53!/4 REAL. ESTATE MORTGAGE—Wlth Tax Clause
<br />The Huffman General Supply House, Lincoln, Nebr
<br />THAT Kathleen M. Hornbacher and Thomas L. Hornbac�er, wife and husband., each in her
<br />-and.his own right and as spouse of each other
<br />(.MortgagorB
<br />Hall Coin;ty,'wid State of, Nebraska hi co)isidcratioit of the simt of
<br />of
<br />Four Thousand and no/100 -DOLLARS
<br />i7i ha?td pai�,'do hereby �ELL wid COATVEY mito Flower -Evans Company
<br />(Mortgagee
<br />of Hall. Cowity, aizd State of Nebraska the followbig. described premiscs i
<br />1 situated hi Hall County, and State of Nebraska to -wit:
<br />Fractional Lot Two (2), in Block Three (3) of Arnold
<br />Place Addition to.the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and
<br />its complement, Fractional Lot Two (2), in Block Five (5),
<br />of Spaulding and Gregg's Addition to the City of.Grand
<br />I.sland, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />In case of -foreclosure, all expenses to be paid by the mortgagors including attorney's;
<br />T ees.
<br />The i7itoitiow bobig to convey hereby a;t absolute'litle i2i. fee simple incll(dbig all the rights of homestead aild dower.
<br />TO HAVE AND, TO HOLD the premises above described, with.all the appurteiiaiices therezotto belo2ignig
<br />-s wid assigiis, forevo-, provided always, mid these presews are lipon
<br />mito the said mortgagee mid to heii
<br />the express co'itditimi that if the aforesaid mortgagor S, heirs, execidors, administrators or assig7is shall
<br />pay or cause to'be paid to the said mortgagee their heirs, execittors, adviiiiistrators or assigiis, the sitm of
<br />Pour Thousand and no/100 Dollars, payable as follows, to -wit:
<br />Dollars o2t the day of , 19
<br />Dollars o;t the day of , rg
<br />According to note given Dollars oit the day of ig
<br />Dollars o7t the day of 19
<br />herewith
<br />Dollars oit the day of ig
<br />with hitcrest thereoit at 91 per coit per ammm, payable ammally all accordb;g to the teijor a7id effect
<br />of a certabt promisso�y ijote of said Kathleen M. Hornbacher and Thomas L. Hornbacher
<br />bearbig cve)t date with these presoits. mid shall pay all taxes a?id asscssmciits levied 7(pon said real estate, a7id all othe?
<br />Igage is giveit to s�ciire, befor thic
<br />taxes, levies ai;d assessmoits levied upon this mortgage or the iiotc which this ijzo) c
<br />same becomes dcli?tqiie7it, wid keep the buildhigs on said premises hisured for the sion of $ 20,000-00
<br />loss, if aity, payable to the said mortgagee, thot these presoits to be void, otherwise to be a)id remahi i?; full force.
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED (i) That if the said mortgagor shall fail to pay such taxes or procure slich
<br />hism-mice, the said mortgagee may pay sitch taxes mid proclire such hisurmice; mid the sum so adva?iced, with hiterest
<br />at per * -ce7it shall be paid by said mortgagor, a2id this mortgage shall sta)zd as security for the same. (2) That
<br />a failtire to pay' a7iy of said mo2icy, either prbicipal or hitcrest -whoi the same becomes diie, or a faillire to comply with
<br />any of the foregoijig. agreemews, shall 'caiise. the whole sion of vio2icy he'rebt secured to become dite wid collectible
<br />at wice at the optioii of the mortgagee.
<br />Sigized this 22 day ofOctober 1975
<br />In Presoice of .... ... .
<br />.... .... . .... i .................
<br />t1i 4W
<br />. ..... ......
<br />th ee
<br />...................................
<br />Thomas L. Hbrnbacher
<br />...................................
<br />.............. . ..... ................. .............................................................
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