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C_174/1�z <br />w <br />THIS MORTGAGE IS ALSO:TO BE AND CONTINUE TO BE, FROM TIME 70 TIME, SECURITY FOR tHE PAYMENT OF SUCH <br />SUM OR SUMS OF MONEY AS THE MORTGAGEE MAY FROM TIME TO TIME IN I HE FUTURE ADVANCE TO THE MORTGAGOR, AND <br />EVIDENCED BY A SUPPLEMENTAL: NOTE OR NOTES, BUT TH� TOTAL INDEBTED LSS SECURED . BY THIS MORTIJAGE SHALL NOT <br />EXCEED ONE'HUNDRED TWENTY (120) PER CENT OF THE AMOUNT NOW OWING, EX&EPT-FOR AN . Y ADVANCES THAT MAY BE MADE <br />TO PROTECT THE SECURITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS MO ZTGAGE. <br />THE NIORTGAGOR FURTHER COVENANTS AND AGREES: <br />That the Nlortgagor will!pay the ill(lel)tedliess as herehibefore provided <br />That tit(-- Alortgagor is tile Owner of said property in fee simple and Ilas good rigilt'�alld lawful alifflor'.ity to sell allot <br />c0II%'('Y tile saille and that the same is free and clear of ,III,, lien or enctimbrance; an( I. Mortgagor will warrant and <br />title to ��Iid prenlis'es agailist, tll� clainis of all Itersons whoinsoover. lefend tile <br />To pay. initnediately %%,]ten dile and payable all general fax", sl)"cilll tWes, �I)ecial assessinents. w"iter charges, sewer serv- <br />ice charges. and offier taxes and ('1iarge.-; against said propertY, and all taxes le <br />-iginal or duplicate receipts therefor. 'I'll(. -N-lortgagor a!lrces fhat. there "411all I)(- added to <br />Afortga,gve. upon. request, with tile ol ('11 tile (lel)t K('ellreol 1101'01W. 'Ind 10 fLIrIIiSII tit(! <br />('aZ-11 111011tiliv 1).-vinent required 1�lerenndvr or un(k�r* tile evi(lelle'(.� (If (jej)t.,see <br />ur, of ailloillit, estinlated li)�, Ihe Mortgague <br />to be sufficiont to ellable tile NI(IrIgagee to pny'.as they beconle due. all ta."es. 'as:;( �SSIII("Ilt',- all(l L;i'llilar Charge'��.tu)on flit- prein- <br />ises subject tliereto;:any deficielicY hecause of,tile,insufficielicy of' such "I'ddition-11 plivillents III -Ill he forthwith 'dop'o";i1ed bv dw <br />1�'Iortg'agor with the Nfortgaguv upon d(qjl:Ijj(j �1)%, tile %jort"'agev. Ally default 11 Ill I V'r this parNizo-aph shall I nvol a defa . tilt ill <br />zl%es, assessinent.,4. or similar Chllr��(,, required 1wrepilder. <br />payllient of I, he dc� <br />The %lortgagor agrees that, tile,.(,. shall also b(. added to each Illolitilk, payinvilt oil' prilic <br />ilml and intert,st. required herv- <br />tinder ;Ili aniount, bY tilt* '\Iortgagee to he suffirient to vriahit, flit, i%lort,,"iple to 1my :is it J)(�' <br />i ! conles of III f .. tit(! insurance <br />prunuum oil Insurance policY'delivered to tile-Mort-agee. Any deficienev be(aus(I If <br />flit. insufficiencN, of sliell additi(-'rial jmy- <br />nivilts shall he Forthwith deposited I- the �%Iort,,agor with Ilie N14�,rtgagve upon d -maild 1) , v tli(� %I0I'tg1;Igt'1(,. AllY (olef"llilt undor this <br />par-agraph shall be (jveIjI(qI a defaulf in div 1);Iylll(-Il of inslll.;Illc�- )oli( <br />prenlitzill.�. If III(, 'Y or policies ire such ,is honw- <br />owners or all risk policies, ,Illd tile deposits are inSliffiCiOlit to im the (,ntiro ill-, mill Ili, t1w ; jo;;tg�lgue IllaY apilly. fill- depwiit lot <br />PaY 1) renli it Ins oil risks re(Iiiii-ed to bt, insured I)v thi., lllortgnge. <br />Ilavilwilts made bv ilw N� <br />lortgagor under the allove 4 .1leld bv it and <br />1) r; I,. s nia.\, at tll(,:ol)ti,)Il of tit(, Nfortgaget., If" <br />COM nli t It 'Other stich funds. or it.,; o%k 11 funds, for the p;iyni(�Ilt (If such until L;o ;ippli(:d, such pa�!nlenl-; are 11"rel-ov <br />plodged as securitY for Ili(, unpaif) of tile lliort."';1go iIId4+t(.dlIvSs. <br />To procure. deliver to. aiid Illaintaill for the belit-fit of HIH. \lortgnee (it ring: flit, life (of' filis mortgage ol-iijivil policies ;it % Id <br />rL-newals thereof, delivered at 10�1�1;t tell da ' vs befi,re. tile expiration of anY such I olict". atirl'other inslirahl'. <br />hazards. va-malties, and contingen'c,.ies ,, , Nfort"ageo nia� -11, am )unt equal to jile iIj(IpI)tp(IjI(s�j <br />. , . the .1 require, ill I secured by this <br />Nlortgage. and in companies ziccel;table to tit(, N�Iortgagce, with loss payablo claust ill f,111,f)r of and -in form accoptalilli, to tit(; <br />Ill the event, ally policy Is. mi wcd ()it (or befon, 1011 d;JVS (If its ill(- Nlort�,a!, procill. . (l inslirnlw(� ('11 ill(' <br />g. <br />nqu <br />t,co nla.% <br />improvements, pay the pronlillin 0wrefor. and such still, di;,11 jilinledi'lieF (Im. and jI;Iv,�'jhjv with at ill(- Note <br />forth ill ,;aid not(. until paid and _�hall Iw :41 -cured kY Iiii., Illorig;lge. Failure oil If p;irt of ill(! M:ortgagol- h, furt; ish such rerl(-wal�: <br />-I I <br />_�,ary herein required or faililre I(! 1-Y ;-Y sums advanced herolluder shall. at If t, or,')tioll of III(!-' '%1orIg;1gc(-, cop.'�tinjte a flefallit <br />under tile terins of this niort'-'age. The dolivery of such pdici,.�� ill the (-%'(-It <br />I of 11cfaillf, col.1slitilb. 1111 assi"Pl1w,111 (it ill(, lltl- <br />varned preni.itiol. <br />AnY sunis rect-ived bv ti�,w Nlorh. bv"rcasmi 'of loss or dmii;igo it' <br />gag �d: ln�ly he retailled ].I <br />�nd applied loward. the p�iynlellt­f tile debt horebY sectired, or. at Ill(' (1ptioll If tl�w Morig;tgce, such suill TI -I wholly or in <br />P'"'t 11111 1)(' Pa'(1 to tile MOFI�,­;,01- it) he Ilsed to repai'l- Such hililding.,; or o b6ild'now h1lildilu,, ill their. place or for any <br />other purpose or object satisfaoo�j-�' to the Nlorfgageo without affecting, the liell )It Hie Illort""'Ige for I , It(- fill! ani(li <br />tilt �4vvtjred hi -re <br />b.�. 1 -fore such I)ayllwnt ever took'place. <br />'['(I I , )rorilpll , v repair, reston- m- rebuild all ' v buildings oii� low!or lwr�..Ilfer oil ille prvnli�',�s N;vhicll 111,�v be- <br />conle dallinted or �lvstrov(-d: to kepp ,;;jid pi-f-olist,s' ill !"ood conditimi and repair not I rt,(, front ;1l ; 1%; Illecliallic's li(In 6r -other lien Or <br />claim of lien not exprc,�slv subordinated to tilt- lion hereof: not to illfl'(�r M <br />POI-Illit (If (or anY exist on <br />said propert% nor to permit wast(., (In sai(l p"(1111st's, I'()'- Io do ;IKIY other act .%%-It( rel) -y' ill,- properiv liereby conv(tved sivill J)(q-orjIe <br />lvs.,� valualfle. nor to diminish or in�pair its valilt. bY anY act or olllis:simi to act: to ( ollipiv with all' requironwnt,; ot' law' with r(�sjwct <br />tothe mortgaged premiws and tit(,' -v thereof <br />its <br />That should tilt- pronli iny part thereof be laken oi� daningf.(I I)%. ry tson�,of allY public improveinetil or condenniatimi <br />S, PS: or I <br />p�ocevding, or tifider the right of t�. Inillent donlain, or in'any othe' <br />r nwinner. the IN ortgagee shall ho ontitled to All coIll pe Il.'al iow;, <br />awards, and lily other payino!nt or: relief tht-refor. and shall be entitled. at its ()I)ti in. I o commence, appear in anil p'.osoctlt�� in iIs <br />o%�,n name ;Ili ' v action or provvvdio._­. or to make any conwrorriis(.- or settlement it ("olinection %%,itll such taking or damage. .%It such <br />compensation, award,;, daniages. right of action and proee(qJS ar,'� hereby -assign( d. t(; tilt- klortagvc, who Ilia 1 4, after deducling <br />therefrom all its expensus. release aw., 11 <br />loneys so recelved by it oi apply tit' - saille oil any indebtedness socured herel)N, The %lort- <br />gagor agrees <br />to eXPCIlte SUL-1i further assigninerits of an% conwenation, awards. of tniai, action and jo�roveofls-�Is the <br />ges. and right.,; of <br />Nlbrtgagee niaN: require. <br />That ill case of failure to I�vrlorni any of tit(! co%:enalits herein, the INIortga; ee Inay do oil the NIortgagor's:h'(_,Ijajf VVerVtIling <br />So covellanted; that tile INTorigagee'lllay list) (11) any act it I'MY de -11 liecessal-V to )ro6.-cf. t1w ht -o thercof; that tit(, will <br />r0PaY "Pon, denland 'Illy moneys paid or disbursed'by tit(, :\Iortgagev for of If e flli1(­e,InIrI)(?.qes. and stich moll('-ys together with <br />interest thereon at fill, rate provifled in said note S*11all beC01110 So Inklell a(litition 11 ill( . lebtedness, herobv sevure(IT and Inav he ill- <br />clivied in ,illy decree foruclosill, this mortgage iiarl Ile p,,jj(I ont of the rents or III )"C'Velds of sale:e!f said, pre'llise-; 'if ;not othurwise <br />paid:.that it Shall not be obli"'Ifol'Y lwon tit(, i0orig'agee'to inquire into tile vali( it.\ of 21- lien. encumbrances. ior clahn in ad - <br />'is above autliorizi�d, but nothi Ilw NIortg`aA;(,v to advance anv <br />varicing moneys ng herein oontained shall be constr tell as rell <br />m( ' ineys for ally such purpose nor to do any ;j(,I lierounder; and that '\IorIgag(*'e sim I �iiot inciii- aj6, personal liabiliiv bccnilst� of <br />thill, it imm (to or oinit to do lier(:Under. <br />In tile event of the defatill bY Nfortgagor in fill' payment of ally ill"tallril �Ilf. re(juired bY fit(- Note ,'!�cijrvd hi-reby. or <br />.ill -the performance of the obligation in this m6rtgage or in the note.secured tliervb , the Nlortgagee shall ho viltide.d . to, declare the <br />debt SeCUred hereby'due and payai* I I <br />lie With011t notice, and the Mortgagee sliall I)c ('11 itl('(l at itS 013tion, -ithout notice. (,iffier by itself, <br />,or by I receiver to be appointe(I fly fill! court thereof, and without regard to file ade(Illam, of anv:-,ecuritY for 01v indebtedness se- <br />CUred hereby, to enter upon and il'lke I)ossession (if the'niortgaged premises, an'd Q),Collect and receive the rents,,'issues and profits <br />thereof, an(( 11)1)ly fit(! ,.line. less 'costs of operation and collectio 11' it poll the ilid(Iltedness secured by this niontgage'*. said rents, <br />issues and profits I;eini: livrebY assi�ned to tit(! Iviortgagee e; f, -uritv r the payinelit of all indebtedness se6lrerl hereby. <br />irther sec fo <br />Tlit, INIortgagee shall have tile POWer to nPI-Int. any agent 'or agents it inay desire for tile purpose of reliairing said preni- <br />ises: , renting tit(! same: collecting !Iie rents, revenues 'and jaconle, an(I it rna.%, Pay olit. of said income all exiwilse.1 Incurred in rent- <br />ing in(] managing the sjille *Ill(] of colleciing the rentals therefrom. 'File balanci: remaining. if any—Shall he .11 1 )Olied toward tile <br />discharge of tile. mortgage ind0l'it6dae.�s. This ilSsignmellt is to terminate and bvc(�,n­ Inill and void upon rvleas6, of this . <br />mortgage. <br />1p <br />