgagor witil thc IMOrtgai've upoll denland bY ilw: Mort"-'agell. AnY derauk under Ilik <br />paragraph shalt. Ili- deenled a defallit ill tit(' of inSUI-MIce premiums. If tit(, polic.v or policies deposilod aie �Ilch a.s h(; Iw- <br />owmirs or all risk policies, and the deposik are inufIici(,nI to pny tit(' entin, pronlium, the Nlorl!";Igve may �Ipplv flit' depo.-;il to <br />1my preniiuni� oil risks required to be in.�urod bv thi,; illortgage. <br />pavilitillf's Inade 1) tit(, iNlorfgagor mider ill(. above paragraphs nim. i, 1), held bv it plid <br />y y at ill(, option of. tliti <br />commingled with ollipr sm-11 funds or its owil funds for the payment of such itt-111" and until S(% applied, '11ch p;Ivilwilts �In. lit-l-I)v <br />phdged as for tilt, milmid Iminoct. of tll(i nlorfg;l:�t- indelitedlies*'s. <br />'I'o pro(!ure, deliver I,). :tit([ maintain for 'Ilw henefit of ill(., Nlortgagee !Iul-ing, Hic lik' (if this lnortga!�(, original poljvi­� iold <br />1,011ewals therellf, d(-liveri'd �It least, tmi da�%.,; before flit, expiration of :mv such policie.s, insurin!" against fire :Ill(! othor insur;�!Ide <br />11"mirds, caslullt , ies, and contingencies I,,, the %Tortgmgle(� may recluire, Ili ill amount equal it) the indebtedlivss secured by !his <br />.klortgag'e, and ill colllpatlie�� acceptable ill tit(' \Iortgage(i. willi loss payable c1noso ill fa":orof ;till ill form accephihk- to thc Nlor(ga- <br />In ill(- twolitallY polic.% Is not renewed (-it ' or lwfor,- f(in do.vs of its expiration. dw inny procure irisumiici� on I ho <br />improvements. pnv tho prvinium Owreh.r, ond such suill 'hall Iv -clille innovdiat'.1%, due 'and pw�able %%ith ink-rosl ;11 Ilw so <br />forth ill _,�;Jid no�(-.tmtil paid mid shall bl, st-cur"d hv this lllort,,�;lglc. Faililro (tit Ill(- parl of' flit, Alortga_, fiflnish such <br />.is art- licrein re.(juircd )I- faillin. it, imy :ol.v suins acivancrd hor'.1111(ler �dlall. at flit, optimi of tit(, a dt'laulf <br />lind('r t1w ti -T-111" of illis d'-liveri.- of sit(.]) polici— in Ilw went of 'hit"Illit. coll,litlit" :lit of ill,, 'till- <br />eni-mid prellillul?. <br />Ali.% nurn--� h.v Ilw 'Mortgaget. kv re;lsoll of it- (1:1111agi, ili,lln-d lll;I lit. 11-laille , d hY III,. Morll�;Ig, <br />:md applied to�vard the p;j.vnit-iit (it' the debt 1;erel) , v sccurod, or, ;It Ilw optitmi of dw such �too �4 t-ithel %k-holiv or i;l, <br />part 11111 ' v he paid,ov.-r ill ill(- %Iortg:i��or if, Ili, 1*1�,id 1(, repair such huilding., or to build,nev" huilding, ill t1wi I- 1-kice or Ior t�mv <br />0110-1- J)Iirpo.-�ti lvlr-ohp�rt �nli.4;ivtory to tilt, Mot without aff'-utin� flit, li(,-o tit the lor the full ;on000i I, <br />-r,- <br />IlY hf,fore '411ch 'payllit'lit e%or fooj� place. <br />'I'll pr oniptlY n-pnir, re,�tore or n -build :III,., buildin--i" fit- improvc-ment., it(-%%- or 1wreaft(-v (tit 1111i joroli"." v.1lich nu]% :11t,. <br />com" damag"idor d('ANOY(id: Ill k4-1) SAid lo_('oli�(-s to ;�00(1 coodition and l"Ifair �Iod Irct. Irian nli v rlwchallic'�, liell or ol,.wr li(,Il or <br />claim of liell riot subordinated to ill(-' lien ]wr.,of: not it, -mll'ur or p"rolit :111Y unlawltil u,(, of or ;111\ 1111i'alic'. to .-xisI; ('11 <br />-;�iid propert-v riot' to pi -I -1111t %N;I�Ac (tit ��;iid lo'erlikes, riot- to do ;Ill%- other act w-hert,I)v III,, p1t,per-tv 1wrel)v convcvcd S11:111 lwu(�Ilw <br />le�s %,;Iltlable. I lor to dimini.Ai or imp:tir ik valtic 1) , v anY act it- oroi—ion fit act: to collipl.% willi :111 -of Llv.- "vith li-��pvct <br />ill fliti morl"aged pr(-mises ;Ili(] ill(, use thercof. <br />:1,11at should ille prk-lllis,,� or ;tit , v ]);It.( tilt -[-of bo takt'll (it- tLonoged I) ' v reason (if ;in% pilblic impro%cillent or colld'.1multioll <br />proceeding, or undcr tit,, ri1011 of ('111inelit doninin, or in anv ot1wr manner, flit- Mort. -'a" <br />.�vf- shal'I ht. entillt'd tit all <br />awa�ds, and mly other payinelit or roli,.f and shall Iw 1i . Illilled, ;it its of) . lion. to colonlCrIC0, appear in and pro-;ecut" ill : its <br />owil name any action or procec(ling', (-I- to make :Ili , v cojnpromi.�;ti or svitivint-nt ill conncH ioll v,-ith such taking (it- dama""o. All �Illcll <br />awar(k, right of action and procecds ;,rti hertibY it) ill(- Nloitga_­v,�. v. -ho nlay'. after dedin-I :I I I!,' <br />flion-froin :111 it's expells(-S. rek.ase :111Y illoncYs so rvceived hv it ill, appl.\ flit, s�oot. oil ;ill %- ill(it-hIedm's� ,ccured lit-lobv. *Fhe M,"01- <br />gagor agreo,; to'(ixocute such further ;1­;i!�Tlnwilt, of ;Ili.\- componation, awards. dainage,4. nild righk (if aclioll ;111(1 pr"t a, III(- <br />Nlortg;i,,re may require: <br />'I'llat ill cast. of failure to perform ;III.\. of tilt, covellanf�� h'elvill. tht- \lortgagco may do till Ili(, %fortgagor'., IWIMIf f '\ 4'r� 111:1 ng <br />so "Wc Will I (.d : i hat t lit, N I ort "agec Illay ;11,( , (I a 11Y ;wt i t n1aY ( I�Ot -ill nvucs.��i ry ('1) 1 m it ect I It( . I i(;n I lit, roof: t ha t t It( I ort r wi I I <br />repay' up -on deniand aliv illoneys paid or dishwr.�vd by tit(- for NoV of. Ille ahov'� ptlrpo�(.s, and Such moot -vs togedior wiith <br />int(!rest thereon at flit- ratl� provided in said riot(, shall 1welline sit intich adfliti(-Ilal illdvbf(,1llll--.�s llereh.v Secured "Ind maY Ili. �ill- <br />cluded -in any dver(iiii foreclo-�illgl this nlort,;Ige and lit- paid olit of flit, rciit--� ()I- procoods of salt, of said premises if not oill"11%'Ist. <br />paid� that it slinll riot. Ili, obligatory upon the \Iortgnge ' 1, to inquiro into the val I idilY of, an ' v lien. encil In kra nccs: ol, Claim ill ;](I- <br />vancing nioneys as abov(. authorized, htit nothin'r hert,in confained shall 1w construed as requiring tit(, Mort!"agee to :111", <br />riioii(-y,; for any -h ptirpose nor to (to :111Y act livrelindor; and that iMorigagee 'hall riot. incur �111.v jwrsollal liabililY azi.v_ <br />thing it niaY do or omit to (to 1wreunder. <br />In tilt, (if the (It'rallit bY 'MortgagoK in Ill,, IMyill(1l11 of any ;is roquired hv tho Note..,ecuri-d lwn,bv. or <br />ill tit(- performanco of the obligation ill this mort'gage or in th(i riot(, sectirtid tll��rvby. flit, Nlortgagee shall he ontitled it) (It-clare (he <br />delit, sf,mired herch ' v due and payable without 11 6tice. and tit(! iNlortgagve shall Il . e.v!ItitIud it its option, without notice, cif1wr hv itself <br />or 1) ' v ,I receiver tit he appointed by flit! court thOreof. and without rogard to thv .1(1(icljl�lcy (if jinY svvurit\- for. ill(. indobtedriPss St. - <br />cured hereby. to*vnter f1pon and take poss(ission of t1w mortgaged promises. till[ (o (-oJje(-t ;111(1 1-0(i(�k"- till, rt"Its. issues and profits <br />theroof, and apjAy ill(- sanie, les.c; costs of operation and collection. upoll lilt, indebtedness secured bv tlli.s jjIorjgjg(,: <br />said rent.", <br />issucs and profits living herebY assigned to th(t Nlurtgagev as further securitY fol`dle payllwilt of all <br />,ill I(, N.Iortgagve shall have.1he power twappoint anY agent or agents it ljl�i\, dusire for the purposo of r(-pjirijli_ s�ji(l prtq <br />ises: roliting file Saint.; collecting ill(- rents. reverilles and inconle, and it 111.1y, pay out. ofsaid inVOM0,111 t--,j)rns(is incura'd ill rent- <br />ing and tilt' saille and of col-lcvtiiig� Ili(- rLtIlt:IIS t1wrofrom. 'I'll(, halance remaining. if aliv. sliall I)('- ;Ipplied toward ill(, <br />disrharge of fi�e mortgage indvbtv(Iness. 'I'llis assignment is to ferminato and bi,coni(i 111111 lilt] \,oi(I f <br />.1 o till, nwrhnge. <br />