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The iviortgagee nlay colleet �i "late chargv­ not to V\Ceed FiVe Cents C) for each dollar ($i.00) (of va'-I) jolai Illontlik. <br />payment more than 15 days in arrears to covvr Illv v\tra vNpense involved in Ill wiling delinquent a(Icollilts, <br />All payments Made tilider-the provisions (if this lllortgage� or the note li( reh� SOCtired,' wilicli inav 1)(, colls'rti <br />,.I led as interest. <br />shall not. in the nggregate over the' torm th0reof, exceed ill(, rate that may no%%. he lawfully, etntracted forin <br />It i.�; further' agreed that ii ('�Ise 211Y suit is begull to foreclose this mort"age: the %lortgagee. its . rvpre�;ent i atj - ves or assigns <br />shall at once he entitled to 0W lioSsessioll of said preillises. and.upoll applicat oil therefor, the Court in wiiielu �ljcjl I action sJ1,11) <br />be brought or ;lily judge of ql1cli C" <br />ourt. either in term time or vacittion. is liereb. authorized to appoint 'a receiveir to- take posses- <br />sioll of said premises, or to collect tilt, rents therefrom. and to (to and perform iny be required I)v the order <br />other aets as 11 <br />of -the court making the appointinelit; all(l ,;aid Mortgagor hvrebY:%val%,e,,; any nmtiee� of quell nPI)liVaIi( . ill. and col�l.�ents to the ap% <br />POintInVilt of a receiver upon the pro)(luction of fh'�s ill.ortgage. without other evidi,ncel <br />'I'll(- Alortgagee shall be sitbrogated to all'of the rights, privileges. prioriC(Is, and equities of ally lielillolder wlwse liell illm <br />haVe been discharged froin tilt' P�OCVV(IS of this. loan. or 11%. al)v 1unds 11, "ev. <br />VYVh% -Iaid� Or ftirni-shed bY the INfortgq"' <br />IT IS EXPRESSLY AGItEED that if tho- 1%lortga,_,or ,;hall "elf, convv� orialienate said property, or <br />anyipart thereof, <br />or any interest therein, or shall Ili, .(Ii�.,esteof of llis title or an.N interest therein ill 'Iny manner 'or wav, xvlivthi',r'%?oluntarilv or <br />involuntarily, Without writtep con.-;qnt of tilt, Afortgagee being first had and obtaille(f.,1 *Nlortgagve !S!mll have the ri;,,,Iit,. at its olition. <br />to. declare ally indeb,t6diiess or oblig:itions secim"(1 hereh , v, irrespective of the maturity Clate Sl)(Wil"10d in ally DO.tO evidencing the <br />sarne, inimediately due and payal)l(_� %%,itll()Ilt ' notice. -and Said flobt sliall thereupon ht:�colll(� :jj)soljljj,. If the owner�'liip of the niort- <br />gaged property beconlOS Vested in a 1)('17.1'011 other than tilt, Nlorlgilgor, the Alortmg('Jo Illav, withoilt notive to tlm� �Ti)rtgngor, deal <br />With such successor or successors ill interest with referenvo to this mortgage an(I J11(i <br />llervb�*, secured as wit;li the Nlortgagor, <br />aild may forbear to sue or ma% _xtend time for the jl�ayllleljt of the debt hereby s �,cur'ud witljolit (list -11 -gi or in ; ;lily iv affecting <br />y <br />Nifortgagor liereiiiider or upon the dobf­.�vcilred. <br />thp liability of the original <br />Ill this instrument tile �illgkllar iflChides jile plural and the 111,,isetilille inelildes tll(.' fV111illine and I It(, lio�-ulilr and thi�4 in- <br />sti.:1111lent shall be binding upon the'undersignt,d, his lwirs,, jwrsowil ropresentativ, s, successors :1116 as,ign". <br />IN �VITNESS NVHERE�OF, We have livrouni: <br />(I sof otir hands and soal. I(., (I I ;,.N and Year first above written: <br />Iri,�tllv presence of: <br />Alan L. we <br />....... .... ... <br />Rebei2ca Gruwe I I <br />STATE OF NEBR�SI�A <br />Hal I <br />Oil :6 f ---- f 19-75. before nie. th q Notary I'llbli :in and 'for said <br />el <br />C(!ounty, personally came ....... Alan... L....Grdwell. . and..Reb e coca R. rGr-.u1iwTe' 1.,,: husband: and ..wife.... <br />i)ersonally known to me to be the identical 1)ersons whose narnes are affixe(l to Ilia al)ove and foregoing instrument, a mortgagors, <br />and vach acknowledged said instrument to he his -or-her voluritar,., :let and deed. <br />ItVitness my handand notarial seal at ......... .......... Gra.n.d­1sland,,,.X0 aska <br />the (late last above written. <br />t�:O TARIAL <br />8T, IA <br />L <br />8TATE OF U1-BFeASi',A ............ ....... ........... <br />Notary Public. <br />Nlv commission expires ......................... ... Oct0bor 10', 197S <br />STATE 0 F... <br />... ...................... <br />Count,,, ...... . <br />Unitered on ninnerical index and filed for record in the Regis r o, ceds 01' e of said dounty the <br />of... k 11 d ..... Ininutes <br />...Aa3 19./��, at ..... C>�:..O'Clo� a <br />and re�orded in Book ... ....... o f NI.ortgages,: j, as histninient <br />- — - -------_-- <br />................. <br />Reg. of Deeds' <br />By ............. ...... ...... ................ .... Deptity <br />. ......... ....... <br />When recorded returned to the� <br />FIRST FE1jERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOC ATION OF: LINCOLN <br />LINCOLN OFFICES::. Phone 475-05211435-2111 <br />E] 1235 "No' Street,:. F-1 135 No. Cotner Blvd. Ej 70th and "A" St. E] 2541 No. 11th Strbet <br />OMAHA OFFICES: -.Phone 558-4323 <br />n 8706 Pacific St. E] 2101 So. 42nd'St. 3205'No. 90th t. Ej 10920 West Dodg� . Rd. <br />REGIONAL OFFICES- E3 2120 First Ave., Kearney E].513 "E' Street, Fairbury 1433 "M" Street, Qrd <br />Ph <br />Phone 234-2473 Phone 729-220 one 728-3218 <br />E] 1301 Main Ave., Crete E] 223 Box Butte Ave., Alliance Ej 1811 West 2nd St., Grand Island <br />Phone 826-4349': Phone 762-2160 Phone 384-44j3 <br />1974 - FIRST FCDCRAL SAVINGS AND LOAN <br />ASSOCIATIPP4 OF LINCOU i. U)MRASKA <br />