G 105 Uo"
<br />'I'll(- i%lortgagve illay collect a "late ellargv )lot t(:.exceed Five, Cents (5*0 for each dollar ($1.00) of�( . :I . (-It tot;ll IlloilthIN.
<br />re than I
<br />III(-, f5 days ill arrears to covvr the cxtm xp( nse involvvil ill handling doliliqlIvilt accourlt.,;.
<br />All payments ninde under the provisions of this mortgago or tble lioto lierebY svctirvd. which 111;ly be construed as ill(cr( - st.
<br />shall not, ill tile nggreg�ite o%-er file term thereof, exceed the -Hite th,"t !".-IV h0 lawflilly contracted for in writing.
<br />I
<br />It Is f firth er agreed that in case III%- suit is hegilli to forcelose his mortgage. the i\lortgagee, its rvprv.�v'ntAti%,vs or a.,signs.
<br />s("4, Mid UI)011 :11)1)lic,'Itioll therefor, Ille Court ill which stlell jetioll
<br />shall at once be entitled to the pw;sv.'NioII*of said prenli i
<br />be hrought or mlY Judge of such court. eit1wr ill.4&III tillie or vacationdis hereby 111thorized to 11)1)oilit a receiver to take pos�qes-
<br />-ioll of said collect ill(- rent., therefrom. anc I It , (to .111(l perform stich other Icts as Ina%' he require(I I)v the order
<br />proiji�ses. or to
<br />of tile Court wil.k�i-4jg tile 111d said Nlortgagor hereh Vs ally potic(� of slich applicatil)II. and voll.-�vflts' I o" the ap.
<br />P0iIItn1('T1t of ri upoll the production of this morfgagv, without oilier If - mce.
<br />Tile Nlortgagee shall ht, slibrogated to 111 of tile rights, privilep--s. prioll-ifies. ijid eqlljti��s of 111%. liullijol(It.l. %N-11o.,p liell 11111N.
<br />heezi dischirged from the proceeds of thi� loali. or bY allY I'llildt herel'sy pf�iid oi- furnished 1w the Nlortgagve.
<br />IT IS EXPRESSLY AGRE'ED that if the Alortgagor slinli Sell, colivev or alienite ,;;Ii(l propertv, or anN, part tll(,reof,
<br />or any interest Iliereiii, or shall 1W divested of lfl.� iitle or allY interest !tliervig"'ill am, manner or whether volinitarik; or
<br />Involuntarily, without written conwilt of the 'IMor.t.g'agee being, first had �.d obUibied, 'Niortgagoo shall h'ave (lie right, :it it.,; op'tioll,
<br />to declare illy indebtedneso 1,zltiOns secured licreby, . -1) f tile niaturitv date specifie(I in ,Ill%, llotj� e i(len(�ij t IC
<br />or Obli, I irre " e -ti "il Ither( %
<br />sarne, iminediateiv (hit, 111(1 p;jyII)Ie %N.itll()Ilt notice, and sai (I (1,I)t s I I'a 1UP011 be(101110 1111),ollite. If the ownership of the 11 rt -
<br />gaged I)roj)trt\, I' �0
<br />h1collic-1; vusted ill a person other than Ili(, Nlortgagor, jile 1%fort"agee Ilmy. without notice to the Nlort!,mor, deal
<br />With such succe�_�or or succe.qsors in intereA with reference to this mortgage and the debt lierobv sectired as with the I\Iortgaggor,'
<br />zinc] may forbear to sue or mav extell(I fillie fo
<br />r the payment of tile deb� herebY speured without (ifischargin, or ol ally way affecting
<br />the linbilitv of tile original Nfortgagor hereunder or upon the debt sevuri�d.
<br />Ili this instrument the sijjjIj;jr illcljl(le.-� the phiral and the 1111ascillille includes the fqn1inille and the w -liter and this ill-
<br />sirtiment shall be hillding upoll tile Illidvi-sigiled.,his heirs. jwrsoi
<br />,ind a.,signs.
<br />IN \VITNHS,1� %VIfEREOF, we JI.IN,e ll(��reunto sof otir hands at I A "�nl. tile �111(1 ar fir.. �ibovc wri Hen.
<br />Ili fit(, prv�once ot:
<br />Aal e b
<br />.7 e e R. Laib
<br />Hall... .... .. Count
<br />Oil tlli-� 11,1N. of .... 19, 75 befo e life. the lindersigned. I Notir% Public, in and for s. till
<br />Dale 1-7. Laib,!and Newlene R.Laib,lusband, and wif e,
<br />Courity, personally- came .... ........................ . . ........
<br />......... ... .... ..
<br />personally know.zi to me to he the identical persolis whose names are afffiled to -the ahov , n(I f0r,,,,jIjg
<br />C. -1 instrument. ;is
<br />and each acknowledged said instrument to he his'or tier voluntary act "ITId dev(].
<br />Grand Island Nebi�aska
<br />NVitness-liv hand and notarial seal at .............. .. ........... ..... .
<br />t lie (Ill(, kist ribbVe written.
<br />rnwns L. Wflliis
<br />NO
<br />C1)1-111�1-01; rYF11T1:S
<br />Niv Commission e% 1),fo �2. 13, 1978
<br />pires .............. . ...... .. ....
<br />.. ........... .. ... .......... ...... ....
<br />....... _zz -1,
<br />. .. ........
<br />Notary Public.
<br />STATE OF,... ...... I ------ ss.
<br />cx�
<br />County ....... ......
<br />Entere(j on nurneriA, il in(lex an(I filed foi- record in flie Register of Deecis . Office of said County the
<br />(1111N, of- 19.. at_
<br />, - /.i ..... o'clock an(] ....... Z'�Y mintites .. 'A ... m'.
<br />an(I recor(le(l in Book... .... . -s at page.,l-A?X a .11111clit No ............ ...
<br />.......... of '.,%Iortgag(
<br />. ....................
<br />Reg. of Dee(is
<br />B......... .......... .......... ....... ... .. ... .... ............ Deptity
<br />When recorded to be retLirried to the
<br />LINCOLN OFFICES: Phone 475-05211435-2111 1
<br />E]'1235 "N" Street - E] 135 No. Cotner Blvd. F� 70th Jnd "A" St. F] 2541 No. I Ith Street
<br />OMAHA OFFICES: Phone 558-4323
<br />E] 8706 Pacific St. F I
<br />] L,% So. 42nd St. E] 3205 No. 90th. St. El 10920 West Dodge Rd.
<br />REGIQNAL OFFICES: E] 2120 First Ave., Kearney E] 513 " "Street, Fairbury E] 1433 "M" Street, Ord
<br />Phone 234-2473 Phone 729-2202 Phone 728-3218
<br />1301 Main Ave., Crete E] 2 . 23 Box Butte Ave., Alliancel Ej. 1811 West 2nd,St., Grand Island
<br />'Phone 826-4349 Phone 762-2160 Phone 384-4433
<br />1974 - riRST,FEDERAL SAVIUGS A?4D LOA14
<br />