010 50 10
<br />�FEDERAL
<br />ni t��
<br />Loan Number_-_aq33_Q_
<br />r; -in -c h- T ypc
<br />FORm No. 530 (R—. 8-7 41
<br />M 0 R T G A G E
<br />THIS MORTGAGE, made and executed this .... ....... llay Yr ....... .................. A. D.*, ig..75 ..... i)-etween
<br />,_,,Tohn...
<br />.......... ......... ............... .............. ..................................... ............ ... .......... ........... .............. ......................... ............. :--
<br />of .... _GraTid lslmd ........ ... ....
<br />....... .. ... I ....... , colility of ...... Hall ................. tate of .............. Nebraska .................... hereinafter ieferm
<br />toas the Mortgagor, and FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN SSOCIATION OF LINCOLN, Nebraska, its SUccessors
<br />and assigns, lie'reinafter referred to as Mortgage -e_
<br />N%7l1j'NrRSSl1,l,l-T: That ille said 1\'lor(gag�6'11. forand in collsid e ration (if the suill of
<br />FIFTEEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY AND RO/100 --- 777-7--77777 'ai
<br />............. I.. I .......... : ...... I ......... � ............... � ................................................ I ...... I .......... i ................................ 7(:�15.,75Q-00-�_ ................. Doii -s,
<br />paid by said Mortgagee, does herebysell and convey illito FIRST fli.,I)ERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 'OF
<br />LlNC'OLN. Nebraska, is '1%,lortgagee, its successors and assigns. the f(�llowi 11,g . described Real Estate.situated in tllecollnt,� of
<br />..... .............. .... Hall ........... — --- ........ ........ State 'of ...... ............. We',:�ras"�m ..... ...... .. ......... . .................. to -wit:
<br />Lot T�vo Hundred Ten (210) in West Laim, in the City of
<br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />TO 11AVE AND TO HOLD the above described promises for OlenSes herein set f0l'thand to SCCUre performance of tile
<br />oblitrations contained herein, together Nvitli all buildings, improvements, fixtures *and appurtenances an(] all easements thereurito
<br />belonging, and it is mutually covenanted and agreed by and het�veelj 1hL- parties licreto thaVall 1)lumbin., gas, electric arid
<br />nieclianicat fixtures. appliances. ecillil)-elit, ill."cliffiery and apparatUS, fjoOr Coverins, storm wilidows and screens, andsliell otlj�(,r
<br />goods and chattels and personal property as are ever furnished by a landlord in letting or operating ill unfurnished buildi 9
<br />llir to the one now or hereafter on said prernises. which are or sliall he athached to said buildin,, in an,,. manner vdmtso(I!Ivers'lanri(��
<br />and shall be deemed to be fixtures and in accession to the freehold all(i a part of the realtY 'Is 1)elween tire parties liereto. their
<br />heirs. executors, administrators,' successors or assigns, and all persons chiiiiiing J)y, through or under thern, and shall be (It�vale(l
<br />to be .1 1)ortion of tile security for tile indebtedness herein mentioned and �o he covered h.N1 this mortgage.
<br />J'ROVIDED ALWAYS, and these im,sents are, exectite(I and delivered 11poll tile following conditiolls. agrevillents and
<br />obligation.,; of flic- iMortgagors, to -wit:
<br />The Mortgagor agrees to pay to file Nlortgagee, or order, tile ))rincii)al sum of ..FIFTEEN THOUSAND .. SEVE U.. HUNDRED
<br />----------- * ------------------ ----------------
<br />.......................................................................... : ................................... .................. ) Dollars.
<br />payable as provided in a note executed and delivered concurrently liermo,j I ith, tile final lm.%lllent of principal, if riot sooner paid.
<br />()a the ......... :lSt .................. (ja of .......... 19o:Kemberi * i 2gg4
<br />Y ........... : ................................ ................
<br />