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rN <br />Tho N11ortg."gee Tilay collect a "Inte charge" not to e.-xceod Five Cents (5c)' for vach doliar (SI.00) (if vtich tot,,11 Illoillit1%, <br />lm�lmvnt more thall 15 da.vs ill ar-rears to cover Ilw oxtnn (,xpvns�, illvof%,(.d ill laildling deiinquel . it accounts. <br />All JKI�'Illvllts IMIde lllldv� ill(- provisions of this mortgage or t1w note lerebY securvd. wl.iicli r1my be collst.rued as interest. <br />sll.'Ill llot. ill the aggregate over the term thereof. exceed tli('� rall� tII;It I'MY 110 V he'� lawfully Cmitractod for in writing. <br />It, is further agref-d tlI;II ill C;lse MIN' stlit is heglin to fori,close tllia� Illo the \Iortga.gv(-. its or assigns. <br />shall at once be entitled to the imssossioll 'of said premi.�v.,;. ;111(1 j1poll ,Ipplic ition therefor, the court ill whicill st I('.)I actioll Alall <br />Ili, brought or any judge of such ('ourt, either ill Ie ' rm tinio or vm-ation. is here )�, ;l1ithorized to appoint ,I receiveir- to take posses- <br />sioll of said premises. or to eollect Ili(, rents therefrom. and to (]I) and perform sueli other acts as mav he requir . ed hy tile order <br />of - the court making the jppoiIjtII�"vIIt; and said %lortgagor hereh�, waives any iotioe of stich application. alld vorlsolits to the op- <br />poijitment of I ree . pi ver uporl tlI0 I w0duction of thi.-mortgage. without odwr evi:l(.Il(�o. <br />Tile Nlortgagve shall be s�ibrogatcd to "H of tile rights, privilege,;. prior I i and 0(plitiv.; III any liellholdec , vAlose liell Imly <br />11:0'v heen discharged frorn the I�roceeds of this loall. or h%. any fillid's horch, pald or furtikhod Im, the �Iort­igee. <br />I F IS H.XPRESSLY AGRI"ED that if tfle Afortgagor s�lmll sell., coll". (;r alienate said property, or any. part thereof, <br />or any interest therein, or slinll hf� divested of Ili, tit](, or ill'terest fll'erein all� Illaliner or way, wiletlier olmitarilv or <br />involuntarily. without written of the Alortgmg�ee lu-ing fir,�t had 111(1 obi lined, Nlortgnet, shall have the right, at its option, <br />to declare any indebtednes., or oliligations secured liereh.v, irrespective of the (Intlirity date Specified ill ally lif ( )t6 . evidencing the <br />same, inimediatelv diiL. Izl(l 1);I�',Ihle without notice. and said deh:t sliall thervill oil becoille ah.�olllfv. If thi. I )wIlership of the mort- <br />ga - ged property becoille.1; Vested ij-� a person other flian the tile NIo \vithout notice to the INTortgagor, deal <br />'Nvilli such successor or siiucvssors.�n interest with referenc(� to th,is �lj (1-tflL. (Jej�t herelm- s(wured is witfi tho Alortgagor, <br />and may forbear to sue or jilay (,�%tvlld tilm, for t he payllient of ClIle debt. heroby see6red \vitliout discharg,ing, or Ili . any wav affecting <br />tile liability of the origilml '\1ortgligor lieretinder or upon the (1,1);t -;ccured. <br />In this ilistrimiclit the singular include—the phiral all."I the nizismilille iliHildes the fvfi�illillvallfl till, lietiter and <br />11 poll tho mider�igned. his heirs, person0l rvpresentati,-c.�. sijcct1.q.,,)r!4 and assign.". <br />IN '�VITNHISS NVIIHREOF, we have hereunto set (,Ilr ll�)Il<ls �,Irj(j <br />dav ;Ili([ vear firNt nhove �vrjttjqj. <br />Ili(, presence of:- <br />Stevem,,fv Schug <br />Barbaaa,E. Sc'hug <br />STATE OF NEHRASI�A <br />Hall <br />.. ..... coillit%. <br />Oil this ... . ..... . day of C_�-O, 19-75 before me, lie findvi-signeil, a Notary Public. ill and for said <br />("ounty, personally came ...... ... and., SchuE.,--husband. and..w:ffe ....... <br />1) , ersonally known. to Ine to he tile identical persons whose names are affixed to Qlelzlbove andjoregoing instrument. ;is morlgagor.�, <br />Ild each acknowledged said instrtiment to he his or her voluntary act and dev( <br />witness Ill <br />y hand alld notarial seal at ............ ........ P��431d., klebraska.... <br />. ... .. . ......... .. <br />III I o% 7 6, <br />AR I A L <br />-G'4G-Z L 401- <br />T _JE S <br />N't IT L. i tn g I <br />Q G IN G, Z A L 140TARIAL <br />STATE OF VEBRASKA ... if 0--i ... <br />.0� ot, <br />Y Public'. <br />00"WISSION EXPIRES <br />I 'i 97 <br />.., 3 1 <br />v corm Ii.qhPfiUQ;,lP79 ........... <br />STATE OF <br />Count%, .... .. ..... ........ . . <br />Entered on nume'ri.eal index apd filed for record in t lie Reg ste� of Deeds'Office of said County the <br />at ...... .. k <br />''of., 19./4� Oe" <br />and recorded in Book ... ......... .. of Mortgages af page.. .15 Instrument No..1a_S-;�)1__—< <br />. .. .......... <br />.................. <br />Reg. of Dee(js <br />By.. ................ . ........ ... ....... .......................... Deputy <br />When recorded to be returned to, fl�'e <br />FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSO IATION OF LINCOLN <br />LINCOLN OFFICES: . Phone 475-05211435-2111 <br />0 1235 "N" Street E) 135 No. Cotner Blvd. 70th and "A" St. 0 2541 No. 11th Street <br />OMAHA OFFICES: Phone 558-4323 <br />E] 8706 Pacific St. E] 2101 So. 42nd St. E] 3205 No. 90tl S . t. . E] 10920 West Dodpb <br />REGIONAL OFFICES: 2120 First Ave., Kearney n. 513 "E" Street, Fairbury Ej 1433 "M" Street, Ord <br />Phone 234-2473 Phone 729-2202 Phone 728-3218 <br />1301 Main Ave., Crete E] 223 Box Butte Ave., Alliance 1811 West 2nd St., Grand Island <br />-4349 <br />Phone,826 Phone 762-2160 Phone 384-4433 <br />F1nST rcocnAL SAVINGS AND LOAN <br />1974 ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN. FiElInASKA <br />