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'10 <br />Tht, \Io rtgagee may collect ;I "late charge" not to (,.�cvvd Five Cents (.5e) for each dollar ($1.00) of each total moisthk <br />i; I y I n t - I I f I n o ry I ha ti . 15 1 i iY_s i n I r re: I rs t i ) co v, - r I I i v extra vxpvnsv involvcd ill handling d0lil)(111VIlt 1CCOUlItS. <br />A I I pa n I eilts made under the provisions of this mortgage or the note h(Jeli.N. secured. whicl'i may he construed as <br />sliall not. ill Oft. aggiregate over iliv term thereof, exceed the rate that may no%%- he lawfully contracted for ill writilia. <br />. It k �furtiivr agrved that in (-a,,(, all ' v silit is hegull to foluclose this mortgage. tile Nlortgagee, its representatives or assigns. <br />shalt at oll�-e be 'entitled to the possession of said -premises. III([ upon application therefor, the court ill whicli such action shall <br />he brought or ,lily judge of stich court, cither in term time or vacation, is lierel�y authorized to appoint I receiver to take posses- <br />sion of said premises. or to collect the rents therefrom, ;ill([ to (to and perforni'such other act,, I,,, maY he required hy the order <br />(if the court making the appointment; .111(i Sai(I 'J\rjortgagor hereby wai\,es aliv 1�oticv of such application. and vprisents to.the ill)- <br />lloiritnient of a'ri.,eeiver upon the production of this' mor.tgage. without other evide'lice. <br />'I'lle shall I)e subrogated to all of the rights, privileges. priorities, and cquities of any lieliholder whose lien IlIlly <br />have been discharged from the proceeds of this loan. or bv afiv funds herehY paid or furnished bY the Nforlgiigee. <br />IT IS EXPRESSLY AGREEI) that if the Nlortgagor sliall sell, convdY or alienate siiid property, or ill ' v part.0 - wreof, <br />or any interest therein, or sliall be divested of Iii., fitle or any interest thervin ill aliv 111allner or way, whether or <br />involuntarilv, Wit liout written consent of the 'NIortgagee heing first had and obtained, ',Mortgagee shall have the right, at its option, <br />to declare lily in debtudnes,; or obligatiQns secured herehy, irrespective of the maturity date SI)0CifiVd ill Illy note (WidenCillf,' tile <br />same, immediately (tile and payable without notice, and said debt shall thereupon heconie ab�olute. If tho oWnership of the mort- <br />gaged property beconies %,(-st(ql in I person other than the Nfortgagor, the Nlortggageo may, wit hout notice to the Nlortgagor, (ieal <br />with such successor or successors in interest with reference to this mort-age and the debt liercl)v secured as with the Nilortga <br />I lior, . <br />and may forbear to SLIV or may extend time for -the payment of the clubt hereby secured without'dischargin.- or ill arly way affecting <br />tile Iiaj)ility of tile original Alort.�,agor hereunder or upon the debt secured. <br />In this instrument the singular includes tile plural and the Illasculine includes the ferililline and tile neliter and this ill- <br />s,trunlent, shall he binding upon tile undersigned. his heirs, persowil representatives. successors and assigns. <br />IIN� WITINESS W'HEIREOP, we have herounto set our hands and soal. the III(] Yv�ir first above wrilten. <br />I ri the presenCe o�f: 2 <br />Gua upe artinez <br />Rosie B. Martinez <br />STATE OF NEBRASI�A <br />Hall <br />_Co,IIIt.\. <br />Oil this ""IY of ... 1975. I�cforc rne'-.flie undersigllvd� I Notar,, I)ublic, in in(] for said <br />Colliltv <br />. persolialj�' ca -and...Rosie.,B...Plartinez.,...husband. and wife <br />Personally kno\v'il to nie to he the identical per.�ons who.,e names are affixed to tli.e above ill(] foregoing instrument. as mortga,,;ors, <br />and ("'Ich acknowledged said instrument to he his or lier voluntary let and (iced. <br />\Vitliess n1v hand and notarial seal at ...... ...... grand ... I.s land Web r a S ka .......... ......... ......... ....... ....... ... ...... <br />tile (late last above written. <br />"s L. Willits <br />MOTA'ZIAI. <br />.............. ...... <br />STATi- OF IJ!_fBf.'AS1',A Notary Public. <br />NIV Commission' expires ..... ............ ... .. October <br />STATE OF.. ......... <br />ss <br />. ..... ........ ...... j <br />Entere(I on ntimerical in(lex and filed for recor(I in the Register of Deeds Office of saicl. Comity the <br />....(lay and ......... 5. /.. minutes G? ... m'. <br />an(I recorde(I in Book .. ...... ��Y/- -_ o� N -Tort -ages at pa,,e aS Insti-timent No..6110_5`6,5� <br />. . . . ....... .. ........ ...... <br />Reg. of Deeds <br />BN.................. ............................................. r ........ Deputy <br />When recorded to be rettirried to the <br />FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN <br />LINCOLN OFFICES: <br />Phone 475-05211435-2111 <br />1235 "N" Street <br />135 No. Cotner Blvd. n, 70th and �'A" St. E] 2541 No. 111th Street <br />OMAHA OFFICES: <br />Phone 558-4323 <br />n 8706 Pacific St. <br />E] -2l,')l So. 42nd St. E] S205 No. 90th St. E] 10920 West Dodge R.d. <br />REGIONAL OFFICES: <br />E) 2120 First Ave., Kearney E].513 "E" Street, Fairbury E] 1433 "M" Street, Ord <br />Phone 234-2473 Phone 729-2202 Phone 728-3218 <br />n 1301 Main Ave., Crete <br />0 223 Box Butte Ave., Alliance n 1811 West 2nd St., Grand Island <br />Phone 826-4349 <br />Phone 762-2160 Phone 384-4433 <br />1974 rjnST FEDE AL SAVINGS AND LOAN <br />ASSOC I ATION OF LINCOLN. NEBRASKA <br />