0 510 0
<br />The N16rtgagee may collect a "late cImrg(:" not to eXceed Five is (.:ic) for each dollar (SI.00) Of total 1111,10111%
<br />paynwnt more 1"han 15 days in arrears to t -over tilt.. extra expense invol%4,1 in handling delinquent accounts.
<br />All payments made under tho provisions of this morlgage or thu! note horebY sectired. which may he construed a� intere.A.
<br />shall not. in. tile. ag,,regate over file term thereof, exceed tile rate that. in"lY now be lawfullY contracted for in writiniz.
<br />is e assigos.
<br />It is flirtlit-r agreed that in case in ' y suit. is begun to forLClOSV th the Mortgagee. its repres'nt-Rives or ,
<br />shall at on�.v bo, 'entitled to the possession of said prentises. mid upon ';application therefor, the court in which such action �hall
<br />be ltrooght or ;111!� judge of so0i court. oitbor in-ferni fline or vacation. i�., hereby mitilorized to nppoint a receiver to take po';.';('s-
<br />sioll of said pr(:nlises' or to collect tht- rents therefrom. and to (to and p'erforni.sucli otliel- 1,; mat., he required hY the order
<br />Of the court ninhing the appointment; and said "Nlortgagor liervhy waive�� ally. 'noticv of such appliention. and core�vllts to the ;11)-.
<br />Pointment of a 'ri,ceiver upon the production of I ll.is mortgage. without oil ter evidence.
<br />liell 11
<br />The INIortgagee shall Ile subrogated, to all of the rights, privileges. priorities. and equities of any lienholder whos(, Illy
<br />have been discharged front the proceeds of this* loan, or hY any fundshicrebY paid oi- furnished bY the wfOrt"I'lgee.
<br />IT IS EXPRESSLY ACREE13 that if the Afortgagor shall qvIj, convey or aliewite s'aid property, or any part theru'Of.
<br />or
<br />Or anv interest therein,, or shall be divested of his title or anY interest diervin in nny manner or wa.N, whether voluniaril�'
<br />involuntarily, will . lout written consent of the being first IlLid 'I'lld obtailled. \Iortgagop shall have the right, at it., option,
<br />to declare any indebtedness or obligations secured liereby, irrespective 0 i f t1W I'llZItUrit'V &ItC Si)(26FIC(l ill ;1llV-nOtV V%'idt'lwill, :'tll(,
<br />sarne, immediately due and payable, without notice. in(] said dubt shall . thereupon become ab.�;olute. If the owner -461) of the m7 rt-
<br />gi.ged property becomes vested in a person other than the iNlortgag-or, flie 1\lortgagee may. without notice to the N11ortgagor, (10,11
<br />With such SUccessOr or successors in interest will ' i'reference to this mortgage and the debt hereby secured as witli the Alortgag�or,'
<br />and may forbear to sue or mav extend tinie for file JM�'InVllt Of the debt hereby �ccurvd without . discharging or in any way affi�cting
<br />the liability of the original Nfortgagor bereunder or upon the debt securod.
<br />In this 'instrument the singular includv.�; the plural and 'the rn I asculine includes the ferninine and the tl('tltk']' I I N h i S i I I -
<br />strunlent Amll be binding, upon the Undersigned. his heirs, persowil repr&entatives. succesmrs and assigns.
<br />IN' �VITNEISS. NNIHEIREOF, we have, hereunto set our liands arld seal,'the dav and Year first al)(we written.
<br />In the presence of:
<br />ohft S. -Stanley
<br />...................... ... .......
<br />STATE OF NEal'. 3RASI�A
<br />Hall. .......... Count%,.
<br />Oil this ..... day of O.C_40kek . .. ...... 19 ..... 751wfory nie, the undersigntx], a Notary Public. in ,in(] for sa i (I
<br />County, personally came.. ... J.oh.n....S PtA,nley.'.. 4 ... single,..persOn ................ ...
<br />... .. ... .. ... ..... .
<br />personally known to me to he tile identical persons whose naniesTare affixed to tile above and fo'rogoing instrument, a, mortgagors,
<br />.in(] each acknowlefted said instrument to he his or her voluntary let ,111d deed.
<br />rial seal at .... _ ..... G��aiA.Jqlan(
<br />W O'F4 8TA' R I A L
<br />tl e dat(
<br />STATM t;�BkASKA
<br />00PA1,41S910" EXPIREU
<br />April 30, 1919
<br />Nly commission expires ............... ....... .... ....
<br />STATE 0
<br />...........
<br />Cot.111tv
<br />... ...... ... .... .....
<br />Enfered on mlinex I index and filed for record in
<br />, ��a
<br />Notary Public.
<br />e Register of Deeds Office of said County the
<br />C)'R Z?0 11 Y of at . .... .. . . /..o'clock and .......... rnintite.q
<br />-in([ recorded: in Book ..... .,.-.of. Nlort"aa, as Instrument No ..... ..... _ .......
<br />........... .................
<br />Reg. of Deeds
<br />B� ...... ......................................... .............. : .......... Deptity
<br />When recorded to be redUrned*to the
<br />LINCOLN OFFICES: Phone 475-05211435-2111 1
<br />F1 1235 "N" Street E] 135 No. Cotner Blvd. 1-1 70th and "A" St. E3 2541 No. I 1th Street
<br />OMAHA OFFICES: Phone 558-4323
<br />: R 8706 Pacific St. E) 21nl So. 42nd St. E] 3205 1 No. 90th St. EJ 10920 West Dodge Rd.
<br />REGIONAL OFFICES: E] 2120 First Ave., Kearney [] 513 'j'E" Street, Fairbury E] 1433 "M" Street, Ord
<br />Phone 234-2473 Phone 729-2202 Phone 728-3218
<br />1301 Main Ave., Crete 223 Box Butte Ave., Aliiari6e Ej 1811 West 2nd St., Grand Island
<br />Phone 826-4349 Phone 762-2160 i
<br />Phone 384-4433
<br />