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0 <br />THIS MORTGAGE IS ALSO TO BE AND CONTINUE TO BE, FROM TIME TO TIME, SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT OF SUCH <br />SUM OR SUMS OF MONEY AS THE MORTGAGEE MAY FROM TIME TO TIME I� THE FUTURE ADVANCE.TO THEi.MORTGAGOR, AND <br />EVIDENCED BY A SUPPLEMENTAL NOTE OR NOTES, BUT THE TOTAL INDEBT I NESS SECUPED BY THIS MORTGAGE SHALL NOT <br />EXCEED ONE HUNDRED TWENTY:(120) PER CEN� OF THE AMOUNT NOW DWI 11 d, EXCE�T FOR ANY ADVANCES �HAT MAY BE MADE <br />TO PROTECT THE SECURITY IN ACCORDANCE VflTH THEJERMS OF THIS ORTGAGE.� <br />TI -Ir 'XIORTGAGIOR F;LJR'1'I-IER Co'v'ENAN'I'S AND AGRI'!E <br />'I'liat the INIortgagor will pa�- t1w indebIk-Oness as hereinbefore provi�lt <br />'I'liat fit(- iMortgagor is the ow'er of said. property ili fee simple a I( ha good ri�,d <br />n . it and lawfill atithol-itY to Sell "Ind <br />collve , v thosallie and that fhes,�me i., frvv and cle;ir ofmY lien or ellcullibral c. an�d Ilial vlortgagor will (4-fenrl Ille <br />title to said preillim-s against the claims of ill pe rsons whomsocVt1r, <br />'Fo pay illlllwdiatt�ly wl�wn (lilt- and payahle �ill veneral tllxe�4. S,peci;ll t: xo�.' �pccinl :1�s"s.,melit" %valer Hj:lrge�,, ,;ew'.r �erv- <br />fco chargos. and other ku�os and chargo�s against said piopt,rtv,, and, all tIN('S I �-iC(k011 t1w dt-brsrCun-d hele1w <br />and to furni�;h.the <br />Nlortga.gee, upoll request, with :ill(, ork6nal or duplicate recei:Pts tfwrefor� :�Tortg�i,,or ;I . gice,-; th.,it Own! Amll 1w added Ili <br />each illotitill , v payinvilt required heretillder or 1111der tho evidenre (of deht "(Ju ed Iwn-bv �111 iinloulil fit,- %Iortgii;;(v <br />to Ill, sufficient to enable fit(- N**Ior1,"1Jg(.t- Ill pay. as the " v h(wom" (lilt., :111 ta o :tnd imilnr* civid:11,-, killon tho prem- <br />i.,w., subject thereto; ally cleficivy�v.v lwc;ltlsf� of lilt, such ;Iddit ( Ill I)nYmetil- 1'li�kll he 1orfhv.i(!i, depo,ift�d bN. fill- <br />��Iort,,a�,or wilh till- 'lfortga!,,ee: upon dt'llialld bv ille Nlort!"ageo, Aliv (1(,f:lt 1: er 11ii, p�ir:­ra <br />Ici-ilwd :1 d( fnult in <br />1):Aynlelil. of n"Sessillent,�,;!w <illlilar r"-quirod <br />11w %Iorlgagor agr(­.� 111:11 there ;lko h(� ;ulded,;to vach Illont 1: pJvIll,�I'l of p:Iil1cip:!l-:iod micr'! I n.(Illin (I h( rf.- <br />lindrr all anloillif (.�Ailllatcd bY I'lit, �Nlortga;"(,e to Ill. sufficient Ow it <br />premillill oil ;111%1 ill.,Ilrallct- pofic�- delivi,red I,) Ili(, <br />�;Ilv deficit -11m. I of, Stich z1fiditional p;IN - <br />Ilwilts :�Iiall h(. forthwith dcpo,;ir,A bY ille ,%ilh ilw 111)( 11 doilialld 1'.v Anj (1,4;odt und''r thi". <br />Para,graph simll he de(,nied ;I (IJifatilt ill till' J)�I�'11101111 of pi-rulitims. I th,� polw'� or i!'ohcic� depo-itf�1.11 nr'. ��Iich :1�; hinlip <br />owitors or nll ri,k policiv�z, mid ille depo�ik ;it-(, ill�,Ilfliciellt I(, j1dy till, Ontil-(� I rolwilm. till. :t** 11my <br />()it risks r(,quired,io he iil.�;Iirod bv fld�; lllorh�agv.; <br />pay prellllllrt.l� <br />Pnvflwllf,� 111:1dr I) , v tiw;!,'\Ior(gagor tindrr the ahox.t. para!�rilpll,; tilay. thl'�. option ol. dw 1w hold k. it ;oA <br />commingled \%ith other '11ch flin Is or it.� mn fund, !w fill. jlNyi*11ptlI of . �ll( : <br />-it i 4 1. '111d 'uch p';Ivrlwllt� :Iro lit <br />plerigod a., sectlritv for ill(' tillplilid h;1l;11lc(, (,I lile <br />'I'o procuro, dcliver to,%Ilmd tnaill(�Iill lot- I Ill. Iwil"fil (& 1 lic 'Mol I 1"ag,� lllriii�,- The lit,, 'd flli� <br />renewals thert-of. delk-l-red at 1,::ast tell ;-­f*"r0 fill- .�xpirafiojl of aliv I polici ot'her io,lil�dfl" <br />I (I �. <br />liazarcin, ca�tmlties, jilicl c0Iltijlg:t�jIri(,�; a�; ill, I%Jortgagee niny require, Ili ;Ili iiioi�nt equal to till, stwured bv tIli, <br />Nlortgage, and ill compallics :wc!'ptahlo to the v.,ith lo�z� cI 11 �., i I'l favor of �ind ill form it, the <br />I've. <br />In the t.%ellf. allY policY is'not refwwod ,it or b4op, Ton (Llv�; of il-� 1) 1 .1 ill,- o I I I!' I- c Inz1v <br />ifilprov(.1lielits. pay till- prk-111i mn' therefor, ;111(1 tmrh �11111 �111111 hl,.c�mw immedi it k: dilt. �llld vith illiclf..�t ';IT ilw :-;il ... .. I <br />forth ill silid llole 1111tit p:1id nni , I Alall h,. :�(-(.Ilrvd-hy fhi,� Faillin. o'n flw'parl. (;t Illo Molig:i!�(�r To -�Llch <br />.I,-, arc hercht rc(ptir(-d (,I- faihlt(-�to p;ly nily Sun],; :1dvam-(.d 1wrollildel. -41;111, 0w: option- (4 ;1w �ihllo ;I d,-klull <br />under lilt- leylos of fhi�; mort.-'agi 'I'll(. delivor.% of..-�Ilch policif.-� '1*11:111, in fill- 1� l �it �f dokitilt. (;ll1l,litIltc ;111 ;1" :it,. 11ji- <br />varned prt�inium. <br />Any sullis received bY:tlll, bN of or Illav Ill, n�l;iimff i". 11w <br />wholk or <br />mid applicd toward till, Ini,,meyt 111' ille dcbt lwn.b ��cctlxcd''or. ill dw opt I of! till, Alorl,_ �t, <br />I)art I'm ' N' Iw I)aid over to the N�ort,g;igor to Iw wned to ri-pair �twh huildim,,s ill t1wir!place or fol- :m% <br />ot1wr purpos(- or object .4;1lisfa(lory to ill(' '\ lorlgn!�e,- - wi Oil lilt aff"clill!" lilt, I e I oil! I IT(. Inol <br />�e for dw Itill ;iAlollilt <­-un-d lwrc <br />hy bofor(­.�tich payment evcr ioh place. <br />I 'Fo Imniptly repair, re,�toye or rebuild am, building' -s 'or improvelm li� "'(I- m- on Iho prcnli;�I- hich I . 11:1v b— <br />uolllt� danlag(-d or d(,Stro.ved: to ��eop ;1id in ;"ood condi(ion and rep 1i ';Illli fre(� I r-mv:I11v nwch:mic,� ?'it -n Ili- oI 1wr lit -n or <br />clailn of liell not stihol-10ilmled to fit(. li(..Tl hol-cof: nol t(, suffor or pel 1i aillY III&IwItil Its(. of m, :111.% 1:�ILII�;lncv Io k.xist oil <br />said prolwily nor to 1wrinit wa,"fe oil said pmrnisf�,�. nor to do!;mv other ;,(.I v prop('11%, hork-h'.. coTiv(:vvd shall htwom'. <br />ht-n;h\ <br />.1ess valliablv. nor to diminish or �rlllmir its' valkle bY aln, act or onlis,:�ion to ;Icf: t col'llpl.v with ;111 n,q Ili reolelit -; 'of Jim- %kilh 1-l-p(wt, <br />to ill(- nibrtgaged premises mid tkie use t1wn,of. <br />'I'liat should dw prcnii.A�s or :Ili * v part thereof be t;iken:or dama,�,cd b., rcasim of -Inv public improvenvint or-coltd,qnlmlion <br />proceeding. or-LIM111�1' fit(- right ol,' eminent doniam, or Ili any o0jer mallIll1r. I] v 'Nio,rig:1pot� <br />shall Ill. viltitlud tq :dl corlljwtl��Itioll.�;, <br />'awards, and ;III,\, other payment or relief Own -for. and '411all Iw eillitled. nt its I t o '0 1 appe:11- ill qn)d pro�4(" . (Ile ill 'its <br />im-n naim- Ili " v action or procec",fing, or to make ;lit\, compromise or settlonif ri ill (�omw,�,tion wit), �ztjcjj 1111ji1g, )r (1:1111age. All Such <br />com Iwlisat ioll. awards, damages_ right of action and i)roceeds ;.it-(- lwreby as�i; lwd: to till.' %Iortgagve, who 'n­ipv,'-afl,-r deducting <br />.4 hurefrom all its expenses, relcase ally illoneys So received bv if it ne (ill am, indebiedlics'; s,.cure <br />gagor agre(,s to ("'vellte such ;1ssigI1tlleIlf-;.of conip(�natioji. awar( s dalilages, and right., (if �lctioli ilild,proct,o(k ;Is the <br />j\Iortf,af,,v(, tritty require. <br />'Flial in case of failtirt, I lt) perform ;Ili.\, of f.he covenants lilt. (It) (,it the Mortgagoi,'S' behIllf evcrythill" <br />COVOWilited; that fliv INIortgag"ce Ina ' v ako do ally act it Tim ' v docin llccessar� 10 Ph)tv(l ill(' li(-" t1wrt-of: that,tho %lortgagor will <br />!repay upon deniand any niojlC�'.'� 1111id Or diShUrsed 1w fit(, \lorig-aget, for-anv of f flp� abovi� purpose'. and such t1jol Wvs to,,vtlier with <br />interest thoreon at fit(, proVided ill said klote sfi�ill nitich add ti'mall illdvbtedlll,�4s heroby seckli;vd ',and 1w in - <br />luded ill imv decree foreclosizi,,.:tliis mortgage and he i)aid out -of the rents of salt. of 'aid premi!�es 'if not ollierwise <br />,J)"lid: that it shall not be obligafory ulmn the '%Iortgagve to inquire itilit, the %-Alidilv of ally licn, or clailli ill ad- <br />valieln, moneys as above al"Illorizvd, ])lit nothing llt,rc-in contaillvd shall Iw c( 11; tru(�d as requiring the <br />I "ec to wk -mice ally <br />rtionw,;s for ,Ili , v such purpose no:r to do any act livre.undor: and t'llat %Iortg.lgc(1 incur ,III.\, jler.�ojml ty becmis,. of ill . N ­ <br />thing, it Tria.\ to or lImit I() do horemider. <br />In the event of the default bY Nlortgagbr ill till' payme'lit of any instililille6f. �Is rcquired bv the Nof(-, swcurod lit-re1w. or <br />fn the performance of the obligation ill this mortgage or ill fit(- noft, sectired ill I vI(-bvJ t1w Nlortgag(,C shall be enji"Ied to dcclar( . � ill(, <br />debt secured herebY due and pavable without notice, and.the Nlortgagee shall 1 11! efi, wtion, -ithout it( . )tice. vith(-r by its(.If <br />tifled at <br />or I * )v a receivvr to Ile appoinfed,by fliv court thereof. and without regard to tp; ad(�quacy of .111;1 socuritY for fill'e indebtedn ess <br />cured hereby ' to enter upon and tako I)ossyssion of the niortgaiied premises, i ti�l to:volled ond receive fit(, rent:,�. issues and profits <br />(hereof. and-;ippjly the sanle, le,�S Costs of operation and collection. 111-11, Ilie ilidebtedrws.,; secured by this n'lj)r1j,1a9(-: said rents. <br />i§sucs and profits being hereby as.�igned to the lvlortgagv(� Is furtlivr securitY for I I(, payinvilt of all hervb\. <br />'I'lie Nlortgagee shall hq�'(! 010 PoWer to III)point any agent or agents i may.desirt, for the purpose of qi-pai'ring said prem- <br />*ises; renting the sanle: collectin,� fit(- rents. revell.1les III(] income. and it may 16y ot it of sai(l ijjcojn(� all incurred in rent- <br />ihg and managing the sillile and of collecting the relitals theri,from. bafilllc(,� r(Irlillillil4f, if allY. Shall be :a'pplied toward fit(' <br />discharge of tho mortgage indebtedness. 'I'llis assignment is to terminate Ili( I e(!oIji(� ,,ill ;,,,(I void'upon relval 1, 0 <br />s f this mortgage. <br />