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rj _L <br />THIS MORTGAGE IS ALSOJO BE AND CONTINUE TO BE, FROM: TIME ITO TIME, SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT OF SUCH <br />SUM OR SUMS OF MONEY AS THE MORTGAGEE MAY FROM TIME TO TIME IN HE FUTURE ADVANCE TO THE MORTGAGOR, AND <br />EVIDENCED BY A SUPPLEMENTAL NOTE OR NOTES, BUT THE- TOTAL INDEBTE NESS:1 SECURED BY THIS MORTGAGE SHALL NOT <br />EXCEED ONE HUNDRED TWENTY (PO) PER CENT OF THE AMOUNT NOW OWINGI EXCEPT.FOR ANY ADVANCES THAT, MAY BE MADE <br />TO PROTECT THE SECURITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS MORTGAGE <br />THE NIORTGAGOR F1JRTHER COYENANTS AND AGREES: <br />That file Nlorigagor will pay the indebtedne— as herehibefore provide 1, <br />0 <br />That. Hie Nlortgagor i� the owner of ��iid propert,, Ili f(� ood right illid <br />simple alic iiis g lawful alltlioritv to sell :111d <br />uoilve , v tit(, Santo and thall t -he sarni� is free :lit(] v I (l; i r of any lien or vneumbranc( �ind�tliat Nlorigngor will warra6t and defend tho <br />fill(. to said pi-Cmiscs against, tit(-' claims of all person., whofilsoever. <br />To pa * v ininw(liati-ly whvi"i (Ille and payaNt., all generid titxc�, slwcial I; x si)ccial ;issf,s�irwnts, water chji�ges. sowt-r ��erv- <br />ict, charges. and other t;ixes' alid (:'llarges iil,,;Iitl,;t said properl * v, and all taxes. le -i d oil tilt, d(lbf sectired lierobv. :nld Ili furlli�h Illo <br />uporl, request. with tile original or duplicate rec(,iw,; thert,for. T] ;i�uees 111:11 therc :dl,*111 ho added it) <br />vach ollolitill . N p.,13,111elit required herounder or under fit(- evidem-6 of deb'l secil I Illin'bY ml :11c"pullt (-��tilllated by the <br />to..he sufficif-lit. to ellable Ille Aloi:lgallee to pity. :is flie.N. h(,'colli (Ille, :111 ta:�, ISS, k�nwllls� all -d similar cllal;_,6�.11poli tilt, <br />i.-;(" sub <br />therefo; an,,- fleficilqlc.��' because of ille hislifficit'llcY o:f skich additio 1: 1 pi;.% 11will, shidl ho forlll�%illi :d, po-;itf-d lov 1 ho <br />.%lortgagor with the 1NIorL,'il,t'L' lij)'ill 11011mild I)v the Njol1ga!�e).. (I(.fitl]jt tili, <br />1myllivilt of oI! imil:ir char-_,('-; requinld <br />The iigre,-s tlyat [hert, �411:111 ;Ikl) Ill' ;ldded it) ­�lcll illolitIll o! ;17ii-wil):d ;tnd iiih-n*-.�t rclillir"d IWI:0- <br />und(-r ,lit amount e,;finiated I,Y flit: Mortgaget. to bli suffici,iii to tit,- �'\[, I !�igo�- to it lwc"llw,� tilt <br />promillin (,it miy insurance policv?f1olivered to Ilw doficiellcv 1) t -I the iw;liificii-lwv <br />of ;uIllitimi:11 p;I'v <br />flit -lits -;h;dI It,. forth%villi dcpo�itc( I hY tll(- NIor1g;t!'1or %%tilt 11w upoll 11 .111:111d I'v fill- li"fault lilloler t!ji,; <br />paritgraph sh:ill lit, deenuld it (Ief;-ruh ill the p;ly-melit of I he 11)olio�i. or �;tich ;1:� holl;'l- <br />oWnprs or all ri.�Ji policiols. nnd 01�1 depo.-;it< al.f., insufficient to, Im.l. tit,- I n mill <br />1711, 1 lit Mo*11-­;t�-'et. lo;l\ apjjl�v the�i; to <br />pily prellillitils oil risk., requin-d ft'k be ill.�un,d bY this morl,_,;wc. <br />Pilvilleills-Illad(- 1w dw till(l( ille ;ihovo p;lril:,r;lpiv; Illav I tit(' it ;111.1 <br />col;lIllingled wit h of Ilur sit, It flljld� or it, )\%.It futirl.s for Ow p:lvlll.�llt of ih. n ilild linfil -4o <br />plo�.dg('rl ;1� �:ocllritv for tit,, impaii., ImLince ill tilt- il*l(l,-:,, <br />'I'o procure, (Ildiv(q- to. alyl limilitaill for tit,- hollefit (11' 1 ip lifi, of illi, lt1olt­;lg-c i'!i"I; I poliric-; ;ljA <br />rejw\vals thert,of, delivered at 1,l:ls - I Ion daYs fwfore the of ;111.% ��klch :1,"Inin't tile "Ill oflwr i1i'm :IH(l <br />hazards, vasualtios, and cont ijlgel?�!ies as tit(! :"Iortgagce Inny ri,efillre, ill all n Joint e(pint to tho illdl-I)t(�dll(l.­' ,t,rtlr,d hy tjli.,� <br />Mort-n,;(l. and ill collipanios :wcop'tZible to Ow %% ill) lot, pav;ildv dm ill !,:Ivor of lind'ill forill ilcc'lpl;1lA1. Ili th" �Mlorlgil- <br />gee. Ill fill- vvillit, all * v polic ' v is nol relit-Nvocl (ill or b,�torl, ten diiys of t ijl�urallc(- oil tilt. <br />improvi-ments, pay flit- premilim dwn-lor, and such �mn h;ill h,c-mif. imilleffiat .1 (Ido mid %%ilh at the 1�lti. (-t <br />to f11110411 �.urh <br />forth ill silid lloto 1111fil p:tid alld .�Imll ho S(-ctlred Im tlli� F;dkor'. oil 11 0 1 i't id flit, \1,1 I, <br />a,; ;lit. liort-ill n.(jl:lircd ol. f�lilllre ti.) Imy ;illy stllll� aciv:111c'-d It( r"111:1d,r �Imll. at t� 0 mfill i 01,11% <br />mider fill. t'.1,11"Is (if illi� :1,11" delivor% (,f �llch p'dici(-� ill ill, (�%.( I )I "It:1litill,� c''ll'bfutt, �In ;1�-Jf'jitlw lit ol th, 11�1- <br />onnwd promitini. <br />AllY sunis reucked I)v the by 1-i'll'oll "I lo�-; ill- dilmil­'. i 1, [11-11 ;l;;;Ji"! tilliv I),' jej:lillerl <br />1 11 . �,v !ht, 'Ooli:�;l!"'. <br />and applicd tm�arcl tit(, pa�iiwnt.of tho debt horob". �tctlwd, oi-, nt tit(. oplio I 'of t1w 'llCh I- <br />stim, (,plwr w- ill <br />I;art lim , v he p:lid oNer lip ille to hi- tl!�cd to Telmix buildill!"s to - to N'lild*11".."', htlildill:�:� ill thl'ir, pl:l,c', or for <br />other purpo", or object satishictor ' v to tit,- without ;it f(-ctim, 111, lit� 1 )11 1 "Ic n , for tit(, hill ;llll,'mnI h, <br />bY before such pityint-id �vur took pLict., <br />To prolliptIN, rep;Iii-, rtl.,�tolv or robtlild am. buildill:1, I tilt 'tqlwlll, rl( It, wal','r ('11 th, pn,llli�, hich 11mv I,,— <br />plov :W or <br />(lill1jilt, I <br />or destro ' ved: I() kurp said pr..rllisc� ill gooll colidiiion and repili 11 1 roo f�'liy Illecilallic's 011wr !*wn ill - <br />claim of lien not exprcsdv stihol-diiiatild to Ilw liell hilroof: not to or pelill I ill%,; 11111;n' -fill (if' or ;Ill%, to xist ,it <br />s�iid propert , v ilor to perillit wask; oil snid prollili.—s, nor to do any otho-r ;wl will rob.j- fit(,- propexly licreby <br />less valliable. Tior I(, dinlinish or itripair it., value by a'nv arl or ollli,�'iolj jo il(-I: 'to �( .. I . . <br />iljlj�lv with 1111. 1 (-(Ill] r"inclik o� law with ro:41)('pt <br />to the mor tgaged promisos and th(lusc thereof, <br />That should tit(. prvnli.,(.s:or ;InY part tholvol, 1w takOn or dill1mged by -f� of.;l1n. p[lblit. illi too vo-1111,11 "r-condollilliltion <br />proceedin­. or under Ilic riglif of ('111illf-W doillaill'.01- ill illiv odle, <br />r JIM1111111'. t1w Morfi:ilg�vl� to �)Il conlp(lll.,;ltiolju4, <br />awards, ;lit(] any other payment oi�: relief Own4or, and shall* lit enjitled. al. its ol 11oll. to collill)(11(:0, NpIwar ill milif ill its <br />o�vn nillile ally action (or proceedi*11g. or to Illake aii�y cornproniiw or settlement i I ("onlie0ioll v. irli �4tich (Lillml"e. AI] such <br />ce;llipelv4ilfion, awards, dalliages, I of :lclioll proceeds art.. llcn-b.� assig ill (I t� , ) flit-' 'ifter <br />(lierefrom all its expens(ls, release :�any mon!lyn so rt-reived by it o'r' apply tit(, �mll, 011�;111%, �;(Wtir(�d heri-Ily . Tho Mort- <br />gagor agrees to executt. stich furt�wr nssigninents (if -"hy comp(lnL,;dioTi. awards alll:Wltls. ::11d rig.,Ills of action �ldd procce(k ;Is 11w <br />Nlorh,,agee may require. <br />That ill case of fitililre to j)erforlli alyv of flit, covilliallf, llvv(�ill. the NIorl_,,l intly do (ill tho vervili: <br />i I i . I I 1g, <br />SO COVeMilik-d: that tit(, %Tort gnge(' milY also (To allY act it milY dol -111 liecessal-Y 11 protect tit(- liell, dien-of: that the :�Nirhii�lor will <br />r(-*f);iy upon domand anv m6rwYs imid or dishursed hy the Nlortilget, for allv of 1:� ;I )(AT illid Slidl Ill("' <br />interest thereon "it the *rate provi6d ill Said liole ,;It' <br />all h(woliv. S�) 11111ch add It 11 1 hervhY seCure(i! zind llrw he it)- <br />cluded ill am, decree foruclosin�: tilis mortgage and be Imid (,lit. of tit(. <br />reills or Ii wel, -(k of sido, of said im-misoi; if.1lot offier"vi". <br />pilid: thilt, it s'liall not. be obligillory lipoll flit, i�lorfgiwee to in(juji-c in(o 111v v: Ii I i I.\, of mv liell, elic-millwallco:�. iii� clilim ill ad- <br />VilrlCi'llf,' 11101W.N'S ;1'; 'lh0VV lUthoriz;,d, hill nothill, hervill colitailled shall N, coll�tplvd:m,; ri.quiring, tit(. Mortgat!(w . to advalln. ;mv <br />ninneys.for anY such purpo.�, nor Io do :m ' v act and that ii -m- nily p(.1-s-lal linhili,*,:� )-cau". "I- aliN'- <br />Ming, it may (To or 0111if to do her6fitider. <br />In the event of the default by iNlortgagor ill tit(, paymerlt. of ally i <br />ent,� as rolquin"d hv tit(- Noti. siecurt-d 1wrobv. it - <br />ill tit(- performaric(� of the obligati("in ill this mortgagi. or ill the llo1V SoClAred flic-lol.y. t1w i%lort-agee shidI ho viltitled to de(Atire tho <br />debt secured hereby due and paytible without notice, alld tho Nlortgagvo sliall helt I titl6d at its option. without notic"..'either by its( -If <br />or by a'receiver to he appointed I )y the court thPrN)f. ;lild WithOlAt regard to) tit( ;ide(Ij jacy (of allY for fill- I indeblechiess �4(­ <br />cii red, hereb%, to enter upon and take imssession of the mortgageil premisv,, illit .1 to co'llect and recklive the rentl�.' i'ssi'les "Ind profit'; <br />thereof, and apply tho saniv. less',costs of operatioft and collectioil. upoll tit(, it (I bttl�fn(:.,�s- sectir(ld hy this niod : ag s <br />issueg and profits heing lierc-I)v assi g, , r(.1its, <br />: gned to flit, INIortgagve as furtlivir securitY for I w payment (if it]] ill(l(,I)tcdlwss se4�ur( d liert-Ity. <br />The Mortgagee sliall liav(t the Po-cr to appoint any agerit or agents it i i; y dt-siry for the purpose (if repairing said prcm- <br />is�s: renting the samp: collectirig­:�Ihe rerits, revenuo� and illcolile: alid it Ilia ' v p�ty outlof sirid ill('0111V illl L'Xl)Vl)s('s incurred ill ri-rit- <br />hig, -and managing tit(, sanie and iof collecting tit(, rentals ther(.4170111. The billi c ! . . if aliv <br />�re!Wlll1l­Z, , . . shall be applied toward tit(, <br />di:Schargo,- of the rnor(gag;v indobti-driess. This assignment is to ti,rinintitt, and I olli(� liull and v, g(l. <br />pid til)on relvase' of this morti!a' <br />jr <br />